Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Its complicated!

Maybe if I talk it out here then someone here can help me figure it all out! LOL

Here's my situation. I have a pell grant that pays for my schooling. I've been told that there's more funds/scholarships out there but I can't find them. And the ones I've found don't apply to me... sorry but if I'm not single, black or dirt poor no one wants to help. I'm not saying I deserve help but if other's are getting help then I'd like to get some too!

I had said that I was going to get a job to pay for the boys tuition and go to school full time. But what I didn't realize is... if I get a job then I'm going to lose my pell grant! Whatever job I got wouldn't pay me enough to put myself through school and pay the kids tuition. I'm in a catch 22 here. Any suggestions?


Jen said...

I had this problem too. The extra money is out there for people who have 4.0's and for those that LIE about their income!!!! All I qualified for was a pell grant, and that was only for one year. I would suggest getting a job where you didn't get a real paycheck... maybe cleaning a house or watching kids.....

dana said...

My sister in law is really good with that stuff, knows tons about all kinds of grants. I will try to get her help for ya.

Amanda said...

talk to your financial aid office at your school. they can tell you where to find all kinds of scholarships and such. kids at the college i work at get grants and scholarships for all kinds of silly stuff. i even saw one kid that got a $4000 scholarship just because he wore glasses. the money is out there, the trick is knowing where to look. your school wants you to go there so they should be willing to help you locate the funds to attend.