Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Can you believe this!?!

Monday night Matthew and I had just finished watching Fox 6 News at 9pm. We got in the bed and had been laying there talking for a while when the phone rang. At first I thought it was one of Jessica's friends but it wasn't... it was a telemarketer!!!! Of course I couldn't understand him completely b/c he was from overseas but I managed to get the point across to him that we weren't interested and that it was against the law to call after 9pm! I told him to not call back again.

LAST NIGHT.... yep... at the same time he called again!!!!! I wasn't as friendly.

Today I've filled out a complaint with the FCC. If he calls again tonight I'm going to get his name and the phone number... I don't have caller Id and *57 didn't work. I know the name of the company but I really need to get his name and the number.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have had a constant problem with telemarketers for time share property. My sister owns a itme share and somehow the company she bought hers through confused my number with hers and has been selling it off. I contacted that company and told them to remove the incorrect number from the file and cease selling my number immediately. I also advised them I would file a complaint against them the next call I got regarding a timeshare. Another company was aclling me once a week regaridng "my" timeshare base on the call list the bought. Each time I called them back and told them to remove me from the ir call list. The last time I advised them I had a log of all their calls and when I advised to remove me and I would file a complaint agianst them the next call I received from them. So far (knock on wood) I have not gotten a call again. Did you regiter your number on the "do not call" registry? I don't know how mcuh that actually helps.