Friday, May 18, 2007

Long Distance

My phone company really stinks! From the time we moved here in July of last year up until this past March every phone call I made was long distance. But in the middle of March that all changed... or so I thought. One day out of the blue I didn't have to dial 1 plus the area code to call Shelby County. I called to find out what happened but no one could explain why it was different all the sudden.... until this past week. I've always had to call the phone company every month b/c something is always wrong with my bill. Finally this month I was able to find out exactly what happened in March. The guy that I spoke to in March gave me an 'optional local calling plan' which meant he changed it without my authorization and didn't tell me he changed it. Basically it would have been great if I was making calls SOUTH of here but considering I was making calls NORTH those areas weren't included. I was actually being charged MORE money than before but it wasn't showing up under my long distance charges but in some other area that really didn't make sense. I've got it all straightened out now and was credited those extra charges. But its back to all calls being long distance. So if you don't hear from me anymore than you know why.


~Crystal~ said...

Oh no! At least you got it straightened out. I hate having to deal with that kind of stuff.

Jamie said...

My parents went through that a little with area calling adventures! No fun!