We're heading out this afternoon/evening for south alabama to visit with family. New Years just aint what it used to be for me anymore. I'll probably be asleep by midnight :) We're going to attempt to camp out in south alabama (in the back yard). The kids have no idea... we've learned not to tell them anything about anything until its a sure thing! Too many times they've been disappointed b/c something has come up (sickies or what not) so we're just gonna load up and then tell them once we get going.
Matthew's grandmother and great aunt aren't doing well. I realize they're knocking on 90's door but its still hard. This weekend we'll get to spend time with Aunt Helen and I'm really looking forward to it... although every time I leave I feel like its the last time I'll see her.
School starts for the kids on Monday and for me on Wednesday. This semester is gonna be different... I barely made it through last semester but now that I know what to expect I feel a little more prepared.
4 crazy kids, 1 amazing husband, 2 smelly dogs. It can't get any better than this... Its My Life!
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Our Christmas
Christmas has come and gone...
We spent Christmas Eve with our church family. Matthew was part of the big Christmas special... he sang and played his many instrumetns.
My parents had said they were coming over Christmas morning to watch the kids open presents. She said they'd be here between 7:30 and 8am which is when my kids normally wake up. At 5:45 Darcy came into our room but she laid back done and eventually went back to sleep. At 6:45 my phone rang and it was my mom. She said they were getting off the exit. I was half asleep and asked her if she said she was getting on the exit or off the exit. She giggled and said "OFF the exit... we'll be there in about 5 minutes." I had to wake everyone up! Jessica suggested I tell them to wait on the couch till the kids woke up on their own LOL. We opened presents and everyone seemed happy but this momma felt like it was a pretty bare christmas. Once the kids went to their rooms to play with their new toys I turned to my parents and began crying. I told them how grateful I was for the many of Christmas' that they had done whatever they could to put presents under the tree. I said some other things but you get the point. Looking back I realize how stressful things had to be for my parents at times. I'm an adult now - a parent- and its an eye opening experience. I look at things through a different lens.
My sister and her family joined us around lunchtime for Christmas dinner. We exchanged gifts and played games till it was time for us to go to the Brock house for Christmas.
The kids racked up. Jessica got a bunch of money and gift cards so the day after Christmas we (along with Heather) went shopping. She got a lot of cute things. We had fun shopping.
We spent Christmas Eve with our church family. Matthew was part of the big Christmas special... he sang and played his many instrumetns.
My parents had said they were coming over Christmas morning to watch the kids open presents. She said they'd be here between 7:30 and 8am which is when my kids normally wake up. At 5:45 Darcy came into our room but she laid back done and eventually went back to sleep. At 6:45 my phone rang and it was my mom. She said they were getting off the exit. I was half asleep and asked her if she said she was getting on the exit or off the exit. She giggled and said "OFF the exit... we'll be there in about 5 minutes." I had to wake everyone up! Jessica suggested I tell them to wait on the couch till the kids woke up on their own LOL. We opened presents and everyone seemed happy but this momma felt like it was a pretty bare christmas. Once the kids went to their rooms to play with their new toys I turned to my parents and began crying. I told them how grateful I was for the many of Christmas' that they had done whatever they could to put presents under the tree. I said some other things but you get the point. Looking back I realize how stressful things had to be for my parents at times. I'm an adult now - a parent- and its an eye opening experience. I look at things through a different lens.
My sister and her family joined us around lunchtime for Christmas dinner. We exchanged gifts and played games till it was time for us to go to the Brock house for Christmas.
The kids racked up. Jessica got a bunch of money and gift cards so the day after Christmas we (along with Heather) went shopping. She got a lot of cute things. We had fun shopping.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Thursday, December 09, 2010
Bah humbug - sorta
I've been so busy with school this year that I got a late start on actually decorating the house. We actually just got our stuff out this past weekend but we still haven't gotten our outside decor up.
This 1st semester of nursing school has been extremely rough. Not just b/c of school but because of other things happening in my life. Stuff I'm not comfortable enough to post here but have shared with my closest friends. Its getting better now. I had some anxiety issues and had to get them under control. Its been a learning experience.
I'm looking forward to my break... 3 weeks is gonna fly by fast :(
Christmas is just around the corner and this is going to be the roughest Christmas ever. I'm not asking for pitty... I'm just being honest. I'm looking forward to the day when we both have jobs and our kids don't have to do with out. I know its not about the presents.
This 1st semester of nursing school has been extremely rough. Not just b/c of school but because of other things happening in my life. Stuff I'm not comfortable enough to post here but have shared with my closest friends. Its getting better now. I had some anxiety issues and had to get them under control. Its been a learning experience.
I'm looking forward to my break... 3 weeks is gonna fly by fast :(
Christmas is just around the corner and this is going to be the roughest Christmas ever. I'm not asking for pitty... I'm just being honest. I'm looking forward to the day when we both have jobs and our kids don't have to do with out. I know its not about the presents.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Can't wait!
I think I'm just as excited as my kids about Thanksgiving in the mountains! I'm ready to go! I'm all packed up and the house is getting picked up so we can return home to a nice cozy house. I hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving!!! Enjoy your famiy!
Thursday, November 18, 2010
I was just looking at my blog post and saw that so far this year I've only posted 86 times... compared to 284 post from last year and over 700 from the year before. What can I say... I'm busy! But I'm not too busy for my friends ;) I try really hard to keep up with you by email or phone calls. Please bare with me while I continue to push through Nursing school ;) Love ya'll!
Monday, November 15, 2010
Happy Birthday Darcy
Last Friday we pulled into the driveway from school. The kids got out of the car and I walked to the mailbox to check the mail. As I was walking back from the car I heard the kids screaming. I walked around the car and saw Jeremiah on the ground with this dog on top of him! I freaked out and started kicking the dog... Jeremiah got up and the dog was chasing him and jumping on him!!! I'm running after them both while screaming at the other kids to go inside. Jeremiah gets away and the dog is still in my yard... he's wanting to play! I called 911 b/c I didn't know who else to call and they sent an officer out to the house. The dog belonged to a neighbor down the street and they were told to keep the dog on a chain. Because the dog didn't actually "bite" Jeremiah they didn't do anything to the dog or its owners. By the time things settled down I realized Jeremiah had a scratch on his forehead but it wasn't that bad... It was a very frightening experience for Jeremiah.
The next day... get this... the next day Matthew takes them to the park to play and their was a couple there with 2 dogs NOT on a leash. As they approached Matthew and the kids Jeremiah got scared and the owners told Matthew that their dogs were friendly dogs. Bout that time one of them takes off towards Jeremiah and Jeremiah starts running so of course the dog is chasing him. Matthew was able to rescue Jeremiah and the owners told him that the dog was just trying to play.
Okay so here goes my rant.... KEEP YOUR DOG ON A LEASH! Some kids (AND ADULTS) are terrified of dogs and being attacked in your front yard is a little scary! Puppys can play rough and they don't realize when they hurt kids... and kids don't realize when puppy's are only playing!!!
Michael was home for 2 weeks... we went to Clarksville, TN to have dinner with him and the family. We were supposed to be at the airport holding welcome home signs but his flight came in early and we missed it :(

Thats a proud big brother look on my hubby's face LOL
Thats a proud big brother look on my hubby's face LOL
It was great for us all to get to spend some time with him. It was hard saying goodbye yesterday after Darcy's party. He's flying back tomorrow for 6 more months. Please continue to pray for his safey and Heather's sanity :)
Thursday, November 04, 2010
I'm home today and tomorrow. Its great to be here... wish I could just sit back and relax but I've got to catch up on some housework. I also have to get some much needed studying time in. This weekend is gonna be a very busy weekend. I have clinicals Sat & Sun from 7am till 3pm in Selma. I'm not really happy about my clinicals being on the weekend.... that is the only time I have with my family!
This semester is wrapping up and I'm starting to panic a little bit. The Nursing Program is a lot harder than just getting my basics done. I'm struggling in one class but its b/c I didn't give it my best from the beginning so now I'm playing catch up. The first week of December is my finals. Then I'm off until Jan 5th. I'm starting to make a "To Do" list for that month off. I'm looking forward to the break. Maybe I can plan a road trip to the south and maybe one to the east too :) Those are quick and easy trips to do by myself.
Well I gotta get moving... daylight is a wasting!
This semester is wrapping up and I'm starting to panic a little bit. The Nursing Program is a lot harder than just getting my basics done. I'm struggling in one class but its b/c I didn't give it my best from the beginning so now I'm playing catch up. The first week of December is my finals. Then I'm off until Jan 5th. I'm starting to make a "To Do" list for that month off. I'm looking forward to the break. Maybe I can plan a road trip to the south and maybe one to the east too :) Those are quick and easy trips to do by myself.
Well I gotta get moving... daylight is a wasting!
Saturday, October 30, 2010
whoo hoo
I'm so excited that I'm able to go with my family to pick up Uncle Michael from the airport. Now just pray he has a safe trip home with no delays! We're all so excited to see him!

Friday, October 29, 2010
Sunshine Farms 2010
Our 3rd year to visit Sunshine Farms in Maplesville. Our kids love it and I hope to keep it a family tradition for many years.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
I survived
my first clinicals that is :) Spent 2 days in a nursing home and learned a lot (mostly about myself). My next clinical is in 2 weeks. Please pray for me b/c I have a lot of test this month and then finals. I'm borderline in 2 of my classes and I'm trying not to stress about it.
Yesterday we spent the day at Sunshine Farms in Maplesville. Its a pumpkin patch thats spread out on a large farm with all sorts of fun things for the kids to do. Its not crowded like the more well known pumpkin patch. We got there at 10am and tried to leave around 12:30 but on our way out some friends from church pulled in and asked us to stay so we did. We ended up staying until 3:30! We were tired and sunburnt - oh and very hungry!
Well I've got to get ready for church... today is membership Sunday and for the first time in my adult life I'm a member of a church :)
Yesterday we spent the day at Sunshine Farms in Maplesville. Its a pumpkin patch thats spread out on a large farm with all sorts of fun things for the kids to do. Its not crowded like the more well known pumpkin patch. We got there at 10am and tried to leave around 12:30 but on our way out some friends from church pulled in and asked us to stay so we did. We ended up staying until 3:30! We were tired and sunburnt - oh and very hungry!
Well I've got to get ready for church... today is membership Sunday and for the first time in my adult life I'm a member of a church :)
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Exciting Days Ahead
I start clinicals this week. I'm so excited. I'm going to the nursing home. I probably won't be able to tell you guys the details and I'm going to hate that but with all the laws out there these days I don't want to risk getting in trouble. I enjoy the classroom stuff and I love the practice labs but I'm really looking forward to dealing with real people.
I'm almost done with my 1st semester - WHOA!
I'm almost done with my 1st semester - WHOA!
Sunday, October 17, 2010
More Changes
Back to Back Post
Whoo Hooo... I'm on a roll :)
Nah not really... I''m just avoided getting out from under my warm blanket. I need to be getting ready for church but its sooo cold.
Let me tell ya about my new church. We've been going for several months now. Its a presbyterian church . Matthew went to visit one day while I was out of the town and the kids were spending the weekend with grandparents. He called me that afternoon and was so excited. I knew he was ready to make the big move. If you don't know much about presbyterian's then I challenge you to check out the website. Up until recently I haven't been able to attend much with the family due to work. But the times I've been there I really enjoy the message and every thing about the church. Matthew was immediately asked to play with them during worship. He's been able to play his guitar, mandolin, banjo and sing lead vocals. The kids really like it too. It was a little rough with Jessica at first but she's really liking it now too.
On Wednesday's they have W.E.L.L groups that meet after different folks house. Its a pot luck dinner and then we have a bible study. The kids all still meet at the church for their activities. We're actually having a big Fall Festival picnic next weekend at a local park. They're setting up the stage and having the worship band play some fun songs. I'm looking forward to it.
Well I'd better jump in the shower!
Whoo Hooo... I'm on a roll :)
Nah not really... I''m just avoided getting out from under my warm blanket. I need to be getting ready for church but its sooo cold.
Let me tell ya about my new church. We've been going for several months now. Its a presbyterian church . Matthew went to visit one day while I was out of the town and the kids were spending the weekend with grandparents. He called me that afternoon and was so excited. I knew he was ready to make the big move. If you don't know much about presbyterian's then I challenge you to check out the website. Up until recently I haven't been able to attend much with the family due to work. But the times I've been there I really enjoy the message and every thing about the church. Matthew was immediately asked to play with them during worship. He's been able to play his guitar, mandolin, banjo and sing lead vocals. The kids really like it too. It was a little rough with Jessica at first but she's really liking it now too.
On Wednesday's they have W.E.L.L groups that meet after different folks house. Its a pot luck dinner and then we have a bible study. The kids all still meet at the church for their activities. We're actually having a big Fall Festival picnic next weekend at a local park. They're setting up the stage and having the worship band play some fun songs. I'm looking forward to it.
Well I'd better jump in the shower!
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Well I finally changed my blog... it took me forever to fix all the crazy stuff I'd done to it and I'm not even sure if its fixed ;) I'd asked my friend Crystal for help but she's crazy busy with ornaments so I had to do it on my own.
Other changes...
I quit my job. Its something I hated doing but I really felt like I had no choice. Yesterday was my first Friday off in a while and enjoyed every minute of it. My kids are out for Fall Break so we just hung out!
Jessica is looking at colleges - GULP! Doesn't that make some of you feel really old?? Crazy huh! I've been requesting information from different places... FSU, Marshall and Florida University. She's actually taking the PSAT today. I'm trying to encourage her to do whatever she wants to do and go wherever she feels like she can get the most from. Its crazy b/c I know that when she goes off to college, Matthew and I will be relocating so he can go to seminary.
School is going good. I'm failing one of my classes but barely. I know what its gonna take to pull it up and its doable. Its going to be easier to do it now that I'm not working.
My grandfather had a heart attack 2 weeks ago... it was pretty scary. He's doing better now. Besides my grandmother, I haven't lost anyone close to me. Matthew's lost both of his grandfathers. I was able to drive up and be with him for a few hours. I actually got to practice some of my nursing skills on him ;) lol
I'll try and post more often.... keep coming back ;)
Other changes...
I quit my job. Its something I hated doing but I really felt like I had no choice. Yesterday was my first Friday off in a while and enjoyed every minute of it. My kids are out for Fall Break so we just hung out!
Jessica is looking at colleges - GULP! Doesn't that make some of you feel really old?? Crazy huh! I've been requesting information from different places... FSU, Marshall and Florida University. She's actually taking the PSAT today. I'm trying to encourage her to do whatever she wants to do and go wherever she feels like she can get the most from. Its crazy b/c I know that when she goes off to college, Matthew and I will be relocating so he can go to seminary.
School is going good. I'm failing one of my classes but barely. I know what its gonna take to pull it up and its doable. Its going to be easier to do it now that I'm not working.
My grandfather had a heart attack 2 weeks ago... it was pretty scary. He's doing better now. Besides my grandmother, I haven't lost anyone close to me. Matthew's lost both of his grandfathers. I was able to drive up and be with him for a few hours. I actually got to practice some of my nursing skills on him ;) lol
I'll try and post more often.... keep coming back ;)
Friday, October 08, 2010
Promised Pics
We painted our downstairs blue... we wanted it to match my candle holder. We hung up everything in different places which makes things look new ;)
My hubby bought me some more willow folks for our anniversary...
notice some of my angels lost their wings (bad behavior - true story)
Darcy loves to color
Jacob didn't want to have his picture made
I couldn't get Jeremiah's picture to load so I'll try again... and Jessica wasn't "fixed" so no pics of her today
Trusting in Him
I've had a lot of ups and downs lately. I quit my job, decided to stay and then quit again 3 weeks later. We've had some major financial issues so quitting my job was a really hard thing to do in the midst of a financial crisis. But the lesson I'm learning is; its not up to ME to fix everything. He doesn't need me to fix my problems... He wants me to trust him to take care of everything. Now my problem here is that I feel like God has given me a brain and I should use some common sense.... well he doesn't need my common sense either! HA!!! In fact, He wants me to be solely dependent on HIM! I'm not the head of this household anyways so its not my job to worry about making ends meet so if my husband is okay with trusting God and waiting on Him to supply all my needs then so am I.
Philipians 4:19 And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.
It is up to me to raise my family. My ministry is my family. I'm trusting that the Lord will work everything out and guide me and my husband in every step we should take EVEN if it doesn't make sense to me or anyone else.
Towards the end of this I had to spank 3 kids and rescue dinner before it burnt so if it got all scattered in the end I'm sorry :)
Philipians 4:19 And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.
It is up to me to raise my family. My ministry is my family. I'm trusting that the Lord will work everything out and guide me and my husband in every step we should take EVEN if it doesn't make sense to me or anyone else.
Towards the end of this I had to spank 3 kids and rescue dinner before it burnt so if it got all scattered in the end I'm sorry :)
Tuesday, September 07, 2010
Old pics but still cute
Pics in the future
Matthew painted the downstairs for my birthday present... it looks really nice. It actually gave everything a fresh new look. I put my stuff back on the walls but in different places and that also makes everything seem new. The color is called New Hampshire Blue... I'll take some pics and post them soon.
I also took some pics of the kids yesterday. They're growing up so fast. The little ones are losing some of their baby features and it makes me sad. Jessica is getting taller... I have to ask her to get things down for me - not cool.
I can't remember if I posted this or not but we're going to a different church now. We were at our last church for 3 years but we felt God directing us elsewhere. We needed fellowship and something more than Wednesday evenings and Sunday's. We're attending Grace Fellowship. Its a PCA church (presbyterian). We like it alot. The kids like it alot too. It lines up with what we believe. The preaching (really teaching) is great. The music is wonderful and the fellowship is awesome. We have Well Groups on Wednesday nights. I can't remember what "well" stands for but its something important. The groups meet at homes and each group has a focus. We eat dinner, fellowship and do a study. Our group is studying 1 John. Most groups meet within walking distance from the church so our kids attend they're program while we're at well group.
School is going. Its consuming my time but its worth it. Work is also consuming my time but I can't say that its worth it. I love the people that I take care of but I'm not a fan of my coworkers (or atleast some of them). I'm trying to hold out until Christmas but I'm not sure if I'll make it or not.
Gotta go study before I leave for class.
I also took some pics of the kids yesterday. They're growing up so fast. The little ones are losing some of their baby features and it makes me sad. Jessica is getting taller... I have to ask her to get things down for me - not cool.
I can't remember if I posted this or not but we're going to a different church now. We were at our last church for 3 years but we felt God directing us elsewhere. We needed fellowship and something more than Wednesday evenings and Sunday's. We're attending Grace Fellowship. Its a PCA church (presbyterian). We like it alot. The kids like it alot too. It lines up with what we believe. The preaching (really teaching) is great. The music is wonderful and the fellowship is awesome. We have Well Groups on Wednesday nights. I can't remember what "well" stands for but its something important. The groups meet at homes and each group has a focus. We eat dinner, fellowship and do a study. Our group is studying 1 John. Most groups meet within walking distance from the church so our kids attend they're program while we're at well group.
School is going. Its consuming my time but its worth it. Work is also consuming my time but I can't say that its worth it. I love the people that I take care of but I'm not a fan of my coworkers (or atleast some of them). I'm trying to hold out until Christmas but I'm not sure if I'll make it or not.
Gotta go study before I leave for class.
Friday, August 27, 2010
lacking motivation...
to continue with my blog... the last 5 post have no comments
Is anybody still there?
Is anybody still there?
Monday, August 23, 2010
busy busy busy
I'm sorry to my faithful blog readers *snickers* but I've started school and my life is ubber busy. I'm still trying to hold on to my parttime job but school is very consuming. I greatly appreciate all the encouragement from you all. My anxiety issues have gotten better but I still have freak out moments. I spend HOURS a day at school and when I'm not there I spend HOURS studying. I met yesterday on Sunday for 4.5 hours to study with friends.... and yes we studied! There's so much information packed into 2 years! I have my first check off tomorrow... its me actually doing the steps infront of the instructors. Tomorrow is vital signs... blood pressure, pulse, respirations, heart beat and temperature. I'm good with everything except counting heartbeats! Its not as easy as 1, 2, 3 the heart beat makes two 2 sounds when it beats... lu dub is 1 beat. Sometimes I get confused and count lu 1 dub 2 or sometimes the beat is really fast and there's no pause.
Enough about that...
The kids are having a great year so far. The boys are seperated this year and at first they (Jeremiah) had a rough time but now they're doing great. Darcy is in K5 and she loves it. Jessica is in the 10th grade and so far all is well. They had a lot of folks not come back so the highschool has shrunk!
I finally broke down and bought my boys new booster seats. Their infant carriers were bought for us at their babyshower. Then I was given 2 Britax carseats (freecycle). They were outdated and one of them didn't even have the padding under the cover. I kept putting off buying new ones but I got convicted about their safety and finally broke down and purchased new ones. These can be used with the 5 point harness until they weight 60lbs and then it can be used with the seatbelt till they're 100 lbs. I really wanted the 5 pt harness b/c trying to get the seatbelt kind off and on would be a pain in the neck! I used my birthday money :(
okay well I can't promise that I'll update again soon but I'll definitely try.
Enough about that...
The kids are having a great year so far. The boys are seperated this year and at first they (Jeremiah) had a rough time but now they're doing great. Darcy is in K5 and she loves it. Jessica is in the 10th grade and so far all is well. They had a lot of folks not come back so the highschool has shrunk!
I finally broke down and bought my boys new booster seats. Their infant carriers were bought for us at their babyshower. Then I was given 2 Britax carseats (freecycle). They were outdated and one of them didn't even have the padding under the cover. I kept putting off buying new ones but I got convicted about their safety and finally broke down and purchased new ones. These can be used with the 5 point harness until they weight 60lbs and then it can be used with the seatbelt till they're 100 lbs. I really wanted the 5 pt harness b/c trying to get the seatbelt kind off and on would be a pain in the neck! I used my birthday money :(
okay well I can't promise that I'll update again soon but I'll definitely try.
Friday, August 06, 2010
Working Out
I'm not talking about physically working out... I'm talking about my school schedule ;) Although I need to be doing the other. I don't want to be the "fat nurse" I wanna be the "hot nurse" LOL
I went to orientation yesterday at Wallace in Selma. We were there all day! As of right now my schedule is M & W's 8:30am till 2:30pm. T & T's 10:15 till 1pm. And occasionally I'll have some Friday - I'll find out more about that after the first week. We also have clinicals in the 1st semester! My parents are driving down on M&W's to get the kids up and ready for school.... I'll be forever grateful for their sacrifice. My schedule gets easier as the semesters go by.
I also have a online Math class - not cool. I'm not a fan of online courses and esp not a math course! Jessica is taking Algebra II this year and I'm taking College Algebra so maybe we can help each other out.
My job - well as you can see from the above paragraph - I'm gonna be really busy. I'm not sure how long I'll be able to work. I really don't even know if my employer is going to work with my schedule. I would like to keep my job b/c we need the income but I don't want to stress myself out. I'm still trying to sort that part out.
I went to orientation yesterday at Wallace in Selma. We were there all day! As of right now my schedule is M & W's 8:30am till 2:30pm. T & T's 10:15 till 1pm. And occasionally I'll have some Friday - I'll find out more about that after the first week. We also have clinicals in the 1st semester! My parents are driving down on M&W's to get the kids up and ready for school.... I'll be forever grateful for their sacrifice. My schedule gets easier as the semesters go by.
I also have a online Math class - not cool. I'm not a fan of online courses and esp not a math course! Jessica is taking Algebra II this year and I'm taking College Algebra so maybe we can help each other out.
My job - well as you can see from the above paragraph - I'm gonna be really busy. I'm not sure how long I'll be able to work. I really don't even know if my employer is going to work with my schedule. I would like to keep my job b/c we need the income but I don't want to stress myself out. I'm still trying to sort that part out.
Monday, August 02, 2010
Last night Jessica and I both were sitting in the floor packing our bookbags for school - weird! She's going to be in the 10th grade this year. She turned 15 in July and got her permit... she's driving! I've been really good with her... I don't scream or slam my foot into the floor board hoping to use my imaginary break. I try and stay very calm. She made the mistake of complaining to matthew b/c I kept telling her what she was doing wrong. I quickly let her know that I could be like my parents and scream at her the whole time! She hushed. Her driving has gotten better. I try and make her drive at least every day. I want her to get as much experience as possible in before she turns 16. She's growing up too fast. Its hard to think that in 3 more years she'll be graduating from highschool and going off to college. I hope I've prepared her for life beyond our home.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
I am trying to stay positive about school. But I start back on Aug 16th and I got my list of stuff to buy before then and I'm freaking out. I've got 6 textbooks to buy, a lab coat, scrubs, stethoscope, nursing shoes, a nursing kit and pay to get my vaccinations done again or have a test done to show that I've had them (my momma didn't keep my records and I've tried other ways to get them without any success). I am thankful for my job that is provided some sort of income but its not going to pay for all that crap!
Speaking of my new job... I have no idea what my work schedule is going to be like once I start school. I'll be attending school 4 days a week. 2 of those days I'll be there from 8am till 3pm and the other 2 days I'll have a 2 hour lab somewhere in the middle of the day. Which leaves me able to work Fri, Sat and Sun. I have no idea how wiling my boss is going to be with working with my schedule. I realize that so many people work full time job and go to school full time but I don't know how they do that with a family and allow time to study also. I'd appreciate some major prayers! I'm feeling slighly overwhelmed.
On a positive note let me share with you this story....
We had made plans back in the beginning of the year to go to the beach with my sister and her family. As we got closer and closer to the summer we realized we didn't have the money to go and needed a way out without causing hardship to my sister and her family. We prayed that God would provide us a way out.
First the oil spill happened - no I'm not saying he allowed this to happen so we didn't have to go to the beach. So when the oil spilled happened we discussed with my sister the incident and how it might effect us. She didn't seem to think it would e/affect us. So we felt stuck.
Then I got word from my boss that I had some training that was scheduled while I was supposed to be at the beach. I didn't HAVE to take it then but if I didn't then I'd have to miss 4 days of school to get the training done. Well thats not acceptable in nursing school so we chose to cancel our vacation.
I had to call my sister and explain the situation. I was nervous because I didn't want to back out and cause them to pay the half that we were supposed to pay. I was angry b/c I was having to cancel my vacation b/c of my job. It wasn't till I was completely immersed in those feelings that I realized that I had prayed for a way out (we had prayed for a way out) and he was God providing that way out. I begin to feel a little bit better about the situation but I still wasn't sure about my sister.
I called her and she wasn't mad but instead she was relieved! Turns out her in laws were also going to the beach that week and the people that were staying with them had backed out and there was room for my sister and her family to stay there FREE but my sister didn't want to leave us with paying for a week so she had told them she couldn't do that. Well now that was all changing. The invitation for them to stay with her inlaws was still there and everything worked out.
But its not over yet... ya see THIS is the week the week we were supposed to be at the beach. My sister and her family went down on Friday night. We were supposed to leave tonight (tuesday) and come back Sunday. But on Sunday my brother in laws grandmother passed away so they had to come back today for the visitation and funeral. So it all worked out! Nobody lost any money!
Speaking of my new job... I have no idea what my work schedule is going to be like once I start school. I'll be attending school 4 days a week. 2 of those days I'll be there from 8am till 3pm and the other 2 days I'll have a 2 hour lab somewhere in the middle of the day. Which leaves me able to work Fri, Sat and Sun. I have no idea how wiling my boss is going to be with working with my schedule. I realize that so many people work full time job and go to school full time but I don't know how they do that with a family and allow time to study also. I'd appreciate some major prayers! I'm feeling slighly overwhelmed.
On a positive note let me share with you this story....
We had made plans back in the beginning of the year to go to the beach with my sister and her family. As we got closer and closer to the summer we realized we didn't have the money to go and needed a way out without causing hardship to my sister and her family. We prayed that God would provide us a way out.
First the oil spill happened - no I'm not saying he allowed this to happen so we didn't have to go to the beach. So when the oil spilled happened we discussed with my sister the incident and how it might effect us. She didn't seem to think it would e/affect us. So we felt stuck.
Then I got word from my boss that I had some training that was scheduled while I was supposed to be at the beach. I didn't HAVE to take it then but if I didn't then I'd have to miss 4 days of school to get the training done. Well thats not acceptable in nursing school so we chose to cancel our vacation.
I had to call my sister and explain the situation. I was nervous because I didn't want to back out and cause them to pay the half that we were supposed to pay. I was angry b/c I was having to cancel my vacation b/c of my job. It wasn't till I was completely immersed in those feelings that I realized that I had prayed for a way out (we had prayed for a way out) and he was God providing that way out. I begin to feel a little bit better about the situation but I still wasn't sure about my sister.
I called her and she wasn't mad but instead she was relieved! Turns out her in laws were also going to the beach that week and the people that were staying with them had backed out and there was room for my sister and her family to stay there FREE but my sister didn't want to leave us with paying for a week so she had told them she couldn't do that. Well now that was all changing. The invitation for them to stay with her inlaws was still there and everything worked out.
But its not over yet... ya see THIS is the week the week we were supposed to be at the beach. My sister and her family went down on Friday night. We were supposed to leave tonight (tuesday) and come back Sunday. But on Sunday my brother in laws grandmother passed away so they had to come back today for the visitation and funeral. So it all worked out! Nobody lost any money!
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Changing things up a bit
Change is good....
I know things around me are changing. I'm trying to embrace it and not run from it. My kids are growing up. Thats something I cannot control. I have to let them grow up and make choices... hopefully I've raised them to make right choices and to learn from the wrong choices they'll make in life.
My job is a big change. Its hard after being a stay at home mom for almost 6 years to spend 20+ hours away from them each week.
Church is another change. We left our church. We didn't burn any bridges and I'm not really gonna go into it on here but we felt like God was taking us in another direction. We've been attending a presbyterian church in clanton. We like it and its not at all what I expected. I guess it just goes to show you should do your own research on things instead of just taking someone's word for it. There's tradition there, respect and teaching. 3 important things I think the church lacks these days.
School starts back up for kids the first week in August and I start back on the 16th. Matthew decided to hold off on starting. He's looking in to seminary and hopefully he can do it all at one place instead of transfering from Jeff State.
So thats whats happening with us! Thanks for checkin in on me :)
I know things around me are changing. I'm trying to embrace it and not run from it. My kids are growing up. Thats something I cannot control. I have to let them grow up and make choices... hopefully I've raised them to make right choices and to learn from the wrong choices they'll make in life.
My job is a big change. Its hard after being a stay at home mom for almost 6 years to spend 20+ hours away from them each week.
Church is another change. We left our church. We didn't burn any bridges and I'm not really gonna go into it on here but we felt like God was taking us in another direction. We've been attending a presbyterian church in clanton. We like it and its not at all what I expected. I guess it just goes to show you should do your own research on things instead of just taking someone's word for it. There's tradition there, respect and teaching. 3 important things I think the church lacks these days.
School starts back up for kids the first week in August and I start back on the 16th. Matthew decided to hold off on starting. He's looking in to seminary and hopefully he can do it all at one place instead of transfering from Jeff State.
So thats whats happening with us! Thanks for checkin in on me :)
Monday, July 12, 2010
Girl Time & more
2 of my besties came to visit me Friday :) Staci is in the middle of moving her family to mississippi and Tiffany was driving down with her to help with the kids. I've known these 2 girls since 1997! We may not get to see each other often but everytime we get together we have a blast. We stayed up all night talking, laughing, crying and peeing on ourselves. I hate their visit was so short but its amazing that we've stayed friends this long and still see each other as often as we do. We all have kids now and our kids are very close in age so they enjoy each others company too.
My job - I still love it. I'm only working 2 days this week so I'm hoping to get some stuff done before I go back.
Kids - They're great. Jessica is at youth camp this week and I'm praying for an awesome experience for her.
Marriage - great!
Future - we're going to the beach next week with my sister and her family. This is the first vacation that I've taken with my family and hers. I'm praying that the beach is clear and the water is safe.
My job - I still love it. I'm only working 2 days this week so I'm hoping to get some stuff done before I go back.
Kids - They're great. Jessica is at youth camp this week and I'm praying for an awesome experience for her.
Marriage - great!
Future - we're going to the beach next week with my sister and her family. This is the first vacation that I've taken with my family and hers. I'm praying that the beach is clear and the water is safe.
Saturday, July 03, 2010
Happy 4th of July
I know I'm a day early but we won't be here tomorrow... heading to my grandparents house for a family cookout and swimming. This 4th will be an especially emotional 4th because Michael is serving overseas. I always seem to get overly emotional hearing all the patriotic songs and such bu this year... its different.
I worked 40 hours last week - FORTY! Did I mention I'm parttime? LOL I'm not really complaining b/c I appreciate the paycheck but its hard being away from my family so much. I worked 12pm till 8pm Tuesday thru Friday and worked last Sunday evening too. I'll be working 40 hours this upcoming week too.
Last night we attempted to camp out. It started off great. We shot a few fireworks and then around 9pm we headed inside the tent to settle down. I'd been at work up until 8pm so I thought he'd gotten everything taken care of. He didn't have enough blankets - I know what your thinking but it does get cool in the wee hours! So I sent him back inside for blankets, a small fan and bugspray. 15 mins later he hadn't returned so I went looking for him. He wandering around outside and when I asked him what he was doing he told me..... we were locked out! I tried not to get excited but I could feel the panic attack coming on. He'd checked all the windows and was trying to break in the back door but didn't have anything to use. I had my cell phone with me and was ready to call for backup when he was able to get in through an open window. We got everything we needed and headed back outside. We were up by 7:30am.
I had a phone call in the middle of this post so I've lost my train of thought - sorry!
I worked 40 hours last week - FORTY! Did I mention I'm parttime? LOL I'm not really complaining b/c I appreciate the paycheck but its hard being away from my family so much. I worked 12pm till 8pm Tuesday thru Friday and worked last Sunday evening too. I'll be working 40 hours this upcoming week too.
Last night we attempted to camp out. It started off great. We shot a few fireworks and then around 9pm we headed inside the tent to settle down. I'd been at work up until 8pm so I thought he'd gotten everything taken care of. He didn't have enough blankets - I know what your thinking but it does get cool in the wee hours! So I sent him back inside for blankets, a small fan and bugspray. 15 mins later he hadn't returned so I went looking for him. He wandering around outside and when I asked him what he was doing he told me..... we were locked out! I tried not to get excited but I could feel the panic attack coming on. He'd checked all the windows and was trying to break in the back door but didn't have anything to use. I had my cell phone with me and was ready to call for backup when he was able to get in through an open window. We got everything we needed and headed back outside. We were up by 7:30am.
I had a phone call in the middle of this post so I've lost my train of thought - sorry!
Friday, June 25, 2010
Working like Dawg
not really... but working at all is more than I'm used too ;) I'm grateful the my paycheck for the experience to work with these very special people. Its a real eye opening experience. I love it. I love the people I care for and the people I work with. I have some training coming up and I'm looking forward to increasing my knowledge in those areas. All of this is going to be a huge plus in my nursing career - whatever area I chose to serve in.
The shifts are alot like hospital shifts. Except for we're not on the same shift... we rotate. So far I've worked all shift except for the Owl shift (11pm till 7am). The 7am till 3pm isn't too bad once I get up and get going but I hate waking up at 5:30!
Jessica has been doing a lot of babysitting but b/c I'm getting paid I'm actually able to give her some money too. And she's rewarded in other ways (example. her b/f has been here since 2 o'clock).
Matthew has also done a lot of long hours lately. Today he got off an hour and half early but b/c of an accident on the interstate it took him nearly 2 hours to get home!
Well its the weekend and I'm only scheduled for Sunday 3pm till 11pm so I'm gonna enjoy some family time!
The shifts are alot like hospital shifts. Except for we're not on the same shift... we rotate. So far I've worked all shift except for the Owl shift (11pm till 7am). The 7am till 3pm isn't too bad once I get up and get going but I hate waking up at 5:30!
Jessica has been doing a lot of babysitting but b/c I'm getting paid I'm actually able to give her some money too. And she's rewarded in other ways (example. her b/f has been here since 2 o'clock).
Matthew has also done a lot of long hours lately. Today he got off an hour and half early but b/c of an accident on the interstate it took him nearly 2 hours to get home!
Well its the weekend and I'm only scheduled for Sunday 3pm till 11pm so I'm gonna enjoy some family time!
Monday, June 21, 2010
I made it
Incase you missed it I got into the Nursing Program at Wallace in Selma :) I start in mid August.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Jessica is gone to volleyball camp and I'm spending the day by the pool with the kids - um baby pool. I'm trying to get some sun on my WHITE legs. Its so hot out there I keep having to come in to cool down. The baby pool isn't big enough for all of us :( But ONE DAY... I'll have a real inground pool!
I also have some studying to do for work. There's a lot of documentation to do - A LOT! And everything is done a certain way for each form. This is all very good practice b/c all of this will help me in nursing. I actually get to take some very good training courses in medication, CPR and some other areas. All of these are going to give me a leg up in the nursing program.
I have to work tomorrow night and sunday afternoon. I'm looking forward to it but hate I'm going to miss Father's Day with my hubby. Darcy keeps insisting that we take him to the zoo... so she can ride the carousel :)
I also have some studying to do for work. There's a lot of documentation to do - A LOT! And everything is done a certain way for each form. This is all very good practice b/c all of this will help me in nursing. I actually get to take some very good training courses in medication, CPR and some other areas. All of these are going to give me a leg up in the nursing program.
I have to work tomorrow night and sunday afternoon. I'm looking forward to it but hate I'm going to miss Father's Day with my hubby. Darcy keeps insisting that we take him to the zoo... so she can ride the carousel :)
Thursday, June 17, 2010
My First Day
was very draining - emotionally. But I like it alot... might even love it. I can't really say a lot on here about my job. I work with mental patients at a home and thats about all I can say.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
I know its not Thanksgiving but after the last few days I feel like its best to list the things I'm thankful for (in no perticular order)
Jesus - His perfect plan for my life
my hubby - b/c without his support and encouragment I wouldn't make it
my kids - cause they remind me of simplier things in life
my house - i have a roof over my head and thats more than some
my family - b/c they know all my faults and they still love me
my friends - I may not have a lot but the ones I've got are pretty darn special to me
my new job - it may not have come when i thought it should but it happened
my education - something I never thought i'd be doing but i am and i'm good at it
my country - people complain of all the things wrong but they're whats wrong
I'm sure there's more but i'm burning dinner ;) gotta run!
Jesus - His perfect plan for my life
my hubby - b/c without his support and encouragment I wouldn't make it
my kids - cause they remind me of simplier things in life
my house - i have a roof over my head and thats more than some
my family - b/c they know all my faults and they still love me
my friends - I may not have a lot but the ones I've got are pretty darn special to me
my new job - it may not have come when i thought it should but it happened
my education - something I never thought i'd be doing but i am and i'm good at it
my country - people complain of all the things wrong but they're whats wrong
I'm sure there's more but i'm burning dinner ;) gotta run!
Tuesday, June 08, 2010
B6 News
Still waiting to hear back from the job... i should be called in for orientation soon. Then I'll be added on the schedule - bout time! I've been trying to get this job for a month! Who knew it would take so long to get processed?!?
I signed up for church softball - its a ladies team. We've had 4 games so far. We're 2 for 2. Last night we had a double header and we have another one tonight! I had no idea that this would be taking up 3 nights a week. But I'm not going to complain b/c this is the most exercise I've gotten in a long time.
I'm still waiting to officially hear from the nursing program at wallace. I called yesterday and the lady told me I looked good HA and that they would decide on the 15th. In the meantime, I've enrolled my hubby at Jeff State. He'll start his basics in the fall. I'm excited for him. I hope that we both can make it through.... married, 4 kids, one with a full time job, both with a full schedule - PRAY FOR US!
I signed up for church softball - its a ladies team. We've had 4 games so far. We're 2 for 2. Last night we had a double header and we have another one tonight! I had no idea that this would be taking up 3 nights a week. But I'm not going to complain b/c this is the most exercise I've gotten in a long time.
I'm still waiting to officially hear from the nursing program at wallace. I called yesterday and the lady told me I looked good HA and that they would decide on the 15th. In the meantime, I've enrolled my hubby at Jeff State. He'll start his basics in the fall. I'm excited for him. I hope that we both can make it through.... married, 4 kids, one with a full time job, both with a full schedule - PRAY FOR US!
Friday, June 04, 2010
Summer Time fun
The girls just got back from their annual "Girls" trip with my mom. This year they went to Helen, Ga. Darcy's favorite part was the hot tub... its like her own personal pool (don't worry they don't turn on the heat). They went putt-putting, painted pottery, shopped and just relaxed.
While they were gone I was determined to spend some fun time with my boys. We ended up staying home for Memorial Day which kinda made me sad b/c I'm used to grilling out with family but fam did their own thing. Looking back I wish we would have put up the tent in the back yard and camped with the boys - oh well. We had a great week.... we played and stayed up watching movies with them at night. We made smoothies and took a few trips to the store.
I got my paperwork for the new job. I had to have a drug screening and a TB skin test. All I will say is someone should have warned me!
Wednesday the boys and I spent the day with Jamie and her kids. We swam and had a great time. Her boys were supper sweet to my boys (I was a little nervous that her boys would be annoyed by my boys since they're so much older). Oh and the best part was I told my boys that Sophie was "Princess Sophie" so thats what they called her all day!!!! LOVED IT! She's a mess. A cute mess though! Thanks Jamie for having us over ;)
I'm playing church softball - first time in over a decade! LOL wow that sounds really crazy! I had my first game last night. I scored the only run! Well I didn't actually run it though. I just hit the ball and then they let Jessica run for me. Normally when you play catcher you get a runner (although I think last night they let everyone who wanted one have one). And catching is so much harder on me now that I'm 13 years older!
Well thats all for now!
While they were gone I was determined to spend some fun time with my boys. We ended up staying home for Memorial Day which kinda made me sad b/c I'm used to grilling out with family but fam did their own thing. Looking back I wish we would have put up the tent in the back yard and camped with the boys - oh well. We had a great week.... we played and stayed up watching movies with them at night. We made smoothies and took a few trips to the store.
I got my paperwork for the new job. I had to have a drug screening and a TB skin test. All I will say is someone should have warned me!
Wednesday the boys and I spent the day with Jamie and her kids. We swam and had a great time. Her boys were supper sweet to my boys (I was a little nervous that her boys would be annoyed by my boys since they're so much older). Oh and the best part was I told my boys that Sophie was "Princess Sophie" so thats what they called her all day!!!! LOVED IT! She's a mess. A cute mess though! Thanks Jamie for having us over ;)
I'm playing church softball - first time in over a decade! LOL wow that sounds really crazy! I had my first game last night. I scored the only run! Well I didn't actually run it though. I just hit the ball and then they let Jessica run for me. Normally when you play catcher you get a runner (although I think last night they let everyone who wanted one have one). And catching is so much harder on me now that I'm 13 years older!
Well thats all for now!
Monday, May 24, 2010
For those of you that don't know this about me - I HATE reading... and could probably name all the books I've ever read on one hand.
Its just not something I enjoy. I don't want to spend so much time reading about a story when I can watch a movie and only lose 2 hours of my time. BUT... some of the ladies I go to church with read Karen Kingsbury books and they've been telling me that I need to read one. So finally I did. I started reading Even Now one night after Wednesday night church. I couldn't put it down. By Friday evening I had finished it!!! The next book in that series is Ever After... I started reading that one next and by Sunday I had finished that book as well!! I loved both of them. But I knew I had to pace myself. I started one of her stand alone books "Like Dandelion Dust" This time I didn't jump right into it. But over this past weekend I wasn't feeling too well and I decided to read. And once again I finished it with 2 days. So now I'm ready to read her 911 series... her books are all real life fiction. Thats the part that gets me the most... that even though its not real it could be.
I've also been encouraged to read Francine Rivers.
What are you favorite's?
I need some suggestions but here's what I don't like....
I don't like or I don't think I'll like - unbelievable fiction or old stuff (but I'm willing to give it a try)
okay so the picture above is me with Karen Kingsbury... She was one of the speakers at Extraordinary Women's conference in Birmingham. I also heard Lysa TerKeurst, Shari Rhoades Sheppard, Anita Renfroe & Julie Clinton.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Super Lion & Lu Lu
Super Lion!
Thats Darcy's new name... her super hero name. She ask that we all call her by that name. Tonight when dinner was ready I told Jeremiah to tell his siblings to come inside to eat. He opened the door and yelled "Acob! Super Lion! Come eat!" It was too cute.
On Sunday nights Darcy sits with us so that she can get used to being in big church. Most of the time she does good - IF I remember to bring her coloring book and crayons. Last week she was coloring when the pastor went off on something. He stopped himself and said "I'm not even going to say it." Darcy looked straight at him and said "WHAT?" Everyone laughed... we sit on the 2nd pew so everyone heard her. He said "well at least she's paying attention!"
She went for her 5 year old check up (6months past due) the other day. The dr had her look at different shapes and symbols to test her eyesight. When it got to the cross Darcy told her all about how Jesus had died on the cross for our sins and how she loved him and he lived in her heart. It was such a wonderful feeling to hear my precious child tell someone else about Jesus.
Now her new thing is to ask Matthew to tell her stories about work.... and every day when he walks in the door she ask him all about it. Its very cute.
I can't believe she's going into Kindergarden next year... soon she'll be 6 years old!
On Sunday nights Darcy sits with us so that she can get used to being in big church. Most of the time she does good - IF I remember to bring her coloring book and crayons. Last week she was coloring when the pastor went off on something. He stopped himself and said "I'm not even going to say it." Darcy looked straight at him and said "WHAT?" Everyone laughed... we sit on the 2nd pew so everyone heard her. He said "well at least she's paying attention!"
She went for her 5 year old check up (6months past due) the other day. The dr had her look at different shapes and symbols to test her eyesight. When it got to the cross Darcy told her all about how Jesus had died on the cross for our sins and how she loved him and he lived in her heart. It was such a wonderful feeling to hear my precious child tell someone else about Jesus.
Now her new thing is to ask Matthew to tell her stories about work.... and every day when he walks in the door she ask him all about it. Its very cute.
I can't believe she's going into Kindergarden next year... soon she'll be 6 years old!
Friday, May 21, 2010
5 year check up
6 months past due ;) LOL
I thought since my kids saw the doctor often that I really didn't need to do a check up... WRONG! They test their hearing, eyesight and other things. We also discussed Darcy's allergy issues... that she got straight from her dad! The doctor suggested allergy covers for her mattress and pillow.... which would probably be a good thing for matthew seeing as how their allergies flare up while sleeping. Something to do with dust mites - gross! It probably would help to throw out ALL pillows and get new ones... too bad these things can be costly. I'll try washing everything first. I've got some air purifiers that my mom bought my hubby a while back... I need to replace the filter.
Everything else checked out fine. She got 4 shots and they are checking for blood too.
The dr was having her name her shapes and when she got to the flag she called it a michael michael flag - i had to explain that her uncle was in the military and his picture with the flad behind it is displayed in our house so she calls it the michael michael flag. Then she got to the cross and she told the dr that Jesus died on the cross for our sins and that she believed in Jesus. The dr and I both got a little teary eyed.
Well I've managed to get some sort of head cold so I'm drinking peppermint tea and resting.
I thought since my kids saw the doctor often that I really didn't need to do a check up... WRONG! They test their hearing, eyesight and other things. We also discussed Darcy's allergy issues... that she got straight from her dad! The doctor suggested allergy covers for her mattress and pillow.... which would probably be a good thing for matthew seeing as how their allergies flare up while sleeping. Something to do with dust mites - gross! It probably would help to throw out ALL pillows and get new ones... too bad these things can be costly. I'll try washing everything first. I've got some air purifiers that my mom bought my hubby a while back... I need to replace the filter.
Everything else checked out fine. She got 4 shots and they are checking for blood too.
The dr was having her name her shapes and when she got to the flag she called it a michael michael flag - i had to explain that her uncle was in the military and his picture with the flad behind it is displayed in our house so she calls it the michael michael flag. Then she got to the cross and she told the dr that Jesus died on the cross for our sins and that she believed in Jesus. The dr and I both got a little teary eyed.
Well I've managed to get some sort of head cold so I'm drinking peppermint tea and resting.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Getting Closer
The lady about the job said it would take a while. Yesterday they called my references ;) Hopefully I'll find something out soon. I'm getting really excited about it. My scrubs should be here any day now.... I thought it would take longer but they're already being shipped ;) how fun!!!!
My summer schedule is filling up fast. Between Jessica's camps and her mini vacations she's going to be gone a lot. Which is going to leave me working some crazy shifts!
I mailed off my nursing application so now i'm just waiting on my letter of acceptance.... they won't do that until sometime in June.
thats all for now! show some love and leave comments!
My summer schedule is filling up fast. Between Jessica's camps and her mini vacations she's going to be gone a lot. Which is going to leave me working some crazy shifts!
I mailed off my nursing application so now i'm just waiting on my letter of acceptance.... they won't do that until sometime in June.
thats all for now! show some love and leave comments!
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