Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Your Favorites

What is your favorite TV shows??? Do you have TV schedule?

I'm pretty addicted to the Real World and the challenges they have with Road Rules.
I also like CSI: Las Vegas... I'll watch the others but I don't like them near as much as I like LV. Nick is a cutie :)
I usually watch Days of Our Lives but haven't in weeks!!!
I like Made on MTV but I don't watch it on a regular basis.
I love the celebrity junk on VH1... surreal life... hogan's way (?)... and fit club!!!
Survivor... although its on Thursday and I'm at CR... i tried to tape it last season... we need TVO
Meet the Barkers
The newlyweds (no more)

Shows I wished I would have watched (you can't start in the middle b/c you miss all the important stuff)

Amazing Race (maybe this season)
Beauty and the Geek (i watched some of this at cori's and its funny)
um... can't think of anymore


~Crystal~ said...

Girl, my TV schedule is way to long of a list. I do watch everything you listed, except CSI & DAYS.
You should def, start watching those that you wished you had watched they are all good.

Vickie said...

I LOVE to watch TV. I couldn't begin to list all of mine. To narrow it down, almost all Reality TV, Movies, Cosby, anything medical, Food Network, HGTV and General Hospital. Oh, and sometimes Oprah.

Anonymous said...

I'm not addicted to too much. I do watch Medium, Crossing Jordan, Desperate Housewive. I used to like Watching the Tuttles bike show on Discovery. Now since I found out what jerks they are dealing with people who buy their bikes - I won't watch them anymore. I like the Jesse James chopper show and biker buildoff. I used to like 7th Heaven - but I am over that. Now that Bo has been signed for a sitcom - I will tune into that when it starts!! (even if he did get married)

Jamie said...

Amazing Race just started, Nicole... so jump on in, the water is fine. I watch Medium, and it is something you can just start watching. It's a new story line every week mostly.
I like Big Brother, Medium, Amazing Race, American Idol, Lost, Alias. That's about it.

native-nc said...

Summer is great b/c I have been watching LOST & beauty & the geek, big brother etc. I like americal idol, CSI LV, punked & a lot of other stuff I shouldn't. IN the fall my FAV. is fox's 24. EMMMM...TNT/TBS has a good one right now- THE CLOSER can't remeber which network. Also am a big fan of law & order: Criminal intent, Crossing Jordan & America's Next Top Model. Anyone watching into the West??? It's on weekends. Survivor is also one of my favs! There's lots more, too much to mention, it's kind of sad that I have so much time on my hands. Guess I have to use it to my advantage!