Thursday, September 08, 2005

my thoughts

well i'm already experiencing cravings. I've eaten a lot of pickles... really... i can't explain the pickles thing but i haven't combined them with ice cream - yet. I've also been craving yogurt covered raisins but haven't gotten any yet :( I had to stop by krystals yesterday on our way home from the doctor... yummy!!!!!!

Another thing that happens while your pregnant is crazy dreams... and i've had my share! last night i dreamt I won a $10,000 shopping spree at Old Navy. But this wasn't any ole navy... this one was a TWO STORY Old Navy with everything.... electronics and all that jazz. During my pregnancy with Darcy I would dream about people that i hadn't seen in a long time or people that i've known thats died..... weird i know.

last night we kept the nursery at church... it was H E L L! I know what you're thinking but its not true... I can manage my own kids but I don't like other peoples kids :) I can pop my on the hand and say no but i don't think it would go over too well at the church nursery. We kept the babies... well there wasn't any little little babies... mostly darcy's age and older. But we had this one boy who's way too big to be in there but they don't have a middle room on Wednesday nights.... anyways he's like twice their size and he's mean!!!! He hit every kid last night at least once! He takes their toys then hits them with it... He pushes them over and SITS on them... and if you tell him NO he doesn't it even more!!!!!!!!!! I was so ready to send him to his mommy! The rest of the kids were fine.

Tonight is Celebrate Recovery... I haven't been in 2 weeks and I'm looking forward to seeing everyone. Sanna and Jason had their baby this morning at 1:47am... so matt and him will not be practicing tonight... yippee... he can watch the kids :)

well speaking of kids... darcy needs some mommy lovin... gotta run!


~Crystal~ said...

What did Sanna & Jason have? And what's is the name?

Jamie said...

Yeah... fill us in! And all I got to say about the cravings in eat what you can now... cause you know it's hard to loose it when the babies are here!

Anonymous said...

Hey Nicole, its Crystal, Heathers friend. Sorry it took so long to write you. I finally got my internet hooked up so Im in heaven. But I heard about your twins. How exciting!! I have twin nephews and they are a handfull. But then again they are boys AND they are 13 I think. But anywho, Im gonna get going. Ill talk to you later....

Anonymous said...

hey is Crystal again, got a question. i have a wedding ticker i want to put on my blog, its kinda like your counter. how do i get it to my blog and how do you edit all the stuff you have on the right side of your blog? like where you have other peoples blogs? thanks.....