my sister and zac went to church with me and the girls today. That was exciting... zac asked if he could go again b/c he loved it :)
Afterwards we met up with the brocks for lunch... it was me, jessica, darcy, heather, michael, mr & mrs. b, grandmaw and amy... THEN matt called... he got off early and was able to meet us there too!!!!! We ate at Ruby Tuesday's on 119... i had the new orleans seafood... tilaupa and shrimp... sooooo good... not fishy tasting at all!!
After lunch jessica and I met my mom... we went to the gap and old navy to spend jessica's gift certificates... she got some really cute stuff! Matt stayed home with Darcy and rested... poor hubby.
I forgot about the meeting at the church... i really had planned on going but got caught up in the days events... oh well... matt was too tired to move.
okay... you ready for the mushy part????
I MISS HEATHER! It sucks b/c as soon as we started developing a really good friendship she leaves me! NO FAIR! No one to go grocery shopping with at midnight... not quick runs to sonic... no shopping sprees... no emails! And in a few more weeks she's going to be moving to NORTH CAROLINA!
Not to mention... matt and michael have gotten closer over the last several months and now they're gonna be so stinkin far away! Matt's really bummed about it.
OH AND... today jessica was acting all weird on me... i got her in the car and i was like... listen girl.. whats up with you???? she said... I wanted to hang out with just uncle michael and aunt heather... I'm gonna miss uncle michael and aunt heather... i don't want them to move. it was soooo pittyful!
enough... no more sappy junk... i'm happy for them both.