Friday, September 23, 2005

Drugged Up

Last night it took me forever to fall asleep... this morning it took me forever to wake up! I felt like I had taken some kind of sleeping pill or something. I couldn't get up. My head felt soooo heavy... I was very sluggish. I finally crawled out of bed at 11:30am. Darcy had slept just as long.... good girl :)

Darcy has had some really stong smellin diapers the last few days... poor thing... as I'm standing over her trying to change her without puking on her... she's starring up at me like 'whats wrong with you lady?' Smells have always been a big deal with me and being pregnant has only made it worse!

Well my blog no longer serves it purpose that it was created for.... I had created it so that I could share my 'issues' with my friends without having to repeat myself over and over. If you know me you know I love to tell stories but their usually pretty long :) I thought this would be a way for you (my friends) to read and fast forward to the good parts. But it turns out more people have gotten my blog address and some of those 'people' are involved in some of my stories. So in order to keep peace there will not be any drama discussed here. Sorry to let you all down. You're now back to those long phone calls.


Staci said...

So are you throwing up a lot?

MBBrock said...

you know, just as i had stopped reading the news . . .

Jamie said...
