Wednesday, May 02, 2007


I'm doing a wednesday night study at my church called Becoming a Woman of Purpose by Cynthia Heald.

I really wanted to get involved in some sort of woman's group and I thought this one sounded good. Sometimes in my new job role I feel like I don't have a purpose but really I know I do... its just not what the world sometimes see it as.... which is somewhat funny to me. There's those woman who push for equal rights and all the crap but at the same time they wanna be stay at home mommies when its time to have children.

--- Anyways I don't wanna get off on that subject. What I was going to say about my new bible study is this... I have a hard time being put on the spot about 'what I think a verse means' and what makes it more frustrating is when you're told to read ONE verse and write what it means to you. It doesn't always mean something to me and I don't think it should be taken out of its story and forced to mean something. I think you should read the whole chapter/section/story/whatever and then piece it together and find the meaning. This little workbook we go by has several verses to look up and write down the meaning and half of them i've left blank! geez.


Staci said...

I get really upset with the whole WOMEN'S ROLE in life and our PURPOSE too. I told Chris the other day that it really stinks being a women sometimes. Our bodies are made to have children while we are young and so if you go to college and get a career you put off having children for many years because you are a "working" woman- then when the time comes to bear your children people criticize you for having children and being old- or you can't quit work because of the money you owe from living they high life from having a job. But if you don't get a degree and you stay home with your kids and they all go to school and you want to pick up a part time job no one will hire you because you don't have that degree. It makes me mad. I hope to work on my degree eventually- its been a pipe dream since 2004. I've enrolled into 2 schools and almost had everything ready to go when the world around me crashed in and I couldn't go. I hope that once my kids are in school I can get a part time job and make some money for our family- or even a full time job. Guys on the other hand are okay with going to school after highschool and getting that degree and climbing the work ladder each year and nothing hinders them at all. If we have a baby then people look down on us for wanting to work or wanting to stay home. GRRR...

I'm caught tin the middle, because I am not a stay at home mom or a working mom. I do both. They asked me that yesterday at the doctors office, if I work or stay at home.... I just said "umm both!?" Really all they wanted to know is if Chloe was in Daycare- why couldn't they just ask me that! Oh well. We don't have any moms at our church that are stay at home moms.... its strange.

dana said...

what bothers me is when anyone asks (over the phone or in person) like when you are filling out paperwork, if you work... I always answer "yes, but I don't get paid for it" cuz I think being a stay at home mom is harder than any other job I've ever had, but I wouldn't want it any other way.

native-nc said...

I've done that bible study before too. There were some parts that I left blank & other parts that I had more to say. I think that's pretty normal.

On the mommy issue- people are so strange to think that being a mommy isn't a 'real' job. Whether you are a SAHM or not; mothering NEVER stops.