Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Labor Day & More

Lets see... nothing really exciting happened this weekend. Matt worked Saturday. Sunday we missed church (Matt's not allowed to set his alarm anymore). Monday my parents came over and we grilled out. We had hotdogs (with all the fixins), potatoe salad, cole slaw and baked beans. Afterwards we played spades until 7pm. My mom and I won :)

Tomorrow we have to go to brookwood for an ultrasound. I'm so excited about seeing the babies... normally you have one ultrasound and its way down the road.... but with twins i'll have them more often.

Darcy has been really fussy today. She had 3 poop diapers before lunch time!!!!! I don't think its a bug... probably just teething. She's got 2 teeth that have broken through the gums.

I didn't make it to the commissioning service. We ended up visiting with the brocks. I made omelets for them... oriental style :) And they liked them!!!!!!

Well its time to put Darcy down for a nap.... what did you do for Labor Day????

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, I went to a movie, went to get some stuff at the craft sotre. Made one of those no-sew baby blankets for an upcoming shower at the office ad started putting together a recipe book that I could insert recipies torn out of magazines in rather than write them all into my recipe book. Oh - I also wrapped the gag gift for my sister's bridals hower. That was the whole day just about!