Thursday, October 22, 2009

Moving right along

I've been really busy lately with school. My A&P class (human anatomy and physiology) has been kicking my tail. Its one of those classes that you HAVE to study every day. I've been spending a lot of hours at school with my lab partner. We studied for 3 hours the other night... luckily it paid off - for me anyways. I had a quiz yesterday and I only missed 1. Whitney, on the other hand, blanked on the test and didn't do so well. It was so hard to watch her freak. I knew that she knew this but she froze. Some people just don't take test well. We have some sort of test every week... we have quizes, exams and practicals. Quizes are worth 10 points but they cover a lot of information. You almost feel cheated b/c of the amount of stuff you actually have to study but then a very small part of it is on the quiz. Yesterdays quiz was the bones of the skull and they axial skeleton. Exams are big... they're worth 100 points and they're pretty hard. They are scantron. Exams are the only test thats multiple choice but its still pretty hard. Practicals are rough. They're worth 50pts. Its basically a test that is set up around the room at different stations.

My online math class is alright. My other online class was very structured and I thought that I hated it but now I realize I liked it. My math class is a go at your own pace kinda thing and I forgot about it. I'm not disciplined enough to do it on my own. I probably won't do another online class.

Speech is good. Its a really easy class. It does require some effort so I imagine that some people might think its hard but I don't mind it. I have midterm in there tonight.

Well thats whats happening around here... whats happening in your neck for the woods???

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