Monday, June 25, 2007

My Big Girl

Darcy has been using the potty for the last 4 days. She hasn't been doing all of her business in the potty but she's used it off and on. Today she used it all but once! I'm really proud of her. She started to potty train herself when she was 13 months old... no lie but it was short lived with the twins arriving and us moving several times. I decided that I wouldn't push it but instead wait for her to show interest. Well these last few days she's let me know when she has to tee tee.

Tonight we were calling family members to tell them of the excitment. Aunt Nae (my sister) told Darcy she was going to bring her a surprise for using the potty like a big girl... well thats all we've heard about since then! In fact, when Darcy called Matt's parents to tell them she asked if they were going to give her a surprise too! LOL she said "you give me surprise?" it was really funny. Anyways... she's done so good today but I put her to bed with a diaper on just in case.

I bet having 2 in diapers will be a lot cheaper than having 3 in diapers!!!! As of now we go through a case of diapers a week!


Staci said...

Great Job Darcy Bug!

Gretchen said...

Congrats to Darcy.