Thursday, July 28, 2005

Big Girls Love to EAT

Does anyone else struggle with eating when you're not hungry? I've been eating at night a lot lately... sometimes b/c i'm hungry... sometimes b/c i think about eating something that taste good... sometimes b/c i'm bored. I really need to stop! Please don't laugh but i'm sooo afraid i'm going to get bigger but i'm not doing anything about it!!!!

My husband would love no matter what i looked like but I AM THE ONE that doesn't want to get any bigger. When I think of what I look like... I imagine the old skinner me... and when I see myself in the mirror or pics of me... then i think WHOA GIRL!!! What happened!!?? This is a serious issues with me... please pray that I find motivation to prevent instead of guilt after the damage has been done.


~Crystal~ said...

I feel your pain, girl.

Jamie said...

I'll pray for you, if you pray for me! Since fresh fruit is in season and so good right now... that's what I try to go to if I feel like snacking and I just can't curb it!

Anonymous said...

Fresh fruit like peaches and strawberries, raspberries or blueberries and the no-fat whip cream is my "treat" when I am craving sweets in the summer. I even passed up wedding shower cake at work yesterday! After getting measured for a briedesmaid's dress and being told I basically need a tent - I gotta do something!

clew said...

I'm totally with you. I'm mostly a stress eater. In march my grandmother died, followed by the family dog and my best friend. My son bacame so ill we almost had to hospitalize him. Then my brother and his wife separated and my boss (who is like my 2nd dad) was diagnosed with cancer. I've gained 14 pounds since March.

ARGH!!! Maybe I should start smoking again!?!?!?

Anonymous said...

Take honey in hot water (add nothing else) for one week, see how slim you will be.

Good wishes,

prftpeace said...

Get several LARGE copies of your favorite "skinny" pictures.

Got them??? put them on the refrigerator, the pantry, beside the computer, any where and everywhere you are when you think about food.

Next....ask God for HIS strength to resist.....and tell Satan to "get thee behind me" everytime that desire to eat when you are not hungry hits you.

(oh--and all the other suggestions are good, too!)

native-nc said...

OK I saw this one commercial where the wife had put all kind of pic & funny sayings reminding her husband why he shouldn't eat those foods. It made me laugh but I thought it really wasn't a bad idea. I'm a munch freak too. I like to eat anything crunchy or chocolate. Not a good addiction.! I understand your pain!