Thursday, May 11, 2006

Tiffany 101

1. Tiffany graduated highschool early
2. She has 2 brother's and 1 sister.
3. Her husband, Sam, is half and half
4. She's has one son
5. She's pregnant with another boy
6. She had her hair breaded in Jamaca
7. She lives in the basement at her parents house
8. She likes to go to Chili's
9. She had a dog named chili
10. She had to leave her in Florida
11. She lived in Ohio once
12. She lived in Florida once
13. She lived in Alabama once
14. She's a good listener
15. She's a good mommy
16. She likes to stay up late
17. She likes to sleep in late
18. She is pretty close to her mommy
19. She doesn't have her drivers license
20. Or her permit
21. It expired
22. She doesn't want her drivers license
23. She treasures her friends
24. She likes Survivor
25. She likes CSI
26. She likes Without a Trace
27. Her husband is a youth pastor
28. She drinks a lot of water

okay so i tried Tiff... does that count? Tiffany said she couldn't make a list of 113 things but I told her it was easy once you get started.


Staci said...

She didn't graduate early! I did!

Anyway, I could list some things too....

~Crystal~ said...

Too funny!

native-nc said...

Nic, ya did pretty good. Staci was the one who graduated early but most everything else was pretty close! (I gave chile to my parents & she is still here. She drives me nuts. We had to leave Sampson our lab/retriever in FL. I still miss him a lot!)

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