Monday, November 15, 2010


Last Friday we pulled into the driveway from school. The kids got out of the car and I walked to the mailbox to check the mail. As I was walking back from the car I heard the kids screaming. I walked around the car and saw Jeremiah on the ground with this dog on top of him! I freaked out and started kicking the dog... Jeremiah got up and the dog was chasing him and jumping on him!!! I'm running after them both while screaming at the other kids to go inside. Jeremiah gets away and the dog is still in my yard... he's wanting to play! I called 911 b/c I didn't know who else to call and they sent an officer out to the house. The dog belonged to a neighbor down the street and they were told to keep the dog on a chain. Because the dog didn't actually "bite" Jeremiah they didn't do anything to the dog or its owners. By the time things settled down I realized Jeremiah had a scratch on his forehead but it wasn't that bad... It was a very frightening experience for Jeremiah.

The next day... get this... the next day Matthew takes them to the park to play and their was a couple there with 2 dogs NOT on a leash. As they approached Matthew and the kids Jeremiah got scared and the owners told Matthew that their dogs were friendly dogs. Bout that time one of them takes off towards Jeremiah and Jeremiah starts running so of course the dog is chasing him. Matthew was able to rescue Jeremiah and the owners told him that the dog was just trying to play.

Okay so here goes my rant.... KEEP YOUR DOG ON A LEASH! Some kids (AND ADULTS) are terrified of dogs and being attacked in your front yard is a little scary! Puppys can play rough and they don't realize when they hurt kids... and kids don't realize when puppy's are only playing!!!
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1 comment:

Staci said...

that is scary! Hopefully he won't remember it, and will still love dogs. My kids are very funny about animals (as you know!) and its good but its annoying too!