Friday, June 06, 2008

Going to the Doctor

I have a dr's appt at 10:20 to have him check out my nasty popped blister on the back of my leg. Its right above my knee so when I bend my knee my skin tightens... and its right at the spot where when you sit down everything touches it. I don't want it to get infected.
Here's a picture from the other day
This was taken yesterday... its kinda in a hard place for me to take a picture :)


Staci said...

Girl you and me both- posting nasty photos... lol. Hope you feel better. Chris used that same kind of cream back when we were dating and he was fried on the beach. It helped him. Sun damage is the worse, I dont' like to get any sun now... now that I know what it does to our skin. But OUCh for you- looks like it really hurts. I shared your blog stories at the family lunch with everyone- they all love to hear a good "nicole story"

Praying for you to have a good painless day.

~Crystal~ said...

That hurts! I had the same thing happen to my shoulders & nose one time. Extremely painful & totally changed the way I do things out in the sun. I hope you feel better.