Thursday, May 04, 2006

My Question

I stole the idea from
--Crystal's Blog--

If you could be on any REALITY show which one would you choose
and why?
I'd have to say... Survivor. I think I would be good at... lets just be honest... manipulating people!!!! That sounds horrible but you've gotta be able to persuade people and I think I could do that. I don't know how well i'd do on some of the physical challenges but I'd train before I left for the show.
I do think that my husband would be MUCH BETTER on survivor... well he wouldn't manipulate anyone but he would definitely be able to 'survive' much better than most folks. He reads all those crazy survival skills books and junk. He also was not just a Boyscout but an EAGLESCOUT!!!! And physically he could do the challenges... and he'd be good at the mental ones too.


~Crystal~ said...

I would love to go Survivor...I could lose weight!

But Big Brother would be the show for me! I would love the idea of having to live with others. It would be difficult to be so isolated from family & the outside world, but I think it would worth it.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE Big Brother so I pick that too. I would have to do the show with Lee because there is NO WAY I could leave the family..but then we would be in trouble with the recording everything :) I'm just being honest!!