Tuesday, September 27, 2005

my last 24 hours

well we had a showing yesterday, a showing this morning and one this evening. The one this morning was scheduled for 9am so we spent the night at the brocks last night. I figured it would be hard for me to straighten up and get darcy up that early.... BIG MISTAKE!!!!!! Well the four of us slept in one room b/c thats all thats ready... i know i know... nobody is in a big hurry to get us moved in! We started out with Jessica and me in the bed... matt was on the floor with Darcy. She thought it was great that we were all in there :) After we finally managed to get her to realize we were going to sleep not playing she was fine.... then BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! It woke me up... I had just fallen asleep... and may i add that falling asleep is a task for me b/c my mind will not shut down! At first I didn't realized what the loud BOOM was... then it hit me... my crazy mother in law was packing up books and stacking the boxes in the hall way!!!!!!!!!!! OMG.. I looked at the clock a couple of times... i remember one time it was 11pm! Everytime I would drift off to sleep BOOM! I had to talk myself out of going upstairs... it would have been ugly b/c i was not a happy campier! Not to mention the floors squeak like crazy so i could hear every stinkin step!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! At some point in the night Darcy woke up screaming... we tried to rubbing her back but it didn't help... then we realized she was soakin wet! That girl can fill a diaper! so we were changing diapers and clothes in the wee hours off the morning... and the evil part of me was hoping that we woke up mrs. b :) Around 4:30 am Matt's alarm clock started going off.... just a few hours later it was time for jessica to get up... she didn't make it. I know I know... bad reason for skipping school but we were all so stinkin tired. Darcy ended up sleeping until 10am and we slept right along with her :) We came home and chilled for the rest of the day. When I put Darcy down for her nap jessica and I both took one too.

This afternoon we had another showing... it was at 6pm. We went to grab mexican food and then hit the super walmart and got grocerys. I'm excited about the showings but my poor husband would like to be able to come home from work and rest.

OH!!!! I've never really watched the Amazing Race but i did tonight... only b/c it was the premier and I knew I hadn't missed anything... it was sooooo good. I'm pulling for the family with the two young kids... or either the widow with her kids ( did you see the runaway buggy... OMG i thought she was really hurt)... actually the only family i dislike is the family from new jersey... OBNOXIOUS!


~Crystal~ said...

I'm so glad you are watching Amazing Race! Isn't is awesome?

Jamie said...

I didn't get to watch! Hey... are you getting feedback on the house?