Tuesday, October 06, 2009

My freak out

I just had a major freak out moment and called the police on my hubby! now let me explain. He left to pick up our kids an hour and half ago... he had to drive 20 mins down the road. After an hour and 5 mins had gone by I called the sitter (my dear friend Jenn) and asked how long he'd been gone (he wouldn't answer his cell phone). She told me that he hadn't gotten there yet to pick them up. At first I thought she was kidding but I quickly got this sick feeling in my tummy. I called the police (aka my dear friend Matt Staggs...more like a cousin). I explained to him what had happened and asked (or demanded) him to FIND MY HUSBAND! In the meantime I find his cell phone (he left it by mistake). I called the sitter back... still no hubby. Then I called Matt back... he said he hadn't had time yet. I scolded him and told him to send out an APD (thank God he loves me and realizes I'm crazy). Jenn beeps in and Matthew has finally arrived... he had gotten lost. Thats my husband! LOL Now I'm waiting on him to get home... hopefully he can find his way back home. God love em


Staci said...

You have connections. That is great! Use them! I remember Vickie doing the same thing when I left Masters and didn't tell anyone, except Pastor Sims. They freaked out that I was no where to be found.

native-nc said...

Oh girl!