Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Random Things

The shower upstairs still isnt' fixed... I think this is week 4 (maybe 5)... no bath for grandmaw... a sponge can only absorb so much ya know.

My sister woke me up from a nap this afternoon and five minutes late Jessica and Zac woke up Darcy. Now they're all visiting Aunt Nae and Uncle Tony. Thanks Nae ;)

Every morning I call my mom when i get up... just to check in. And every morning she ask if anything is 'happening'... today I snapped on her.

I was going to ask Matthew to bring us home some purple onion for supper but then realized we'd be eating it at 4pm... way too early.

There was some hamburger meat in the fridge thats been thawed out since at least Saturday... its all brown and yucky... they refroze it!!!! YIKES

Speaking of fridges... i cleaned out mine last night. there wasn't much in it.

i've lost interest in Days of our lives.... and most other shows I just had to watch. Does this mean i'm just preparing myself for never having "me" time again?

I'm tired during the day but hate the thought of going to bed at night b/c i never seem to just fall asleep.

I love the smell of my hubby's new soap... I sniff him. And when I'm in the shower alone... i wet his soap just so i can smell it.... makes me wanna eat it!

I'm scared of the thought of being a big girl the rest of my life. I wanna feel good about myself.

Until my house sales I don't wanna look at another house.

my husbands home... gotta go.


native-nc said...

I'll tell you what I have to tell Justus...soap doesn't taste as good as it smells. But a little taste won't hurt. Just don't go overboard.

Anonymous said...

What is purple onion? There was a kid's book when I was little about a little girl who did nott want to bathe and she got so dirty her momma planted radish seeds on her arms and grew them on her. Once she had to pull them out - she took a bath! Can you grow some veggies on gramaw? Ok - that beef is no good now. Once you have those boys and recoup you will be so busy keeping up with them and Darcy it will help you lose some of those unwanted pounds. What kind of soap does Matthew use???? I guess my mango soap smells almost good enough to eat or drink....