Tuesday, September 06, 2005


I called Kelly and got all the info about the family next door. She said that so far they have toiletries but need things like food, clothes and school supplies. They also are bored so if you have any ideas about what to do with 15 people in one house... that'd be great! The thing to point out is... these people did evacuate BEFORE the storm... they are not getting the help that the 'refugees' are getting.

Female - 62 yrs - pant size 12 shirt Med - shoe 7.5
Male - 16 yrs - pant 34x26 shirt Large
Male - 20 - pant 36x38 shirt 3X or 4X
Female - 61 - pant 22 shirt 22
Female - 13 - pant 18 shirt XL
Male - 30 - pant 34x36 shirt XL
Female - 45 - pant 16 shirt XL
Female - 40 - pant 20 shirt 2x
Female - 28 - pant 8 shirt M
Male - 5 - pant 7 shirt 7
Male - 45 - pant 34x33 1X
Female - 6months - size 6 month diaper size 3 (pampers) Formula Similac Advance

Clean out your closets!!!!!

Gift cards are welcome... Food gift ceritificates are great! Keep in mind that the host family's cost of living has gone up with 12 new people in their house... power, water, grocery... all those things have gone thru the roof!

I don't have a problem delivering the stuff to them if needed.

1 comment:

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