Thursday, September 29, 2005

My Day

We had another showing this morning at 11am. I got up and tried to straighten up then crystal called and invited us to hang out while the house was being shown. We ended up staying there until 1:30 or so. I felt kinda bad... like i'd outstayed my welcome... did your momma ever say that to you when you were little... she's got me paranoid now!

Last night we watched the longest yard and robots... i really liked the longest yard... robots was okay. now i wanna see monster in law :)

Tonight I have Celebrate Recovery... not looking forward to going... only b/c i'm so tired and i really just want to hang out with my hubby. Oh well!

I was supposed to go to Her Choice (in b'ham) for a 3D ultrasound... my sister in law volunteers there and they've never done a 3D US on twins. It was going to be free. I ended rescheduling it b/c my mother in law (who i'm not sure how she ended up going with me) was sick. I really didn't need (or want)to go with me... i just needed someone to watch Darcy. It's something I'd rather have my husband there for... ya know. Anyways... we're going to reschedule for another day.. maybe he can go... if not then my mom said she'd go... its different when its 'your' mom. does that make sense? oh well.


~Crystal~ said...

Girl! I can't believe you felt like you outstayed your welcome! I honestly thought you would stay longer & I was going to feed you lunch. I have NEVER heard anyone say that they felt that way about my house before. Hhhmmm...Did I do something? :(

Nicole said...

nope my mom is responsible. She used to say that to me all the time when i'd go to a friends house.

Vickie said...

Tell yo' Momma to hush. When we get tired of you we will tell you.

Jamie said...

Hey, I heard Bryant and Darcy are quite a pair!