Thursday, May 04, 2006


Okay so which Game Show would you be on?

I've always been a fan of Wheel of Fortune... my mom and I used to watch it every night. Sometimes she'd let me solve the puzzle first... now I watch it with Jessica and I let her solve the puzzle first.

But now we have DEAL OR NO DEAL... Up until a few weeks ago I had never watched the show. We were eating dinner at my sisters and it came on (they're big fans). I've been watching it ever since. I think some of those people get too greedy but I don't think I would be.

I would choose to be on Deal or No Deal. How about you?


~Crystal~ said...

Deal or No Deal....Yeah! I agree, some are so greedy. I would take the offers...LOL Any of the $ is more than I've got.

But another one is Let's Make Deal. It's an old show, but how fun it would be to get dressed up!

Anonymous said...

Crystal I swear I'm not copying you!!! I would sooo pick Let's Make a Deal. Sometimes even now I will sit and think about what I would take with me. I would prob. have a good chance of having whatever he asked for. You should of seen what all I pulled out of my purse the other day!! Unfort. I LOVE BIG purses and they always overflow with the craziest stuff! Plus you get to dress up!! Oh How I wish it would come back but only just like the old one.

Anonymous said...

Ok, so Crystal mentioned the dressing up...should of read closer!

Beth said...

I would have to say Wheel of Fortune. I love that game unfortunately no one in the house will watch it with my cause I guess the puzzles way before anyone else, then yell at the tv when they get it wrong.