Sunday, March 12, 2006

Its been a rough week

I can't even begin to tell you about it... but i'll try.

FIRST, thanks to all who prayed, called and emailed me. I'm feeling better.

Monday... lets see... I can't remember what happened Monday... must not have been too important.

Tuesday... Darcy had her 15 month shots (a month late) Luckily Matthew was able to go with us and that made it easier on me. We spent TWO HOURS at the doctor's office! And afterwards she was clingy.

Wednesday and Thursday don't trigger any special memories.

FRIDAY - whew.... Friday my back starting tensing up a little bit. Jessica had a slumber party to attend. Matthew & I had plans with the Underwoods... we even had a baby sitter for Darcy!! We met our Realtor around 3:30pm to sign off on a few more things on the sale of our house and while sitting there my back REALLY started tensing up. At one point I needed something out of my purse that was on the floor beside me but when I tried to bend over I couldn't without almost screaming. After sitting there for about an hour we headed home to get ready. Around 5:30 I called my OB just to make sure I wasn't having back labor. He said it sounded like just a nerve thing but said I could come in IF I wanted to.... we passed :) I was determinded that we were going to the Underwoods to enjoy a kid free night! I took a HOT shower hoping it would help but the whole time I was hurting just from standing there... I thought about taking a bath but wasn't sure how I'd get down and back up. Finally we left for the our big night out. At one point while at their house I went to get up from the table to take my plate into the kitchen and I got stuck... the minute I tried to move my foot the pain in my lower back was UNBEARABLE. After that I had to hold on to Matthew and put all my weight (whoa!) on him just to be able to move. Finally we headed home around 9:30... by the time we got home I was in tears. I could hardly walk inside (even with matthew's help). Matthew rubbed me down with some bayer... it helped short term. I was awake most of the night crying. Its bad enough being pregnant with twins and not being able to get comfortable but on top of that my back was killing me so I could hardly move myself inorder to get comfortable. And I couldn't walk!!! But do you realize how many times a pregnant woman gets up in the middle of the night to pee???? A BUNCH! And every step I took I was in the worst pain ever! The next morning I called my doctor again (6am on the dot b/c I was trying to wait until a decent hour). The same doctor was still on call (not mine). He said there was nothing he could do... for me to just take my propoxyphene and try a warm bath. I took hot bath around 6:30 and stayed in for close to 2 1/2 hours... NO LIE! Of course I kept refilling the water to keep it warm. I ate my supper in the tub ... LOL... a footlong chili dog from dairy queen followed by a reeses cup blizzard!!!!!! Anyways... I woke up this morning feeling better... I guess the babies were just on a nerve or something. At times today its started to feel stiff but nothing like how I felt yesterday.

Now lets back up... in the midst of all this back drama Darcy developed a cough yesterday. We started giving her triametic right away. It's gotten worse... its a wet yucky cough. Now we have a CLEAR snotty, sneezy nose to go with it. This afternoon we noticed she was beginning to get a little horse too. She's been pitiful.

Lucky for Jessica she's been gone most of the weekend... first a slumber party and then she spent the night at my sisters. The time she has been home today she's been a big help.

Matthew on the other hand... well he's had his hands FULL! He's been very compassionate. He's taken care of me and Darcy! I alone am enough ;) And he's had no time to rest... tomorrow his work week starts all over again... poor guy.

okay enough... night night


Staci said...

I am glad you were able to post. We have been praying for you. I wanted to call, but didn't want to bother you either. I know when I am in pain if my phone rings its like the most horrible sound! Anyway-
So do they have you on bed rest? Or are you free to "move about the country" (southwest joke)

Drop me a line or an email...
love ya- Still praying for you and the boys!

Vickie said...

So very glad you are feeling better. Love ya!!

~Crystal~ said...

I'm happy your feeling better, girl. I know it's difficlut, but this too shall pass. Just remember that.