Wednesday, May 24, 2006

What was I thinking!?!

I just gave Darcy a bath and now she's outside getting dirty all over again! She sat down right were I had hosed off the patio area... now she's all dirty and wet.

I'm hoping to get a bath myself today... going on 3 days without one!!!!! Matthew's been working every day till 5:30 which puts him home around 6ish. As soon as he walks in the door he takes Darcy upstairs to fed her. Then we try and eat ourselves. After that (and sometimes in between) we have to feed the little guys. By that time its time for Matthew to take a shower and get ready for work. Oh would you look at the time... 10pm at least - BEDTIME!

I'm too afraid (sometimes just plain ole tired) to take a shower after he goes to bed just incase the boys get fussy. And I definitely don't take one during the day when I'm home alone with 3 kids. One good thing about Jessica being out for the summer (there's many good things) is that she can watch em while I take a shower. whooo hooo!


~Crystal~ said...

Did you ever get a bath?

Vickie said...

I sure am glad we don't have Smell-A-Blog!!!