Wednesday, March 01, 2006

grumpy ole me

yeah... well i'm pretty grumpy but I already explained as much as I could on my xanga so there's really not much to say here either. I could probably say a lot more but I think it would be wrong to vent about someone if I suspect that they're reading me blog... even though I never intended for them to find it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sorry to disappoint you guys... just pray for Matthew and myself. We're both pretty frustrated these days... but we its going to get better.

also... i know she's reading this but I don't care.... pray for my wonderful sister in law Heather too. She's missing her hubby and I don't blame her. I think its starting to get old to her... but at the same time she realizes they're about to be living together again soon. So I know that helps. Pray that all their stuff for the move gets done with as little stress as possible. I'm gonna miss her like crazy when she leaves me but I know she's ready to be a wife full time and she's ready to have a place to call home (even if it is for 6 months... it will be the longest stay at one place since they've been married).

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