Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Bring back the MOJO

what's mojo anyways???? Doesn't it mean the thrill in your sex life??? well don't get me wrong we've got it but we just don't get it much anymore due to our crazy life.

1.) I've really got to spice up things a bit... I just filled out the little questionaire that I sent all of you (well you got it if i have your email address)... i put that i would buy underwear... is that sad or what! my underwear is the walmart special that you can buy 6 in a pack for $4! Most of them are made all wrong and never really fit the right way. I think I need to invest in some sexy under garments.

2.) I saw on Oparah (don't laugh) that if your bedroom is clean and nice then your sex life is really good. so i've got to make our bedroom more relaxing... any suggestions... other than just cleaning it :)

3.) My husband does not have what he purchased... i've gained weight! I don't even recogonize the person in the mirror! I'm going to start walking and I've got to follow through with it!

Any other suggestions on 'How To Bring Back the Mojo'... all comments welcomed but keep them clean ;)


Jamie said...

Okay, Nicole... I have some of the same problems. I try so hard, but since our computer and office area is also in our bedroom, it is easy to let it get cluttered. So here is what I do. 1- I make sure to put clothes away when they are folded (or else they sit in my room in baskets for days or weeks). 2- I made sure there are candles strategically placed in our room, and something to light them. 3- I find lingerie at JC Penney on the clearance racks every now and then for $12 or under. 4- Hank and I have recently started playing card games and making bets on who wins. This is fun!!! And we play early in the evening, so that we are looking forward to what is to come!

Anonymous said...

Actually "mojo" is a magic charm or magic spell like for voodoo or "hoodoo". It can also refer to personal charm. Like "I got my mojo rising" - The Doors. Well, I have a pretty neat bedroom most of the time. I keep candles in my room and a nice, soft incense. stereo for music. Tommy & I used to make bets when we shot pool. Then it was whoever won's choice of "game" when we got home. I sued to have a pair of "sex dice" You roll the dice and do what it says -kiss here or there, hug, massage... I don't know whatever happened to those!

Vickie said...

Heck, don't just keep it in the bedroom. There's other places to have fun.

prftpeace said...


1. I love the new look

2. P-l-e-a-s-e-e-e-e-e, make the font larger!!! It's toooo small for us older, visually impaired, people to read!!