Saturday, June 02, 2007

The Road to Recovery

My back is MUCH better today. I'm still nervous about picking up the little ones but I feel fine. I was able to sleep upstairs in my bed last night.... well I left it in the middle of the night b/c Darcy came to our bed.... and b/c Jacob kept waking up A L L night long so finally I went and laid down with him in Darcy bed. He snuggled right up to me... it was sooooo sweet!

Jeremiah's eyes are clear for the first time since the tuesday before last! I hope it doesn't take as long for Jacob's eyes to clear up. He has just gotten to the worst part of it but hopefully since they changed their medicine it will clear up quicker! Jeremiah and Darcy both have a really bad diaper rash. I think its b/c of all the medicine and pooping.

Other than the diaper rash, Darcy is doing fine.

Jessica still runs an occassional fever but I think she's getting over it.

I'm still coughing but thats about it.

Matthew made french toast for breakfast... i'm sorry ladies that you didn't marry the BEST MAN IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD!

I'm hoping to buzz the boys heads today. One day I put their hair in ponytails on top of their heads and they looked like little girls! They're hair is soooooo long!


Jamie said...

We definitely want to see cute pics of those cuties with shaved heads!! I'm glad everyone seems to be pretty much on the upswing!

Anonymous said...

are you gonna let matt give em' mohawks?

Anonymous said...

wait that was me!

Staci said...

I want to see pictures too! Chloe still doesn't have enough hair for a pony.