4 crazy kids, 1 amazing husband, 2 smelly dogs. It can't get any better than this... Its My Life!
Monday, June 30, 2008
Not as planned but still good
I think my total was around $5.50 between the two transaction... my first one was .23 cents!!!
But my cotton swabs didn't print my $2 ecbs on the first transaction and on the second one my $1.50 colgate coupon wouldn't scan. The girl was new so I didn't push... and besides I know I've saved sooo much there that I can afford to let it go!
The razor alone would have cost $6.99 plus tax!
Transaction #1
1 Bic Razor - $6.99
1 Bic Cartridges $6.99
1 Cottonelle TP $4.99
2 Box of Kleenex (BOGO)
2 Fig Newtons (BOGO)
1 Smart Rinse
subtotal $29.14
use 1 $4 off $20 bringing it to $25.14
use 4 $3 off $15 bringing it to $13.14
use $4.00 off razor - $9.14
use $2.00 razor refils $7.14
use .25 cents of TP - $6.89
use $1.oo off mouthwash $5.89
use $4.99 in ECB's
OOP .90 cents
EARN $8.49 in ECBS
Transaction 2
1 Right Guard Deodorant - $6.99
2 Xtra Detergents (BOGO) $2.99
1 Dove Body Wash - $5.29
1 Colgate Toothpaste - $1.77
1 Pack of Bandaids - $1.99
subtotal $19.03
use 2 $3 off $15 bringing it to $13.03
use $1 off coupon for deodorant = $12.03
use $1 off coupon for body wash = $11.03
use $1.50 off toothpaste = $9.53
use $8.49 in ECB's
OOP $1.04
EARN $9.99 ECB's!!!
Now I realize this is off some due to this is all BEFORE tax but its not going to be off by much! Let me know if you see another way to do it!!! Thanks!
I've created a MONSTER!!
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Out of the blue
I got a Britax through freecycle about a year or so ago. But its several years old and its probably been recalled! The foam padding underneath the fabric is nasty and broken.
My MIL bought an Evenflow carseat for us but the strap that comes up from between their legs isn't long enough and its always pinching them. It cannot be adjusted.
I need your opinions. What carseat do you have for your child? Pro's and Con's please :)
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Spreading the Love
transaction 1
1 pack of charmin
1 pack of paper towels
1 10 pack of batteries
I let her use some of my $4/$20 and $3/$15.
OOP was somewhere around $13.00
transaction 2
1 pack of pampers
1 palmolive dish soap
1 colgate toothpaste
2 huggies wipe holders
1 beach play thingy for Cody bugs.
1 pack of bandaids
there may have been more... can't remember
her total before coupons was either $48 or $58 but after all the coupons... which i should have printed more b/c I ran out.
OOP $9 something.
She still has $5 in ECB's to use next time! She was really impressed!!!
I had to do everything in my head while I was walking around. We had both of her kids with us. I think with all that said we did pretty good.
The manager there was EXTREMELY nice... I told him that my friends, Vicki, Crystal and Jamie all shopped there and he said "oh yeah they were just in here this morning! They got lots of stuff for very little money!!!!" My sister's eyes lit up. I think she's hooked!
Friday, June 27, 2008
Transaction #1
2 Basic Bounty Paper Towels
1 Duracell AA Power Pix batteries
1 Duracell AA reg batteries
OOP $1.90
I had ECB for $2 off Power Pix batteries from a previous transaction and 1 $5 off reg duracell batteries. I used some CVS coupons. I also had some ECB's going into the store.
Transaction #2
1 pack of Pampers
2 Colgate Toothbrushes
4 Soy Joy bars
OOP $1.12
I used 2 $1 off coupons for the toothbrushes and some other CVS coupons. Then I used some ECB's.
Transaction #3
1 Palmolive Dish Soap
1 Cascade Liguid Dishwasher gel
2 Rightguard deodorants
2 ALL laundry soaps
1 Dove deodorant
1 Sting Ease for insect bites
OOP $.63 cents
I had some small manf. coupons and a few CVS coupons. I also used ECB's used on previous purchase.
I still have ECB's to use on my next visit!!!!
I also picked up a flyer for next week. I got 2 because some ladies at church want me to show them how to do it. I'm still learning but whatever!
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Monday, June 23, 2008
Oh Me oh My!

Thursday, June 19, 2008
my hand hurts
i had to take a break... i've got lots more left to do. I've been putting it off but now I HAVE to get them done!!
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
WAIT I found this on Wkipedia
Pashmina refers to a type of cashmire wool and textiles made from it. The name comes from Pashmineh, made from Persian pashm (= "wool"). This wool comes from changthangi or pashmina goat—a special breed of goat indigenous to high altitudes of the Himalayes. The wool has been used for thousands of years to make high-quality shawls that also bear the same name.
Computer Stuff
More coupons
Have you seen
My hubby
I've always
Pushing it
If you are ever in the mood for some role play then you should check out this site for sexy costumes. They have everything under the sun you could imagine. I'm sure it would spice up anyonese dull sex life if their honey dressed up in one of these costumes and suprised you one night! LOL
New York, New York
Gotta have it!
One day
I'm an idiot!!
Our Garden
Yes, I know we should weed it but its growing just fine at this point!
Its very small considering the amount of stuff packed in there. We're already thinking about what we're going to do next time.
We will definitely get a tiller and make is much bigger. But this was our first attempt and it was really a learning experience.
The kids love to water it and check on it.
I already have beans!
And Tomatos! All my tomato plants have at least 2 tomatos on them!
New to Us!
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Monday, June 16, 2008
Here's the details.
Jeremiah has had a yucky cough and in the last 2 days or so its gotten worse. I gave him a breathing treatment last night before bed. Around 10ish he woke up coughing. He couldn't catch his breath and he was gasping and gagging. He was pretty scared and he scared us big time. I tried to call Jessica's grandmother (she's a nurse at childrens and I call her all the time) but no answer. I was worried b/c he wouldn't calm down. We made the decision to head to the ER. Jessica's friends momma came to the house until my parents could get here. Matthew held him while I drove. He had calmed down by the time we got on the road but we decided to keep going just to make sure. The doctor said his lungs sounded fine but his ears looked red. They gave him some meds and sent us home with a prescription. He did not like being in the ER. He was tired. He would cry and then have a coughing fit again but they worked really fast to get us out of there. I'm sure the other patients were wishing we'd leave.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Gone Again
Pray for my baby. She was gone most of the week to her other grandparents house... was only home for a day and now she's gone again. I miss her!
Friday, June 13, 2008
My in laws came over tonight and I got to share my cvs secrets with them. My sister in law was real impressed but they don't have CVS in New Mexico.
cracking up
My CVS's trip today
I went in with my head pounding. I woke up this morning with major sinus pressure (new to me). I didn't 'feel' like going to CVS but I knew I needed to go. So I went.
Transaction #1 (really 2nd transaction)
2 boxes of Cheerios
1 box of cereal bars
1 folgers coffee
Originally I picked up the 1 wrong cereal so this actually was the 2nd transaction. I had already done the 2nd transaction when I realized I didn't get my 10 ecbs from the first one.
I spent $10.88 and earned $10 ECB's
Transaction #2 (really first)
1 Quattro Titanium Razor
1 Dove cream oil body wash
I spent $7.83
Transaction #3
2 Dove Shampoo's BOGO
2 Dove Conditioner's BOGO
1 Dove Body Wash
1 CVS Daily Face Wash
1 pack of Felttip pens
I spent $.01 ONE PENNY!!! I actually had too many coupons and she had to void one! LOVE IT!
Transaction #4
1 Pack of Huggies diapers
1 Bonine Kids (car sick prevention med)
1 Nivea for Men bodywash
1 Nivea for men face wash
1 Reinventing beauty magazine (it's full of coupons!)
1 roll of bounty paper towels.
I spent $2.03
I came home with $19 in ECB's!!!! This is the first time I left with ECB's. GO ME!!!
If you really wanna see a pro work the CVS thing you should visit The Centsible Sawyer