Thursday, December 09, 2010

Bah humbug - sorta

I've been so busy with school this year that I got a late start on actually decorating the house. We actually just got our stuff out this past weekend but we still haven't gotten our outside decor up.

This 1st semester of nursing school has been extremely rough. Not just b/c of school but because of other things happening in my life. Stuff I'm not comfortable enough to post here but have shared with my closest friends. Its getting better now. I had some anxiety issues and had to get them under control. Its been a learning experience.

I'm looking forward to my break... 3 weeks is gonna fly by fast :(

Christmas is just around the corner and this is going to be the roughest Christmas ever. I'm not asking for pitty... I'm just being honest. I'm looking forward to the day when we both have jobs and our kids don't have to do with out. I know its not about the presents.

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