Monday, March 06, 2006

Homework ROCKS!!!!

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Staci said...

Hey I noticed her Buddy Barrel on her desk! That makes me smile. We do BGMC at our church... and I love it. Teaching Missions is so important... anyway- just thought I would tell you that I noticed it!

Jamie said...

Hey girl! Wanted to let you know that I got Bry's pics done at Portrait Innovations. They have a great deal where you get a 10x13, 2-8x10 4-5x7, and a million wallets or so for $9.95. But here's the problem... they take so many cute pics that it's hard to choose just one!! I think they took 75 pics of Bry. I actually ended up spending $70... which also got me a free calendar with his picture on it... another free specialty pic and the CD with all the poses on it! So, to me completely worth it!