Sunday, September 11, 2005


Today snuck up on me... I didn't realize it was 9/11 until I noticed the date on the church bullentin. I remember it so well. I remember I was asleep and my mother called. She said something bad was happening that a plane had crashed into one of the towers... I turned on the TV just in time to see the 2nd plane hit. I was in shock. I kept thinking about all the things I had heard Pastor Sims say about the end times. I remember praying over and over. I really thought it was the end of the world. I was glued to the TV the rest of the afternoon and for weeks following. I watched the Towers fall. I watched the peole jump from windows. I remember the sick feeling I had in my stomach. I wanted all my family to be close by me. But don't forget the other plans... there were lives lost there too.

I get frustrated when I hear of protestors against the war. Is this going to be another Vietnam? Are our soldiers going to be shamed when they come home? Why can't people just accept the fact that our troops are there and we need to SUPPORT them! Lets not make them feel like their fighting for a bunch of ungrateful, spoiled rotten, stubborn, americans back home. The lives being lost are not in vain. You may not agree with with the war but please don't strip our troops of their honor.

1 comment:

Vickie said...

I totally agree with you Nicole. Great post!!