Yesterday was our first day at home since Christmas morning when we opened all of our presents. We had a great Christmas. I guess I hadn't realized how much I'd been buying and putting back until we started wrapping everything on Christmas Eve. We thought this was going to be a sad year for our kids but it wasn't! HA! We didn't do a lot on each other this year... well I take that back. Matthew did alot for me but I didn't do so much. I'll have to make it up to him on his birthday. I'd love to take him to Gatlinburg as a surprise.... Our tax return should be back in time for me to do that. I just need to figure out all the details. He'd love to stay in town so we could walk to all the stuff. I've been looking online at places... any suggestions?
We went to my sister's house Christmas day and after lunch and presents the grown ups (jessica included this year) played dominos until it was time to go to the Brocks for another Christmas dinner. Saturday morning we headed down to south alabama to visit more family. We came back Sunday afternoon.
Michael and Heather are in town so its been nice to have them around. They're moving to Clarksville, Tn soon... maybe in January. He's going to be stationed at Ft Campbell and its only 4 hours away!
I took pictures but you'll have to wait... I've gotta find the cable to hook up the camera :)
Any big plans for New Years anyone?
4 crazy kids, 1 amazing husband, 2 smelly dogs. It can't get any better than this... Its My Life!
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Christmas vacation!
Last night Matthew and I went out to eat and got some last minute Christmas presents bought.... all because his employer decided to actually give a decent bonus :) I feel much better about the things we got for our kids now... up until last night they were lacking in the toy area and I didn't think they'd get too excited about clothes and pj's. But we got some cool toys and now they're set! Jessica didn't ask for any big items this year so she wasn't too hard to buy for. I wish I could have given her more... or atleast been able to hand over a few hundred dollars to spend on her choice of clothes after Christmas. I remember being a teenage and LOVING that my mom would give me money in my stocking to pick out my own clothes.
Since finishing up with school I feel a little more relaxed. My stress level is definitely down. Although yesterday I got this strong feeling (or conviction) that I needed to be reading up for my next semester. But I have sooo many other things I'd like to get done while I have this time off for Christmas. I ended up getting a "B" in my biology class. I didn't expect anything above a "C" but was secretly hoping for an "A"... however the B doesn't show that its affecting my GPA... its still saying I have a 4.0... not sure how all that works. My lab partner made a D... its passing but for nursing you have to have a "C"... this was her 2nd time to take the class. She called me balling her eyes out and I tried to comfort her but the mother in me came out and I scolded her for her lack of effort throughout the semester.
I'd better get moving... we're due over at the inlaws to see Michael and Heather. They're moving to Clarksdale (or ville?), Tenn... only 4 hours away!!!!! We're not sure of their move date yet but we're hoping its very soon. We miss them and our kids miss them.
Since finishing up with school I feel a little more relaxed. My stress level is definitely down. Although yesterday I got this strong feeling (or conviction) that I needed to be reading up for my next semester. But I have sooo many other things I'd like to get done while I have this time off for Christmas. I ended up getting a "B" in my biology class. I didn't expect anything above a "C" but was secretly hoping for an "A"... however the B doesn't show that its affecting my GPA... its still saying I have a 4.0... not sure how all that works. My lab partner made a D... its passing but for nursing you have to have a "C"... this was her 2nd time to take the class. She called me balling her eyes out and I tried to comfort her but the mother in me came out and I scolded her for her lack of effort throughout the semester.
I'd better get moving... we're due over at the inlaws to see Michael and Heather. They're moving to Clarksdale (or ville?), Tenn... only 4 hours away!!!!! We're not sure of their move date yet but we're hoping its very soon. We miss them and our kids miss them.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Proud Momma Moment #59686598948594854
My Darcy bug can read :) She turned 5 in November and she's reading and wants to read everything. Her teacher told me she's at the top of her class. I sub'd in there the other day and I saw it first hand... my baby is a genius!
Monday, December 14, 2009
Study Study Study
Its Monday morning and its really foggy outside. I'm sitting at the kitchen table waiting on my Lab Partner to get here so we can study. I'd really rather go back to bed. I'm subbing tomorrow and my final is on Wednesday so I don't have a lot of time left to study. I also have to give a speech for my other final. I'm doing it on abstinence :) I took my math final last Thursday... I don't my grade yet but I'm pretty sure I passed.
Wednesday, December 09, 2009
I was looking back trying to find pics
I was just telling someone about this the other day! LOL
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
My phone call
this morning the phone rings at 8:30am... this is how the conversation went
me: Hello
man: who am i speaking with?
me: Nicole
man: oh, well i think i have the wrong number Nicole. sorry.
(((this man seemed like a very nice man)))a few minutes later the phone rings again
me: hello
man: is this Nicole again?
me: yes sirman: I'm really sorry Nicole to bother you but I was given this number by agency but I was told it was to contact Stephanie.
(((well with my mom making phone calls yesterday to the bar I thought maybe this was an attorney trying to help me))))
me: what agency?
man: well i hate to say since this isn't stephanie
me: well maybe they gave you the wrong name by accident
man: the escort agency
me: hahahahahahahahhaahhaahahhahahaa (i couldn't stop laughing!!!! and he soon joined in) i'm sorry for laughing... I hope you find stephanie soon.
man: hahahahaaha thanks sorry to bother you.
OMG!!! I couldn't help laughing! then i hung up thinking... was he really talking about an "escort" service like prositution?????? so i called matthew to tell him about the phone call... i asked him if it was just like one of those area singles groups that match up personalities... he said UM NO! I said are you sure... maybe he needed a date for his company christmas party... he said yeah okay whatever! now this guy sounded like a really nice business man. I pictured him sitting in his nice size office drinking his morning coffee with a tie on... oh well... i guess everyone has needs. lol
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
My phone call
this morning the phone rings at 8:30am... this is how the conversation went
me: Hello
man: who am i speaking with?
me: Nicole
man: oh, well i think i have the wrong number Nicole. sorry.
(((this man seemed like a very nice man)))a few minutes later the phone rings again
me: hello
man: is this Nicole again?
me: yes sirman: I'm really sorry Nicole to bother you but I was given this number by agency but I was told it was to contact Stephanie.
(((well with my mom making phone calls yesterday to the bar I thought maybe this was an attorney trying to help me))))
me: what agency?
man: well i hate to say since this isn't stephanie
me: well maybe they gave you the wrong name by accident
man: the escort agency
me: hahahahahahahahhaahhaahahhahahaa (i couldn't stop laughing!!!! and he soon joined in) i'm sorry for laughing... I hope you find stephanie soon.
man: hahahahaaha thanks sorry to bother you.
OMG!!! I couldn't help laughing! then i hung up thinking... was he really talking about an "escort" service like prositution?????? so i called matthew to tell him about the phone call... i asked him if it was just like one of those area singles groups that match up personalities... he said UM NO! I said are you sure... maybe he needed a date for his company christmas party... he said yeah okay whatever! now this guy sounded like a really nice business man. I pictured him sitting in his nice size office drinking his morning coffee with a tie on... oh well... i guess everyone has needs. lol
Tuesday, December 08, 2009
Ickies and more
My wonderful hubby has been icky for days and now its my turn. He's a much better sicky than I am. I'm a whinner. He never complains! He offered to stay home this morning to help me get the kids ready for school but I told him I could handle it. I really wanted to say "yes please stay home!" I ended up falling on my front porch. I was trying to get Jeremiah out the door and tripped over the cat, rolled my ankle and hit the ground :( I'm okay.
My lab partner is supposed to come over today to study but so far I haven't heard from her. I really wanted to go back to bed but I refrained. I need to study! I also have a huge pile of laundry to tackle.
I went to the Ladies Christmas party at church last night. I decided to do a secret sister this year... I hope I don't let her down. I know her... she's pretty special to me :) Now I get to spend the whole year letting her know how special she is :)
My lab partner is supposed to come over today to study but so far I haven't heard from her. I really wanted to go back to bed but I refrained. I need to study! I also have a huge pile of laundry to tackle.
I went to the Ladies Christmas party at church last night. I decided to do a secret sister this year... I hope I don't let her down. I know her... she's pretty special to me :) Now I get to spend the whole year letting her know how special she is :)
Monday, December 07, 2009
This was last weekend... not sure who or why but they rolled the only tree in our yard... its on the other side of our fence next to the road. We ran out of TP last night and this sure came in handy :)
Sunday, December 06, 2009
All this over football?
I've deleted it now so you can't go looking for it. But some of you may have seen the comments left on my facebook. It really bothered me that people were leaving such hateful comments about a guy they don't know and for most of them... he shares their faith... supposedly. Hateful remarks that turned personal. I got comments from people that I never talk to... it was just unreal at the stupidity displayed by some people. All this while calling themselves christians. You have to just stop and think what kind of witness are they being to those not proclaiming to be christians.
Thanks to those of you who did not leave ugly remarks :) I did notice.
Thanks to those of you who did not leave ugly remarks :) I did notice.
Friday, December 04, 2009
Running Around
like a chicken with my head cutt off! HA!
School is almost over... for a few weeks anyways. I have big plans for those weeks off. Hopefully I can do some serious cleaning in my kids rooms and maybe even paint the master bath. I said I wasn't going to sub until after my finals but I ended up going in today and I'm subbing the DAY BEFORE my big final in 2 weeks. Its hard to tell them "no" when you know you're the only one that will help them out. I think all parents should be required to sub once :)
This morning the little ones watched Polar Express at school and I got to be there for that. Half way through the movie we stopped for hot chocolate and cookies. Tonight is Jessica's homecoming game... last night we decorated the school for Patriot Day (just her, a teacher and myself). It was kinda cool seeing all the kids this morning trying to figure out who did it. They seemed pretty pumped up about the game tonight.
I'm hoping it snows tonight... they say we could get an inch. I sure hope we do... even more would be nice. I ran to the store last night and got the kids some long johns and gloves just to be on the safe side. I forgot to buy up all the milk and bread :)
I hurt my shoulder again... its the same one I hurt a year ago. Its really sore. I'm trying to avoid going to the doctor with it. Last time he tapped me up and thats not cool! I cannot function with one arm!
School is almost over... for a few weeks anyways. I have big plans for those weeks off. Hopefully I can do some serious cleaning in my kids rooms and maybe even paint the master bath. I said I wasn't going to sub until after my finals but I ended up going in today and I'm subbing the DAY BEFORE my big final in 2 weeks. Its hard to tell them "no" when you know you're the only one that will help them out. I think all parents should be required to sub once :)
This morning the little ones watched Polar Express at school and I got to be there for that. Half way through the movie we stopped for hot chocolate and cookies. Tonight is Jessica's homecoming game... last night we decorated the school for Patriot Day (just her, a teacher and myself). It was kinda cool seeing all the kids this morning trying to figure out who did it. They seemed pretty pumped up about the game tonight.
I'm hoping it snows tonight... they say we could get an inch. I sure hope we do... even more would be nice. I ran to the store last night and got the kids some long johns and gloves just to be on the safe side. I forgot to buy up all the milk and bread :)
I hurt my shoulder again... its the same one I hurt a year ago. Its really sore. I'm trying to avoid going to the doctor with it. Last time he tapped me up and thats not cool! I cannot function with one arm!
Monday, November 30, 2009
Thanksgiving Day to Remember!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving!!
I hope everyone has a safe and wonderful holiday with their loved ones. We're heading down to South Alabama at some point.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Darcy's FIVE
My baby had a birthday yesterday! She turned the big FIVE!!! I cannot believe it! When I picked her up yesterday from school she said "Momma, I'm not five! I don't feel five." I laughed! We had her birthday party at the "skating place" per her request but she didn't know where it was until we got there and then it took a minute (or someone blabbing it out) to realize where she was at. We all had a great time :) Here's some pics...

Thursday, November 12, 2009
Me... Holding Back???
So I told you guys about me getting that job setting appointments for a scout... well I never received payment :( I set up several appointments and then ran out of contacts to call. I sent the guy an email asking him for more contacts and to make sure everything was still good. He replied and said he was going to get me some more contacts and send me a check. Well that was weeks ago and I haven't received anything. He owe's me a little over $300 and I could really use that money right now with it being so close to Christmas. I sent him another email tonight. Please pray God convicts him and he sends me a check soon! I don't know why I was so skiddish about contacting him again but I was... now I'm just waiting for a reply.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
I have some dear friends in the area trying to sale their house... Her husband has been relocated to Atlanta with his job. Check it out!
Tuesday, November 03, 2009
So one of my favorite things about this time of year is the smells! I love all the smells of fall/winter. I love the apple cider smell... or the cinnamon brooms :) I have a plug in right beside my door so everytime we walk in I smell the apple cider.
Whats your favorite smell?
Whats your favorite smell?
My life
My life is very busy and I apologize to those who may feel neglected... I haven't forgotten you. School is very overwhelming... I'm in a pretty tight spot. I have to decide whether I'm going to drop the A&P class or stick it out. I DON'T want to drop it but if I can't make at least a 70 then I'll have to retake it anyways and it will bring down my GPA. If I drop the class then I will not be penalized... I'll just have to retake it. Which hopefully the 2nd time around it will be more of a refresher course and I'll do much better. But then again if I have to retake this course then it will put me behind on my plans... I would not be able to start nursing in the fall of next year :( I have to decide by Nov 13th... please pray for me :)
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
The Bug
I'm talkin about the stomach bug :( It has attacked our house and we're not happy about it! NOTICE the time of my post.
It all started with Jacob at 3 o'clock. I picked him up from school and he was still napping. I woke him up and within a few minutes he had puked. By 6pm he had puked a dozen times. He wasn't able to keep anything down.... nada! He puked up until we put him in bed around 10ish. Matthew was sleeping with him.
Darcy was in the bed with me. She woke up puking.... like P U K I N G!!!!! She wasn't even fully awake. The matress is soaked... I got her bathed and now she's on the couch. So far its only once for her.
No other symptoms. No fever... just puke.
I have a biology practical today and I really need to be at class. Matthew had already agreed to stay home with Jacob but I'm not sure how I feel about leaving him here with 2 sick kids.
It all started with Jacob at 3 o'clock. I picked him up from school and he was still napping. I woke him up and within a few minutes he had puked. By 6pm he had puked a dozen times. He wasn't able to keep anything down.... nada! He puked up until we put him in bed around 10ish. Matthew was sleeping with him.
Darcy was in the bed with me. She woke up puking.... like P U K I N G!!!!! She wasn't even fully awake. The matress is soaked... I got her bathed and now she's on the couch. So far its only once for her.
No other symptoms. No fever... just puke.
I have a biology practical today and I really need to be at class. Matthew had already agreed to stay home with Jacob but I'm not sure how I feel about leaving him here with 2 sick kids.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Moving right along
I've been really busy lately with school. My A&P class (human anatomy and physiology) has been kicking my tail. Its one of those classes that you HAVE to study every day. I've been spending a lot of hours at school with my lab partner. We studied for 3 hours the other night... luckily it paid off - for me anyways. I had a quiz yesterday and I only missed 1. Whitney, on the other hand, blanked on the test and didn't do so well. It was so hard to watch her freak. I knew that she knew this but she froze. Some people just don't take test well. We have some sort of test every week... we have quizes, exams and practicals. Quizes are worth 10 points but they cover a lot of information. You almost feel cheated b/c of the amount of stuff you actually have to study but then a very small part of it is on the quiz. Yesterdays quiz was the bones of the skull and they axial skeleton. Exams are big... they're worth 100 points and they're pretty hard. They are scantron. Exams are the only test thats multiple choice but its still pretty hard. Practicals are rough. They're worth 50pts. Its basically a test that is set up around the room at different stations.
My online math class is alright. My other online class was very structured and I thought that I hated it but now I realize I liked it. My math class is a go at your own pace kinda thing and I forgot about it. I'm not disciplined enough to do it on my own. I probably won't do another online class.
Speech is good. Its a really easy class. It does require some effort so I imagine that some people might think its hard but I don't mind it. I have midterm in there tonight.
Well thats whats happening around here... whats happening in your neck for the woods???
My online math class is alright. My other online class was very structured and I thought that I hated it but now I realize I liked it. My math class is a go at your own pace kinda thing and I forgot about it. I'm not disciplined enough to do it on my own. I probably won't do another online class.
Speech is good. Its a really easy class. It does require some effort so I imagine that some people might think its hard but I don't mind it. I have midterm in there tonight.
Well thats whats happening around here... whats happening in your neck for the woods???
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
I'm a nerd and proud of it!!!!
Jacob is such a nut! He's really funny about his socks. I probably have to take off his socks and shoes 2x before they're like he wants them. He'll scream "its not right!" If the seam is on the side of his toe or if there's a little bump he's not a happy camper. It gets frustrating at times but it makes me smile. I want to remember this about him :)
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
So after updating my facebook status, about laughing at jeremiah b/c matthew was tickling him and he jumped up and said "uh oh tee tee!" and ran to the bathroom, I got a message (maybe a hint) about twitter. I'm not really sure what twitter is all about but I have one now. So if you're dying to know my every thought and step you can follow me now. No stalkers please :)
Thursday, October 08, 2009
Very discouraged
I went for my testing this morning. I wasn't prepared for the news.... just to have the test it was going to cost me $300... thats my copay. I didn't have the test done. I left in tears. I went straight from there and had to sub. I'm trying to figure something else out but I'm not sure yet.
Wednesday, October 07, 2009
Testing Testing 1 2 3
I went back to the doctor today for my following up appointment. I was convinced it was my gall bladder but now I'm not so sure and neither is my doctor! I took the medicine he put me on. I had no issues. But then the other night I forgot to take it 30 mins prior to eating. I ended up taking it but only waiting 15 mins. One of the reason I really thought it was my gall bladder is b/c that night I ate broccoli and its one of the foods on the list that is related to gall bladder issues. Well I had *issues* about 30 mins after I ate. I just knew it was my gall bladder but then I couldn't decide if HAD I taken the medicine like instructed if I would have had the issues. The medicine I was on treats IBS aka spastic colon.
So today i tell him about what happened. We went over again where I was having pain and all the other symptoms. My pain is on my Left side... gall bladder is on the right side. He listed several things he thought it could be... I didn't catch many of the names... other than him saying again that it could be IBS or dumping syndrome. He said he wanted to run the test to rule out gall bladder. So I'm scheduled to go tomorrow morning to have the test ran. Hopefully we'll have some answers soon!
He said if it was IBS then I'd just need medication (and take it like I'm supposed to) but I don't want to be on daily meds at my age. Guess we'll see!
So today i tell him about what happened. We went over again where I was having pain and all the other symptoms. My pain is on my Left side... gall bladder is on the right side. He listed several things he thought it could be... I didn't catch many of the names... other than him saying again that it could be IBS or dumping syndrome. He said he wanted to run the test to rule out gall bladder. So I'm scheduled to go tomorrow morning to have the test ran. Hopefully we'll have some answers soon!
He said if it was IBS then I'd just need medication (and take it like I'm supposed to) but I don't want to be on daily meds at my age. Guess we'll see!
Tuesday, October 06, 2009
My freak out
I just had a major freak out moment and called the police on my hubby! now let me explain. He left to pick up our kids an hour and half ago... he had to drive 20 mins down the road. After an hour and 5 mins had gone by I called the sitter (my dear friend Jenn) and asked how long he'd been gone (he wouldn't answer his cell phone). She told me that he hadn't gotten there yet to pick them up. At first I thought she was kidding but I quickly got this sick feeling in my tummy. I called the police (aka my dear friend Matt Staggs...more like a cousin). I explained to him what had happened and asked (or demanded) him to FIND MY HUSBAND! In the meantime I find his cell phone (he left it by mistake). I called the sitter back... still no hubby. Then I called Matt back... he said he hadn't had time yet. I scolded him and told him to send out an APD (thank God he loves me and realizes I'm crazy). Jenn beeps in and Matthew has finally arrived... he had gotten lost. Thats my husband! LOL Now I'm waiting on him to get home... hopefully he can find his way back home. God love em
Thursday, October 01, 2009
I think I can I think I can
I HOPE I CAN!!! Yesterday my biology teacher passed out our test grades from last weeks test... I made a 50! The highest grade was a 76 and the class average was a 52. I cried. Yep I cried in class. We also took another test yesterday that I don't think I did well on. I guess I'm going to have to study harder. I can do this!
I woke up this morning and found a note from my hubby. At the bottom of the note he had a scripture for me... Phil 4:6-8 It was exactly what I needed! Go look it up!
I woke up this morning and found a note from my hubby. At the bottom of the note he had a scripture for me... Phil 4:6-8 It was exactly what I needed! Go look it up!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
The Apple
Darcy told us yesterday that the trinity was like an apple... the skin, the good part in the middle you eat and the core - wow
I really appreciate the encouragment that you all give me through emails, comments, phone calls and facebook. I'm very proud of myself for the things I've accomplished and I give God all the honor and glory. Its been a fun experience going to school... sometimes I think "what am I doing" but really I know this is the best for me and my wonderful family. And one day my ultimate goal would be to do medical missions... if not a permanant missionary overseas somewhere.... someday. I've met some really neat individuals... teachers and students. I've gained confidence in myself that I've lost over the years of 'just being a stay at home mom' and I'm happy and excited about my future. No worries. Long term goals are awesome... I challenge you to make some for yourself if you haven't already... and if you feel brave enough share them here.
"Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and your plans will succeed." Proverbs 16:3
and while I was trying to remember where that verse was found I ran across this one
"The sluggard craves and gets nothing, but the desires of the diligent are fully satisfied." Proverbs 13:4... matthew christian standard bible says SLACKER instead of sluggard =)
"Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and your plans will succeed." Proverbs 16:3
and while I was trying to remember where that verse was found I ran across this one
"The sluggard craves and gets nothing, but the desires of the diligent are fully satisfied." Proverbs 13:4... matthew christian standard bible says SLACKER instead of sluggard =)
Monday, September 14, 2009
Look at us!
Monday Monday Oh Monday
First let me tell ya about my anniversary! HA! Some of you might have already seen my facebook status but just in case you missed it I will share again.
So I got a gift card to O charley's for my birthday... I HATE that place! LOL Matthew and I decided to go there for our anniversary dinner on Saturday night b/c we didn't need to spend money. We ordered their southwestern chips... too crispy and not enough cheese. Then came our main dish... Matthew ordered a salad and I had cajun chicken alfredo. I hadn't eaten half but definitely had consumed enough... I spotted a loop of something and started to pull "it" out. "IT" was the longest hair ever!!! It just kept coming and coming.... I was grossed out! The server took it a way and the manager came quickly. She insisted that I order something else.. esp after she found out it was our anniversary. I ordered a chicken salad but didn't eat much of it. It was time for the bill and our server came by to tell us that the manager had taken care of the whole thing.... I wasn't expecting it. So now I'm STILL stuck with this gift card! HA! I told matthew that had I pulled it out of my mouth I would have thrown up! We made a few stops before we headed home... Kirklands (my favorite store) and TJ MAXX I was looking for a purse but didn't find anything that I HAD to have. I had ordered some stuff from and matthew ordered some books from amazon.... that was our presents to each other... totally fine by me!
Today I was called to sub at the school. 2nd graders! lol I spent most of the morning doing reading groups. I could quickly see whose parents worked with them at home. I had to be at class at 10 but my relief didn't get there until 10:15 so I was late for class.
When I went back to pick up my kids at the end of the day I ran into the relief sub... she said one of the boys had an accident in class and that the other guys made fun of him and she chewed em out. The guy had a tricky belt buckle on and he couldn't get his pants down in time. Poor fella... he was a really nice kid. I'm glad I wasn't there when it happened b/c I don't know how I would have handled the other kids making fun of him.
Its raining now and I'm surrounding by my little ones... Matthew's on his way home and Jessica is at practice. I'll have to get some studying it at some point today.
So I got a gift card to O charley's for my birthday... I HATE that place! LOL Matthew and I decided to go there for our anniversary dinner on Saturday night b/c we didn't need to spend money. We ordered their southwestern chips... too crispy and not enough cheese. Then came our main dish... Matthew ordered a salad and I had cajun chicken alfredo. I hadn't eaten half but definitely had consumed enough... I spotted a loop of something and started to pull "it" out. "IT" was the longest hair ever!!! It just kept coming and coming.... I was grossed out! The server took it a way and the manager came quickly. She insisted that I order something else.. esp after she found out it was our anniversary. I ordered a chicken salad but didn't eat much of it. It was time for the bill and our server came by to tell us that the manager had taken care of the whole thing.... I wasn't expecting it. So now I'm STILL stuck with this gift card! HA! I told matthew that had I pulled it out of my mouth I would have thrown up! We made a few stops before we headed home... Kirklands (my favorite store) and TJ MAXX I was looking for a purse but didn't find anything that I HAD to have. I had ordered some stuff from and matthew ordered some books from amazon.... that was our presents to each other... totally fine by me!
Today I was called to sub at the school. 2nd graders! lol I spent most of the morning doing reading groups. I could quickly see whose parents worked with them at home. I had to be at class at 10 but my relief didn't get there until 10:15 so I was late for class.
When I went back to pick up my kids at the end of the day I ran into the relief sub... she said one of the boys had an accident in class and that the other guys made fun of him and she chewed em out. The guy had a tricky belt buckle on and he couldn't get his pants down in time. Poor fella... he was a really nice kid. I'm glad I wasn't there when it happened b/c I don't know how I would have handled the other kids making fun of him.
Its raining now and I'm surrounding by my little ones... Matthew's on his way home and Jessica is at practice. I'll have to get some studying it at some point today.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Thank YOU!!
Thanks for checking my blog to see if there's anything new... I'm sorry I've disappointed you lately but I've been really busy with school and stuff.
I did get a job today... details to come later (after I find them out myself). Its something I will be able to do from home :)
My hubby and I are celebrating our 6th anniversary on Sunday... not sure how yet but we're gonna!
I've got a few test/quizes coming up in my human anatomy and physiology class that I'm studying for so say a quick prayer for me.
I'll try to do better with posting :)
I did get a job today... details to come later (after I find them out myself). Its something I will be able to do from home :)
My hubby and I are celebrating our 6th anniversary on Sunday... not sure how yet but we're gonna!
I've got a few test/quizes coming up in my human anatomy and physiology class that I'm studying for so say a quick prayer for me.
I'll try to do better with posting :)
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
Oink Oink
Home from class... speech class that is. My professor/teacher/whatever is a skinny little black man named duan juan... or at least thats what it says on my schedule... but he wrote carlos on the board... go figure! We call him Dr. Morrison. He's funny... like really funny. Its a good thing since his class is from 8 till 9:15pm. He keeps me awake. He doesn't teach a whole lot... I guess its his way of teaching... mostly he tells stories. Life stories - the best kind. Tonight we talked about ethics and if there's a time to tell a lie. I said yes. I'd explain but I don't feel like it :)
Darcy missed school today b/c she was sick... but she went to the doctor and they said she was okay. So she's going tomorrow... its grandparents breakfast. I have class.... Biology 201 aka Anatomy and Physiology I... I have a quiz tomorrow and I'm also disecting a pig fetus. GREAT! Can't wait! LOL Actually I'm not worried about it... unless it smells... I'm funny about smells but hopefully I'll be fine. I'm hoping the other kids don't act stupid... I hate it when girls act stupid just for the sake of acting stupid.... so annoying!
This weekend is our anniversary... SIX years. We have nothing planned... not sure what we'll do if anything. Maybe snuggle on the couch and watch a movie... sounds good to me! We've joked about going to the drive end... maybe we can make out in the backseat :)
Our anniversary also marks another anniversary... we met Denise on our honeymoon and six years later we're still keeping in touch. Love her! She's been a great friend. She surprised me when I was pregnant with Darcy and came to my babyshower... I was soooo surprised and extremely grateful. I've been trying to get her to come back and visit me but I guess I'm just gonna have to go visit her!
Well I'm off to bed now... gotta get some sleep tonight... I kept waking up all night last night.
Oh and tomorrow I'll find out my grade from my last quiz... i'm pretty sure I did good. I'll be devastated if I didn't :(
Darcy missed school today b/c she was sick... but she went to the doctor and they said she was okay. So she's going tomorrow... its grandparents breakfast. I have class.... Biology 201 aka Anatomy and Physiology I... I have a quiz tomorrow and I'm also disecting a pig fetus. GREAT! Can't wait! LOL Actually I'm not worried about it... unless it smells... I'm funny about smells but hopefully I'll be fine. I'm hoping the other kids don't act stupid... I hate it when girls act stupid just for the sake of acting stupid.... so annoying!
This weekend is our anniversary... SIX years. We have nothing planned... not sure what we'll do if anything. Maybe snuggle on the couch and watch a movie... sounds good to me! We've joked about going to the drive end... maybe we can make out in the backseat :)
Our anniversary also marks another anniversary... we met Denise on our honeymoon and six years later we're still keeping in touch. Love her! She's been a great friend. She surprised me when I was pregnant with Darcy and came to my babyshower... I was soooo surprised and extremely grateful. I've been trying to get her to come back and visit me but I guess I'm just gonna have to go visit her!
Well I'm off to bed now... gotta get some sleep tonight... I kept waking up all night last night.
Oh and tomorrow I'll find out my grade from my last quiz... i'm pretty sure I did good. I'll be devastated if I didn't :(
Friday, August 28, 2009
I'm Alive!!!
All is well...
I'm sorry I've been sick and I started school.
I'm still not 100% back to myself yet but I'm feeling better than I have been. I started school and everything has been really busy. I'm supposed to studying right now but I'm ADD and so I had to take a break :)
I turned 30 on Aug 13th and my husband threw me a surprise party... except I kinda found out about it by accident. But I was extremely grateful for the amount of planning my hubby put into it. I love him so much and appreciate everything he does for me :)
Matthew's brother and wife were in town for 2 weeks... although we didn't get to spend much time with them b/c they went to the mountains for a week and then to the beach. But we did manage to get a few hours in with them. I miss them and wish they'd lived closer but if they did I probably wouldn't see them as much as I think I would. We all stay extremely busy.
Jessica's volleyball season is in full swing.... 2 games a week! Last night was the first game I've missed so far :( It was an away game and I really needed to stay home with my hubby and little ones. I feel like I never see them since they're in school all day. They're all doing really well.
This is the first semester that I've really doubted myself. Its Anatomy and Physiology that's got me worried. There's a lot to take in... important stuff that I need to know for nursing :) My teacher is young and really friendly. I think she's going to be a good teacher. I'm just worried. The other night I almost broke down in tears b/c I started doubting this whole thing. I know I can do it. Its not going to be easy but I can do it.
I really need to get back to reading!
I'm sorry I've been sick and I started school.
I'm still not 100% back to myself yet but I'm feeling better than I have been. I started school and everything has been really busy. I'm supposed to studying right now but I'm ADD and so I had to take a break :)
I turned 30 on Aug 13th and my husband threw me a surprise party... except I kinda found out about it by accident. But I was extremely grateful for the amount of planning my hubby put into it. I love him so much and appreciate everything he does for me :)
Matthew's brother and wife were in town for 2 weeks... although we didn't get to spend much time with them b/c they went to the mountains for a week and then to the beach. But we did manage to get a few hours in with them. I miss them and wish they'd lived closer but if they did I probably wouldn't see them as much as I think I would. We all stay extremely busy.
Jessica's volleyball season is in full swing.... 2 games a week! Last night was the first game I've missed so far :( It was an away game and I really needed to stay home with my hubby and little ones. I feel like I never see them since they're in school all day. They're all doing really well.
This is the first semester that I've really doubted myself. Its Anatomy and Physiology that's got me worried. There's a lot to take in... important stuff that I need to know for nursing :) My teacher is young and really friendly. I think she's going to be a good teacher. I'm just worried. The other night I almost broke down in tears b/c I started doubting this whole thing. I know I can do it. Its not going to be easy but I can do it.
I really need to get back to reading!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
First Day Memories
My kids were thrilled to death to see me yesterday. Jeremiah had just woken up from his nap and he was still kinda out of it. The teacher said he kept fussing and she thought he was saying something about a booboo but she couldn't find anything. He wasn't talking about a booboo... its bubankey aka blue blanket! She'll know next time!
Their teacher called me later on that evening to reassure me that all went well. She said they had some trouble understanding the stay in your seat rule but she assured me they weren't the only ones. She said Jeremiah quickly caught on to the rules but Jacob wanted to buck them a little more :) Thats my Jacob! She also commented on "the look" he gave her... I told her we referred to that as the grumpy old man look. She laughed.
Darcy had a good day up until lunch time. She knows that at lunch time the half day students leave and she was asking for me. She calmed down and took a nap. She was also very excited to see me. Once we got home she never left my side.
Today was a much easier day. Everyone was in a good mood. They all entered their classrooms and sat down in their seats. I can't wait to pick them up and see how their day went.
I've been uber productive today :) My day went better than yesterday also. Thanks for the prayers, emails, comments and phone calls!!!!!
I promise to post pics soon!
Their teacher called me later on that evening to reassure me that all went well. She said they had some trouble understanding the stay in your seat rule but she assured me they weren't the only ones. She said Jeremiah quickly caught on to the rules but Jacob wanted to buck them a little more :) Thats my Jacob! She also commented on "the look" he gave her... I told her we referred to that as the grumpy old man look. She laughed.
Darcy had a good day up until lunch time. She knows that at lunch time the half day students leave and she was asking for me. She calmed down and took a nap. She was also very excited to see me. Once we got home she never left my side.
Today was a much easier day. Everyone was in a good mood. They all entered their classrooms and sat down in their seats. I can't wait to pick them up and see how their day went.
I've been uber productive today :) My day went better than yesterday also. Thanks for the prayers, emails, comments and phone calls!!!!!
I promise to post pics soon!
Monday, August 10, 2009
First Day
Wow. I'm sitting here on my couch with big puffy eyes. Its 11am and my tv is off. The house is empty and my heart is broken.
Here comes the tears again.
I remember in Sept of 04 when I was forced to quit work due to health reasons. I told everyone that I'd be back after Darcy was born. I laughed when a friend told me I'd change my mind. Darcy was born on Nov 16th and I've been a stay at home mom since that day.
Today I woke up my boys and told them it was time to go to school. They were thrilled. Their eyes were still squinty as they came down the stairs. They were so excited when I was packing up their lunch and snacks. They couldn't wait to put on their book bags. I stuff Jeremiah's blue blanket in his back pack. And at one point I saw him laying on the couch with just enough blanket out of the back pack for him to put it in his mouth. He was content. I was started to break down.
Darcy woke up in not such a good mood. Matthew had decided to go in late so he could go with me to take them. Darcy was very clingy. We fought with her all morning. I tried really hard to make it a happy day for them all so things would start off well. Didn't go so well with her.
We got to the school and she insisted on Matthew carrying her. We took the boys first. They went straight in and never looked back. Ms. Shelia was directing them where to put their stuff. They were so excited.
Next we took Darcy down to her room. She didn't want Matthew to put her down. She held on tight to him and her blankey. Finally we got her feet to touch the floor but she didn't want us to leave yet. I was fighting back tears and so was she. Finally I knew I had to leave or else I'd break down. The teacher took her by the hand and asked her if she could be her helper. She went peacefully.
We sat outside their rooms for a good bit. We'd randomly ask people to stick their heads in the door and check on our kids. Each time they'd say "oh they're fine!" Finally I made myself leave. I really think I could have stayed there all day.
I came home and sat on the couch. I haven't moved. I haven't turned on the TV yet. A few close friends have called to check on me. I cried for 2 solid hours. I'm okay now. My eyes are puffy and my head hurts. I made myself an eye appointment and a dentist appointment. Both times I cried when they asked me when I could come. I told them anytime b/c my babies were all in school and I had nothing to do anymore. They were compassionate.
Maybe tomorrow will be better for Darcy. I hope my kids all come home excited. And eventually I will fill my days with productive things to do. But today I'll just sit here and cry.
Here comes the tears again.
I remember in Sept of 04 when I was forced to quit work due to health reasons. I told everyone that I'd be back after Darcy was born. I laughed when a friend told me I'd change my mind. Darcy was born on Nov 16th and I've been a stay at home mom since that day.
Today I woke up my boys and told them it was time to go to school. They were thrilled. Their eyes were still squinty as they came down the stairs. They were so excited when I was packing up their lunch and snacks. They couldn't wait to put on their book bags. I stuff Jeremiah's blue blanket in his back pack. And at one point I saw him laying on the couch with just enough blanket out of the back pack for him to put it in his mouth. He was content. I was started to break down.
Darcy woke up in not such a good mood. Matthew had decided to go in late so he could go with me to take them. Darcy was very clingy. We fought with her all morning. I tried really hard to make it a happy day for them all so things would start off well. Didn't go so well with her.
We got to the school and she insisted on Matthew carrying her. We took the boys first. They went straight in and never looked back. Ms. Shelia was directing them where to put their stuff. They were so excited.
Next we took Darcy down to her room. She didn't want Matthew to put her down. She held on tight to him and her blankey. Finally we got her feet to touch the floor but she didn't want us to leave yet. I was fighting back tears and so was she. Finally I knew I had to leave or else I'd break down. The teacher took her by the hand and asked her if she could be her helper. She went peacefully.
We sat outside their rooms for a good bit. We'd randomly ask people to stick their heads in the door and check on our kids. Each time they'd say "oh they're fine!" Finally I made myself leave. I really think I could have stayed there all day.
I came home and sat on the couch. I haven't moved. I haven't turned on the TV yet. A few close friends have called to check on me. I cried for 2 solid hours. I'm okay now. My eyes are puffy and my head hurts. I made myself an eye appointment and a dentist appointment. Both times I cried when they asked me when I could come. I told them anytime b/c my babies were all in school and I had nothing to do anymore. They were compassionate.
Maybe tomorrow will be better for Darcy. I hope my kids all come home excited. And eventually I will fill my days with productive things to do. But today I'll just sit here and cry.
Thursday, August 06, 2009
tears already?
I cried tonight at the parent orientation. I'm still a little teary eyed. I'm worried about them and how they'll handle school.
Reflecting Back
I was talking to a girlfriend today on the phone and she asked me what I was going to do with all my kids in school. I've been a stay at home mom for 4 years now. Something that God totally blessed me with. I have guilt from the years I missed with Jessica b/c I was too consumed with other things. But with my little folks I've been able to be here with them. It hasn't always been peachy... In fact I've struggled with depression, financial issues and other things along the way. But I have some awesome memories. About the time I became a SAHM Jessica begin playing sports.... I know that if I still had a job then I'd miss out on more than half of her games. So I've enjoyed my years at home. I'm grateful to have a husband that feels the way I do about being at home.
My next chapter... my little ones start on Monday. I'll be taking 3 classes in the fall. I was going to work at the pizza place but recently found out it closed :( I'll be sub'ing at the school some to help with tuition. I'm still in a catch 22 with job/pell grant. But I'm not worried. I have faith. I'll have time to do things I've wanted to do... clean my house from top to bottom! Organize closets! Paint my bathroom! Go to the Eye Doctor (amen)! Go to the Dentist! Grab lunch with friends! I'll have plenty of time to study!!!
I'm sure it won't take me long to get board... at least thats what I think will happen. But I'm really looking forward to some me time. I still have my membership at the gym... didn't go all summer long but kept it b/c I knew in the fall I'd have all the time in the world to get skinny!
I've felt a little anxious about my boys going to school but this past week I realized it was time! They're board here with me and they need more socializing. They have the same teacher Darcy had last year and I love her to death. She's a wonderful God loving teacher and she loves her students!!
My next chapter... my little ones start on Monday. I'll be taking 3 classes in the fall. I was going to work at the pizza place but recently found out it closed :( I'll be sub'ing at the school some to help with tuition. I'm still in a catch 22 with job/pell grant. But I'm not worried. I have faith. I'll have time to do things I've wanted to do... clean my house from top to bottom! Organize closets! Paint my bathroom! Go to the Eye Doctor (amen)! Go to the Dentist! Grab lunch with friends! I'll have plenty of time to study!!!
I'm sure it won't take me long to get board... at least thats what I think will happen. But I'm really looking forward to some me time. I still have my membership at the gym... didn't go all summer long but kept it b/c I knew in the fall I'd have all the time in the world to get skinny!
I've felt a little anxious about my boys going to school but this past week I realized it was time! They're board here with me and they need more socializing. They have the same teacher Darcy had last year and I love her to death. She's a wonderful God loving teacher and she loves her students!!
Tuesday, August 04, 2009
Oh what fun
explore your little hearts out!
Rock Climbing!
My kids climbed all over the rocks... I had a hard time letting them
Jacob & Jeremiah doing it all by himself
My family
Jeremiah moving the rock
If you only knew how many pics we took in order to get one where we all look somewhat normal...
My kids loved climbing on all these rocks!
Jacob and Mommy
Jessica and Mommy
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
More pics
It was actually raining when were out there but it didn't matter to them. I was hiding under the beach umbrella :) The water was really calm.
My little ones loved the beach. They wanted to be in the ocean the whole time. It was fun but having 30 lbs around your neck is rough :)
Jeremiah came into our room every morning to snuggle :)

I love this pic of the two of them.

There was a boat that came to the beach infront of our hotel every day (3x a day actually) and fired a canon... it eventually became known to our kids as the pirate ship. It was LOUD! The boys would yell "The pirates are coming!" very cute!
I love this pic of the two of them.
There was a boat that came to the beach infront of our hotel every day (3x a day actually) and fired a canon... it eventually became known to our kids as the pirate ship. It was LOUD! The boys would yell "The pirates are coming!" very cute!
Jacob would always find a group of girls in the pool to hang out with... older girls! He even gave one a hug and kiss :)
Jeremiah loved swimming but he would be the first to say "i wanna snack" or "i wanna take a nap"
Darcy tried her best to make friends with everyone... young kids and even older men.
Jessica and I spent some "momma/jessica" time... we even did the parasailing
Matthew and I laughed at night b/c our room was sooo stinking bright and we slept with boxers over our face to block out the light!
there's many more but I've got restless kids :)
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