Monday, May 01, 2006

It's been a while

Last night out of the blue Jessica ask to call her dad. I was a little shocked to be honest... she hardly ever mentions him. I guess it was only a matter of time before she would. She hadn't seen or hard from him since the week of March 21st (spring break). I really wanted to be ugly and point out the obvious... like 'don't you think he should have called you by now?' But I didn't. I let her call. But he wasn't home! He's out of town on business and he didn't answer his cell phone. She called his mom instead. She's spending the night with her tonight.


Anonymous said...

Well, it's good Jessica still made the attempt to talk to her dad. Too bad he did not answer.

~Crystal~ said...

Bless her heart. He sure is missing out a treasure.