Monday, April 06, 2009

New Look

I decided to give my blog a new look for Easter. This Easter weekend is going to be different than any other. We're having a Surprise 60th b'day party for my dad. He hasn't got a clue!!! The weekend is going to be very busy. I'm hoping to paint eggs on Saturday afternoon. Sunday we're having our family over to have lunch, hide eggs and play volleyball. But our activities will have to wind down quick b/c my cousin decided to have a b'day party for my grandmother at 4pm. Her birthday is Monday. She'll be 88. I'd rather NOT have to celebrate her birthday on Easter b/c we have our own family traditions... but they insisted. Oh well. We'll make the most of it!

Hopefully we'll make it to church on Easter... last year someone was sick. I think the year before we missed too. Now that Matthew is playing in the worship band he'll have to go. We all have really cute outfits too so I'm hoping everyone is well!

Darcy is home today... she ran a fever all night long but seems better now.

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