Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Can you believe

that I'm still smiling....

Look at my shoulders....

and my poor legs!!!! They're swollen STILL

Here's my story about my sunburn...
I bought Target brand spray sunscreen. I says on the bottle "rub free."
I got this burnt on the FIRST DAY!!!!
I applied the sunscreen at least FOUR or FIVE times b/c I DID NOT WANT TO GET BURNT!
Matthew put some on his chest and out of habit rubbed it in. Well you can see exactly where he rubbed it in.
I am still ticked off about this! My legs are still swollen. I have BLISTERS!
Target will hear from me!
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Jamie said...

Ouch, ouch, ouch!!!! But that top pic of you is pretty! :)

Anonymous said...

You still look so happy in all the pics...I'd be miserable!!!

~Crystal~ said...

I've been burnt like that on the back of my legs. It's miserable.

Anonymous said...

I burnt my legs like that when I was in the Panama canal and the person in our group who was supposed to time our "flip over" time fell asleep like the rest of us! Boy was that painful for awhile.

Vickie said...

That's not good!! That makes me hurt.