Wednesday, September 14, 2005


I'm supposed to be getting my house ready for the realtor to come over on friday... tomorrow I will be in court so today is the only day I have to clean. I lack serious motivation and energy. I need someone over here with a bull horn. I have to move things outta my house in order to show off the room. We've got tooo much stuff in some rooms and it makes it look small. matt's parents are supposed to be clearing out their basement but i'm not sure how well thats going. We really need to take some stuff over there asap! Hopefully this weekend we can move a bunch of junk.

ps... jessica wasn't upset that no one was there... i think she was more worried that something had happened. She ended up spending the night with my parents b/c they got in so late and she was already asleep.

pps... do you guys remember heather posting on her blog about the adult store i took her to? Well her dad confessed to her last night that he had been reading her blog and had gone that far back but had to stop reading when he came to that... she was really embarrassed but i thought it was funny :)

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