Friday, May 05, 2006

Rain Rain Go Away

And I'm not talking about the rain outside thats been pouring down all night!!

Yep, it rained in the basement again this morning!!!!!! But this time I'm pretty sure it was Grandmaw's fault. She has a chair she sits on in the shower but when she's sitting down the water hits her in the face so... she points it out... which wouldn't be too bad if the shower curtain was inside the tub but its not!

I was barely awake trying to change Jacob's diaper and I heard drip drip drip... and I'm thinking no way... thats gotta be from outside. I couldn't see very well and didn't want to turn on the lights and wake up both babies but then I saw the wet spots in the carpet and I knew it was raining in the basement. I ran upstairs and just as I reached the bathroom door she turned of the water. I knocked on the door and asked if she'd gotten water in the floor and she said in this really annoying voice 'i might have.' I say annoying voice b/c it wasn't her normal voice. Then she said 'well its off now, i'm done.' (((Great... can't wait till next time!!!!!)))


While I'm on the subject of Grandmaw let me tell ya another story...

The other night I was downstairs feeding one of the boys, matthew was in the garage looking for something, jessica was in her room doing homework and Darcy was all over the place ;) Darcy climbed up the stairs and was sitting on the top step jabbering. I yelled for Jessica to get Darcy down. Just as Jessica heads up the stairs Grandmaw opens the door. Darcy takes off running down the hall and Grandmaw's laughing. Now this might be funny IF I had not asked G'maw several times before NOT to open the door if she climbs to the top of the stairs. She's done this before (over and over actually). But the thing is... when I'm home alone during the day with all 3 and this happens then it makes it harder for me to get her b/c normally i'm feeding or changing a baby. Anyways so Jessica gets Darcy and by this time i'm pretty mad. I go upstairs and politely ask G'maw AGAIN not to open the door b/c it makes it harder on me when she takes off running and I've got my hands full... and in that same annoying voice she says 'well okay.'

Thats all folks!!! Its 8:30am... no chances of going back to bed for me!

1 comment:

native-nc said...

Thankfully we don't get many showers in our basement. I think we've had one in the two years that we have been here. My dad fell asleep in the tub with the water running. We were cleaning it up for a while. We kept finding places that the water had landed.