Monday, September 12, 2005

Weekend Review and More

Friday night I made cubed steak, green bean cassarole and mac n cheese. We watched the concert for the hurricane relief. After that we watched Dateline... it was soooo sad. Jessica stayed with my mom... they went to the Auburn game Saturday morning. Sometime around 11:15pm I started feeling a little icky.... I puked!!!! Now for the details.... It hurt! I flushed 3 times and it was splashing back up in my face! I must have been in a hurry while I ate b/c I didn't chew things up very good :) It was horrible! Some people say it will go away soon but with Darcy I was sick all the way up until the day she was born! No lie... I puked in the shower the morning she was induced and had to call my mom to clean it up before i got home :) Some of my friends went throughout the whole pregnancy without puking... must be nice!

Saturday matthew had to work :( Darcy and I just hung out around the house... we had surprise visitors... Tommy, Kelly and Will Staggs stopped by for a little while. Matthew got home around 2pm. We had gotten an invite to hang out at the Underwoods later that night. We spent the rest of the afternoon being lazy. Around 6pm we headed over to the Underwood's. Another couple from our church was there too. We had Shishcobobs ( I spelt it like it sounds!!). It was yummy!

Sunday morning we made it to church!!!!!!!!!!!! Whooo Hoooo! After church Matt took the girls with him because I had to go to Aimee Underwood's baby shower. After the baby shower I came home and crashed! I woke up around 6pm. We ended up eating dinner at 8pm... bad mommy! We had grilled chicken, grilled corn on the cob and boiled shrimp. We haven't ate that late in a really long time.

Tomorrow SEPTEMBER 13TH, is our two year anniversary. It feels longer than that... I guess its b/c we've been together for 5 years this march. We spent our honeymoon in New Orleans. We would love to go back one year but its not going to be this year :( Instead, in honor of New Orleans we're going to eat at Cajun Steamers at Patton Creek.

Tomorrow is also Jessica's first game and we're going to miss it :( She told us not to worry she wasn't upset... she's such a sweet girl. Matt's parents are going to watch Darcy. My parents are going to Jessica's game.

Also this week.... On Thursday I will be in court with Jessica's dad. Please Please Please be praying that it goes smoothly. He seems to bring out the absolute worst in me. I'm so worried that he's going to be very difficult in this process. In the beginning I had told Matthew that I didn't need him to be there... but I told him last night I would like it if he were there. He's going to try and get off. If he's not there I will not have ANY family there to support me. As of today I have Lisa (Celebrate Recovery) coming with me. I've asked my pastor to be there and he's trying to work it out. I need someone level headed to be there to keep me calm and not get wrapped up in the drama... I'm afraid Lisa and I would just feed off of each other :)

Well I'd better go do something productive while Darcy is taking her nap.


Staci said...

Wow Nic, I will be praying for your court appointment. He may bring out the worse in you, but the Lord will bring out the best in you! Depend on him, and if you need prayer, then give me a call- I can't be there, but I can pray!!! Love ya- Have a good time celebrating your anniversary!

Vickie said...

I know how nerve racking it is to go to court with an ex. My thoughts and prayers will be with you even though I'll be having surgery that day.

Vickie said...

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!! 2 years and 3 babies, not bad!!