Monday, September 12, 2005

Soup, Pickles and Ice Cream

That was my dinner! We ate at Matt's parents house. We had veggie soup... i know i know... its a little hot for it... thats why we finished it off with ice cream! And I had a few... okay okay FIVE... pickles in between.

We visited for a while afterwards. I guess I've gotta get used to being over there 24/7... thats right 24/7! We're moving in! Yep... I know you think i've lost my mind but really we've prayed about it. We're selling our house... cross your fingers.. and moving into their basement until we can pay off some debt. We have a plan and we're going to stick by it. We bought our house from a bank (it was foreclosed) so we saved a lot of $$$... we're hoping to make some money off of it and use it as a down payment for our next house (after the twins are here)... in the mean time the house payments we would be making will pay off 4 credit cards. We're also hoping to double up on my explorer payments to get that paid off sooner. We definitely have a plan.


Vickie said...

WOW!! I'm proud of you. I know that will be a BIG sacrifice, but you'll be happier after you get financially straightened out.

native-nc said...

Praying for ya sister!!!!

Staci said...

As long as you have a plan!

Staci said...

You can do anything!
Luke 1:37- For with God nothing will be Impossible!

~Crystal~ said...

You are crazy!!! Oh My...Oh My..... I'm in shock.
Ditto what Staci said! :)

Jamie said...

That is so funny. Tonnie and her husband are in the process of doing the same thing... except after they get rid of debt, they are going to build a house after they sell theirs and while they are living in my parent's basement.

Staci said...

By the way, you grossed me out when I read that you ate Pickles with Ice cream. That is so nasty, makes me want to hurl just reading it.

Nicole said...

Let me clear that up... I didn't eat ice cream WITH pickles... just over the course of my visit I had all of that... but not together... thats gross!

native-nc said...

Happy Anniversary!!!!!!

~Crystal~ said...

Happy Anniversary 2 you & Matt!!!!