Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Terrific Tuesday

I'm thinking positive!

So Far So Good :) My kids are watching Bolt for the 2nd time. They love it. I haven't sat down to watch it with them... I've caught bits and pieces and its cute. They're going to freak out when I have to send it back to Netflix :(

Matthew worked late yesterday... he worked at his regular job 10 hours and then left and went to a side job for a few hours. He's sooooo tired! I feel bad for him. He's working Saturday too! Saturday night we have a sports banquet to attend for Jessica. Maybe Sunday he can relax!

I have to turn in my English paper tonight. I've got a few things left to fix on it and its done! I don't have anything important until the 7th... both finals. I guess I could skip a few classes until then. Summer classes start up the first week in June. June is going to be a very busy month!!

Darcy keeps asking if we can go to the beach... doesn't look like its going to happen this year.

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