4 crazy kids, 1 amazing husband, 2 smelly dogs. It can't get any better than this... Its My Life!
Saturday, December 31, 2005
Darcy slept in her big girl bed last night!!!! She cried herself to sleep in the floor (she had her pillow) and once she was asleep we moved her to the bed. She woke up around 5am. I held her for a few minutes and laid her back down... she slept until 9am! Yippee!!!!!! Hers a big girl :)
Friday, December 30, 2005
going going gone
while on the way to the fabric store with aimee today I started feeling a little icky... within minutes it had gone from bad to worse!!! I passed out on her!!!!! Luckily she was driving and she didn't panic. We were actually in the drive thru line at the bank... I was only out for a few seconds but the events leading up to it lasted for several minutes. This is actually the first time i've passed out since being pregnant with the twins... i've had several close calls but this time I was out cold! Aimee said i was lucky i woke up when i did b/c she was about to slap me!!!! LOL!
my symptoms
1st. i got restless
2nd. i got hot
3rd. i got tired
4th. my lips and around my mouth went numb
5th. my vision started doing that fading thing
6th. i felt nausious (sp)
thankfully i did not throw up or pee on myself like i've done in the past after passing out. and afterwards i was fine... like no big deal!
my symptoms
1st. i got restless
2nd. i got hot
3rd. i got tired
4th. my lips and around my mouth went numb
5th. my vision started doing that fading thing
6th. i felt nausious (sp)
thankfully i did not throw up or pee on myself like i've done in the past after passing out. and afterwards i was fine... like no big deal!
My first sewing project
I made Darcy a pillow... i'll post a picture later for you to see. It's very cute and I'm really excited about sewing my next project... a fleece hat... oh btw the pillow was fleece and the lady at Hancock said if i could sew fleece I was doing good! maybe i'm a natural:)
Crib vs Toddler bed
well we kept her in the bed with us last night while we puzzled over what we should do... that made for a long night b/c she's wiggle worm.
we decided we're going to give the toddler bed a try... she's in her room right now crying... hopefully to sleep soon. we tried laying down with her but all she wanted to do was play.
my mother in law found one of those tent thingys that go over the crib but i'm not sure we're gonna go that route... she's gonna have to learn to sleep in her bed sooner or later. just pray we have patience during the switch.
we decided we're going to give the toddler bed a try... she's in her room right now crying... hopefully to sleep soon. we tried laying down with her but all she wanted to do was play.
my mother in law found one of those tent thingys that go over the crib but i'm not sure we're gonna go that route... she's gonna have to learn to sleep in her bed sooner or later. just pray we have patience during the switch.
Thursday, December 29, 2005
You are never going to believe what Darcy did tonight!!!!!!!!! She crawled out of her crib!!!!!!!!!! NO I'm not lying!!! It scared us to death!!!!!!! We had put her down earlier but she woke up and we brought her into the living room with us while we finished watching a movie... well matthew put her back into her bed and she was MAD! We've been trying not to run to her rescue everytime she cries so we were letting her 'cry it out' well all the sudden the cry sounds a bit closer... we both rush to her door and open it and there she is!!! Not a scratch on her! What do we do???? I'm so scared to put her back into the crib b/c of all the What If's??? She's only 13.5 months old!!!!!! Was this a fluke or what??? She's playing right now until she gets good and sleepy and then we'll put her back into her crib tonight while we figure out what to do. She's seems to little to already be in a toddler bed. What would you do?????
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
so much for the house being ours
they're coming home tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I forgot to tell you what everyone else got....
CD's ~ T-Bone, a christian various artist hip hop cd, relient k, a cd matthew made for her
Books ~ Moby Dick & Little Women
2 pairs of boots
Computer games ~ who wants to be a millionaire & bookworm
A kareoake (sp) machine
computer desk
2 pairs of tennis shoes
digital camera
I Dunno... a bunch of junk! not all of it was from us though
2 presents from us under the tree... she didn't seem to care.
Weebles (they wobble but don't fall down)
A block wagon thingy
from everyone else... toys and clothes
Tool box for his truck... he's been needing one!
Gift certificates to Barnes and Nobles
old man shoes (slippers)
okay... happy now
CD's ~ T-Bone, a christian various artist hip hop cd, relient k, a cd matthew made for her
Books ~ Moby Dick & Little Women
2 pairs of boots
Computer games ~ who wants to be a millionaire & bookworm
A kareoake (sp) machine
computer desk
2 pairs of tennis shoes
digital camera
I Dunno... a bunch of junk! not all of it was from us though
2 presents from us under the tree... she didn't seem to care.
Weebles (they wobble but don't fall down)
A block wagon thingy
from everyone else... toys and clothes
Tool box for his truck... he's been needing one!
Gift certificates to Barnes and Nobles
old man shoes (slippers)
okay... happy now
I'm so glad its all over with... now i just have to clean up the mess! I was hoping to take down all the decorations today but it didn't happen. We slept until lunch time. We played until nap time. I have never taken a nap while Darcy has but today I put her down and fell asleep myself around 3pm. I just woke up b/c my husband was calling to tell me he's on his way home... I paniced at first b/c nothing had been done but he was very quick to tell me that I needed the rest. I love my hubby :) I'm so glad I don't have one of those husbands that expect everything to be perfect when he gets home... it very seldom is that way.
The brocks are gone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They've all gone to south alabama to visit family. I'm not sure when they're coming home. Ya know... one of my pet peeves is that I don't leave my house messy when I leave for a trip. Well I walked upstairs today to cook lunch and I could barely find the stove! The kitchen is a disaster and you'd think they'd straighten it up knowing we still had to use it while they were gone... nope. I had to move junk off the stove just to make a grilled cheese sandwich... not dishes... all kinds of junk. which is another pet peeve... i don't lay anything on my stove for fear somehow it would be turned on and the whole house would burn down. oh well!
okay... so i know you're dying to know what I got for christmas.... here it is....
A SEWING MACHINE!!! I'm very excited. I've got a few friends that sew all kinds of stuff and i'm always jealous. Not to mention... I don't have a hobby so maybe this will be my new hobby. I know nothing about sewing!!!! I've got lots to learn.
A candle thingy thats in the shape of a big circle... its pretty. We hung it above our bed. I've been wanting this for a while too.
I got 2 gift certificates to Merle Norman and 2 more to get my nails and toenails done :)
The new Ashlee Simpson CD... i liked her better when she had her hair dark
2 outfits... one doesn't fit (the top is too small)
A cd holder
A new purse (its dark red)
A florida gator hat
and i think thats it... we had a good chirstmas.
The brocks are gone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They've all gone to south alabama to visit family. I'm not sure when they're coming home. Ya know... one of my pet peeves is that I don't leave my house messy when I leave for a trip. Well I walked upstairs today to cook lunch and I could barely find the stove! The kitchen is a disaster and you'd think they'd straighten it up knowing we still had to use it while they were gone... nope. I had to move junk off the stove just to make a grilled cheese sandwich... not dishes... all kinds of junk. which is another pet peeve... i don't lay anything on my stove for fear somehow it would be turned on and the whole house would burn down. oh well!
okay... so i know you're dying to know what I got for christmas.... here it is....
A SEWING MACHINE!!! I'm very excited. I've got a few friends that sew all kinds of stuff and i'm always jealous. Not to mention... I don't have a hobby so maybe this will be my new hobby. I know nothing about sewing!!!! I've got lots to learn.
A candle thingy thats in the shape of a big circle... its pretty. We hung it above our bed. I've been wanting this for a while too.
I got 2 gift certificates to Merle Norman and 2 more to get my nails and toenails done :)
The new Ashlee Simpson CD... i liked her better when she had her hair dark
2 outfits... one doesn't fit (the top is too small)
A cd holder
A new purse (its dark red)
A florida gator hat
and i think thats it... we had a good chirstmas.
Saturday, December 24, 2005
Merry Christmas
I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and safe travels. Tonight officially starts our running around but luckily we don't have too many places to be at.
I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and safe travels. Tonight officially starts our running around but luckily we don't have too many places to be at.
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Daddy's Girl
Now you'd assume that I'm talking about Darcy... but I'm not... I'm talking about Jessica... but not talking about her daddy. Last night she told Matthew she was a daddy's girl... HIS DADDY'S GIRL. I thought it was soooo sweet... and Matthew was grinning from ear to ear. I'm so grateful for the bond between the two of them. Later on matthew went to lay down and Jessica asked if she could lay with him. I could hear them talking... it was soooo sweet. Well I stayed up much later playing on the computer and when I went to get in the bed they were out cold... so i left her there and tucked them both in. I slept in Jessica's room.... they just looked so cute I couldn't wake em.
Thanks you Jesus for my amazing husband and our growing family.
Thanks you Jesus for my amazing husband and our growing family.
Monday, December 19, 2005
What a goober!!!
My father in law that is!!!!!!!!
Okay... so all day today i've been in a tizzy b/c of him! lets back up.... a couple of days ago while looking in the fridge, i found 4 things of cream cheese... all with 'use by' dates of Jan 05... one was even April 04!!! When I found them matthew and mr. b were both in the kitchen. I went on and on about how gross that was and threw them away. TODAY.... i go upstairs and open the freezer to find me some lunch and instead I find THE CREAM CHEESE THAT I THREW AWAY!!!!!! Of course i was shocked and just couldn't believe he dug them out and why would he insist on using them!!! So I spent the remainder of the afternoon searching the USDA website and the FDA websites looking for specific information about food and junk.
*see in the past he's challenged me on why can't he thaw out meat in the microwave and then refreeze what he didn't use... and other silly little things that common sense should be enough!
well i gathered all this information about why and why not for him to read. I went upstairs just now and said to him that I saw where he'd pulled the cream cheese out of the garbage adn I just wanted to know when he used it so i'd know not to let my family eat it... well he started laughing!!! which made me mad! I was like why isn't he taking me seriously... turns out he did it as a joke!!!! URG! he said he pulled it out and stuck it in the front of the freezer so i'd see it... WHAT A BUTTHEAD!! I told him about all the research I'd done today about food and stuff so i'd have reason's for his why not questions instead of 'just cause'... he thought it was funny! i'm glad he did... i don't know whether i should laugh or cry!
Okay... so all day today i've been in a tizzy b/c of him! lets back up.... a couple of days ago while looking in the fridge, i found 4 things of cream cheese... all with 'use by' dates of Jan 05... one was even April 04!!! When I found them matthew and mr. b were both in the kitchen. I went on and on about how gross that was and threw them away. TODAY.... i go upstairs and open the freezer to find me some lunch and instead I find THE CREAM CHEESE THAT I THREW AWAY!!!!!! Of course i was shocked and just couldn't believe he dug them out and why would he insist on using them!!! So I spent the remainder of the afternoon searching the USDA website and the FDA websites looking for specific information about food and junk.
*see in the past he's challenged me on why can't he thaw out meat in the microwave and then refreeze what he didn't use... and other silly little things that common sense should be enough!
well i gathered all this information about why and why not for him to read. I went upstairs just now and said to him that I saw where he'd pulled the cream cheese out of the garbage adn I just wanted to know when he used it so i'd know not to let my family eat it... well he started laughing!!! which made me mad! I was like why isn't he taking me seriously... turns out he did it as a joke!!!! URG! he said he pulled it out and stuck it in the front of the freezer so i'd see it... WHAT A BUTTHEAD!! I told him about all the research I'd done today about food and stuff so i'd have reason's for his why not questions instead of 'just cause'... he thought it was funny! i'm glad he did... i don't know whether i should laugh or cry!
Weekend Recap
We had a great weekend... it just flew by.
Friday night Jessica had a friend spend the night... it was the 2nd time ever... the first time really doesn't count b/c she was like 5 and the girl left at 6am! Anyways the girls had a great time. We went to the mall friday night then to dinner and back to the mall! After we got home we all watched Herbie Fully Loaded - cute movie. Saturday we all sleep in and then they played outside until Jessica's dad got her around 3pm. Hope's mom (jessica's teacher from last year that i love) came about the same time but she ended up staying and talking for 2 hours!!!!! We were supposed to go to my grandparents house but by the time she left it was too late to drive to Boaz. We ended up staying home and watching Cinderalla Man - GREAT MOVIE!!!!
Sunday we went to my grandparents house and had lunch. We just visited for a while then had dinner with them and headed home. Jessica wasn't with us b/c she was at her dads. Darcy slept most of the car ride there and back so Matt and I had lots of talking time. We always enjoyed road trips for that reason... it gives us time to really talk.
We talked about our plans... how we hope to sell our house soon so we can move on with our plans. We both would really like to live out in the country somewhere so our kids can do more than play video games and watch tv. We'd rather them break their arms falling out of trees then have arthritis from video games. We decided (who knows) we would buy some land in Pea Ridge - why pea ridge... b/c its the only safe area around... meaning the last place they'd build a super center wal mart! We'd build a house and while the house is being built we'd live in a trailer... after the house is built we move the trailer to Lay lake to have a place to go for fun. So that's are dreams for now. We just gotta get our house sold!
Friday night Jessica had a friend spend the night... it was the 2nd time ever... the first time really doesn't count b/c she was like 5 and the girl left at 6am! Anyways the girls had a great time. We went to the mall friday night then to dinner and back to the mall! After we got home we all watched Herbie Fully Loaded - cute movie. Saturday we all sleep in and then they played outside until Jessica's dad got her around 3pm. Hope's mom (jessica's teacher from last year that i love) came about the same time but she ended up staying and talking for 2 hours!!!!! We were supposed to go to my grandparents house but by the time she left it was too late to drive to Boaz. We ended up staying home and watching Cinderalla Man - GREAT MOVIE!!!!
Sunday we went to my grandparents house and had lunch. We just visited for a while then had dinner with them and headed home. Jessica wasn't with us b/c she was at her dads. Darcy slept most of the car ride there and back so Matt and I had lots of talking time. We always enjoyed road trips for that reason... it gives us time to really talk.
We talked about our plans... how we hope to sell our house soon so we can move on with our plans. We both would really like to live out in the country somewhere so our kids can do more than play video games and watch tv. We'd rather them break their arms falling out of trees then have arthritis from video games. We decided (who knows) we would buy some land in Pea Ridge - why pea ridge... b/c its the only safe area around... meaning the last place they'd build a super center wal mart! We'd build a house and while the house is being built we'd live in a trailer... after the house is built we move the trailer to Lay lake to have a place to go for fun. So that's are dreams for now. We just gotta get our house sold!
Sunday, December 18, 2005
Saturday, December 17, 2005
The good and the bad
over the last few months I've learned to appreciate the things I no longer have... like my own space! I'm going to list a few things I miss the most about having our own house.
privacy - even when we talk low while in the kitchen someone can always hear us and it never fails - they join in our conversation
my kitchen - i like to cook but i always have to have my kitchen spotless before i cook and i have things arranged in a certain way
my washing machine and dryer - yeah they have one here that we're free to use but most of the time you've gotta wait in line (and its upstairs so its a pain in the butt for me to take our dirty clothes up the stairs)
family dinners with family conversations (we ate downstairs the other night but we had to endure some silly comments b/c we didn't eat with them)
peace and quiet - the basement is pretty noisey... the floors squeak really bad and you can hear all the plumbing
space - space to move around without bumping into each other
my bedroom - thats a biggy... we sleep in one big open room... our girls both have their own room but matthew and i sleep on one side the big room... the other side is the living room
closets - we have no closets here... jessica has one in her room and darcy kinda has one but they're already full... all of our jackets are laying in the floor b/c we have no place to hang them
windows - our house had lots of windows... the whole front side of my living room was windows... down in the dungeon we only have one window in our living room and a door to the back yard (which you can only take about 5 steps b/c there's a gate thats nailed shut so you can't go into the back yard)
other things that annoy me
can you imagine living in a house with 3 other women (not including jessica or darcy)! Poor Darcy is being told NO by about 5 different people in one room constantly! or "watch her she's gonna ________ " fill in the blank with choke, fall, hurt herself or something along those lines. (like i'm closing my eyes and letting her get into stuff)
If she's eating then someone has to tell me that she doesn't like what i'm feeding her (only b/c they've decided to come into the kitchen and play with her so now she's playing instead of eating)
okay... so with the bad its only fair i list the good so here they are...
we have a once in a lifetime chance to payoff all of our debts and start over
I have inlaws that are willing to let us move into their basement FREE!!!!!!!
we don't have to pay for anything!!!!!!! including groceries or things for darcy
they are always willing to help us with anything we need (money or helping with the kids)
they like my cooking
they love their grandchildren and it shows
it has given us a chance to learn from each other (meaning everyone in the house) and respect each other a little more (it comes with heartache and frustration)
it has brought the 4 of us closer (matt, myself, jessica and darcy)... jessica no longer stays in her room 24/7 and the 4 of us stick together downstairs watching movies or playing with Darcy
there's less space to clean up
well thats enough... i gotta take a shower and get dressed... we're off to my grandparents house!
privacy - even when we talk low while in the kitchen someone can always hear us and it never fails - they join in our conversation
my kitchen - i like to cook but i always have to have my kitchen spotless before i cook and i have things arranged in a certain way
my washing machine and dryer - yeah they have one here that we're free to use but most of the time you've gotta wait in line (and its upstairs so its a pain in the butt for me to take our dirty clothes up the stairs)
family dinners with family conversations (we ate downstairs the other night but we had to endure some silly comments b/c we didn't eat with them)
peace and quiet - the basement is pretty noisey... the floors squeak really bad and you can hear all the plumbing
space - space to move around without bumping into each other
my bedroom - thats a biggy... we sleep in one big open room... our girls both have their own room but matthew and i sleep on one side the big room... the other side is the living room
closets - we have no closets here... jessica has one in her room and darcy kinda has one but they're already full... all of our jackets are laying in the floor b/c we have no place to hang them
windows - our house had lots of windows... the whole front side of my living room was windows... down in the dungeon we only have one window in our living room and a door to the back yard (which you can only take about 5 steps b/c there's a gate thats nailed shut so you can't go into the back yard)
other things that annoy me
can you imagine living in a house with 3 other women (not including jessica or darcy)! Poor Darcy is being told NO by about 5 different people in one room constantly! or "watch her she's gonna ________ " fill in the blank with choke, fall, hurt herself or something along those lines. (like i'm closing my eyes and letting her get into stuff)
If she's eating then someone has to tell me that she doesn't like what i'm feeding her (only b/c they've decided to come into the kitchen and play with her so now she's playing instead of eating)
okay... so with the bad its only fair i list the good so here they are...
we have a once in a lifetime chance to payoff all of our debts and start over
I have inlaws that are willing to let us move into their basement FREE!!!!!!!
we don't have to pay for anything!!!!!!! including groceries or things for darcy
they are always willing to help us with anything we need (money or helping with the kids)
they like my cooking
they love their grandchildren and it shows
it has given us a chance to learn from each other (meaning everyone in the house) and respect each other a little more (it comes with heartache and frustration)
it has brought the 4 of us closer (matt, myself, jessica and darcy)... jessica no longer stays in her room 24/7 and the 4 of us stick together downstairs watching movies or playing with Darcy
there's less space to clean up
well thats enough... i gotta take a shower and get dressed... we're off to my grandparents house!
Friday, December 16, 2005
Santa 2005
Thursday, December 15, 2005
No fair... i wish it would snow here!!!!!!!!! please pray we get some snow!!!!! For all of you losers who have it... please take a picture!
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
My phone call
this morning the phone rings at 8:30am... this is how the conversation went
me: Hello
man: who am i speaking with?
me: Nicole
man: oh, well i think i have the wrong number Nicole. sorry.
(((this man seemed like a very nice man)))
a few minutes later the phone rings again
me: hello
man: is this Nicole again?
me: yes sir
man: I'm really sorry Nicole to bother you but I was given this number by agency but I was told it was to contact Stephanie.
(((well with my mom making phone calls yesterday to the bar I thought maybe this was an attorney trying to help me))))
me: what agency?
man: well i hate to say since this isn't stephanie
me: well maybe they gave you the wrong name by accident
man: the escort agency
me: hahahahahahahahhaahhaahahhahahaa (i couldn't stop laughing!!!! and he soon joined in) i'm sorry for laughing... I hope you find stephanie soon.
man: hahahahaaha thanks sorry to bother you.
OMG!!! I couldn't help laughing! then i hung up thinking... was he really talking about an "escort" service like prositution?????? so i called matthew to tell him about the phone call... i asked him if it was just like one of those area singles groups that match up personalities... he said UM NO! I said are you sure... maybe he needed a date for his company christmas party... he said yeah okay whatever! now this guy sounded like a really nice business man. I pictured him sitting in his nice size office drinking his morning coffee with a tie on... oh well... i guess everyone has needs. lol
me: Hello
man: who am i speaking with?
me: Nicole
man: oh, well i think i have the wrong number Nicole. sorry.
(((this man seemed like a very nice man)))
a few minutes later the phone rings again
me: hello
man: is this Nicole again?
me: yes sir
man: I'm really sorry Nicole to bother you but I was given this number by agency but I was told it was to contact Stephanie.
(((well with my mom making phone calls yesterday to the bar I thought maybe this was an attorney trying to help me))))
me: what agency?
man: well i hate to say since this isn't stephanie
me: well maybe they gave you the wrong name by accident
man: the escort agency
me: hahahahahahahahhaahhaahahhahahaa (i couldn't stop laughing!!!! and he soon joined in) i'm sorry for laughing... I hope you find stephanie soon.
man: hahahahaaha thanks sorry to bother you.
OMG!!! I couldn't help laughing! then i hung up thinking... was he really talking about an "escort" service like prositution?????? so i called matthew to tell him about the phone call... i asked him if it was just like one of those area singles groups that match up personalities... he said UM NO! I said are you sure... maybe he needed a date for his company christmas party... he said yeah okay whatever! now this guy sounded like a really nice business man. I pictured him sitting in his nice size office drinking his morning coffee with a tie on... oh well... i guess everyone has needs. lol
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
i'm sorry for the novel below... but thanks for taking the time to read it and comment. you're support means a lot to me. love you guys!!! really i do!
Oh what a day!
First of all, just a little to catch you up on - I paid an attorney back in January to help me get an increase in child support. Since january I have met with him once (the day i wrote him the check) and talked to him on the phone 2x (after leaving messages insisting he call me) and had one court apperance in the middle of Sept (he couldn't even call me by the right name!). He has done nothing for me but cause me severe mental anguish (not joking). I had court dates after court dates canceled... some of which I didn't even know I had until after they were canceled! I was supposed to be in court Friday... i got a call this morning telling me that once again the date has changed and they'll let me know when its rescheduled. (the call was from his secretary, who can answer no other questions for me and when i ask she repeats... I'm just the messanger!) I've left him several messages... almost on a every other day basis... but have a i heard from him... HECK NO! I've tried leaving nice messages... when that didn't get me anywhere i left ugly messages letting him know i was very disappointed in his communication skills and felt he owed me a phone call to explain what was going on with my case. This has been drug out for long enough! I'm seriously getting physically ill over the ordeal. I spent most of the afternoon throwing up... and b/c I couldn't stop throwing up I started having nose bleeds!!!!! My mom tried calling his office to find out anything/something but the lady told her she was hanging up b/c she couldn't help her and the conversation was pointless... urgggggggggg! My mom ended up calling the state bar association and they've given her instructions on how to file a formal complaint against him. She made another call to another attorney and was told to 'go after' the attorney. I spoke to Lisa, who know's all, and she suggested I file a grievance (sp) against him for mental anguish. So now we're going to move in that direction and change attorneys. Its not like he's done anything thus far that any other attorney cannot do.
After all this I had to calm down enough to visit the heart doctor... $50 bucks for him to ask me the same questions and get the same answers! I'm supposed to go back after I deliver for more evalution. there's really nothing he can do b/c of my pregnancy... i understand this... i'm not angry with him but i would have rather have saved my $50!
Okay... so tonight matthew and I talk over dinner about how to handle the zachery thing with my sister. We decided I really wasn't up to it, physically, mentally or emotionally, so I'd just better tell her no. I called my mom (who remind you has been on the phone with me most of the day as i'm delirous about the attorney deal)... I called her looking for support (I dunno why... I should have known what she would say). I called her and asked her she thought my sister would understand if I had to tell her know b/c i really didn't feel up to it. Of course, my mom flies off the handle which stirs my dad up in the back ground. They're both screaming at me how selfish I am, and how one day isn't going to kill me and why do i never seem to wanna help anyone else out but think everyone should bend over backwards for me... at this point i'm crying all over again! I end the conversation with i'm sorry i called you for support and she replies with some smart comment that i cannot recall at the moment. i hang up the phone and once again calm my nerves (matthew is livid at this point) and i'm pretty upset that i'd even think she'd understand! So i call my sister and simply say... I cannot keep zachery on thursday... i'm on speaker phone so she says CAN or CANNOT... so i repeat CANNOT (all while praying she doesn't fly off too!). she says okay... and that was the end. now she's not normally the one that would lash out at that moment. she may call my mom and together they may talk about how selfish i am... who knows. but i stuck to my guns and i'm not keeping him. Will see if my parents make any more comments about the situation... pray it just gets dropped!
oh... did i mention the other night about my parents needing me to do something for them???? okay... i'll try and make this quick since i've already written a novel.---- my parents went out of town this past weekend. They were supposed to have someone watch Oscar for them. Saturday night after leaving the christmas party around 10pm i've noticed that my parents have left several messages on my phone. So i call them back and in a very sweet voice my dad says....
dad: hey baby girl, where are you at??
me: I'm leaving the christmas party... is something wrong?
dad: no, i just need you to go by the house in let oscar out... nobody has been by there since yesterday afternoon... he's probably pooped and peed everywhere. do you mind going by there and checking on him?
me: nah, i'll take care of it
dad: okay thanks baby girl, i love you. bye
so matthew, darcy (whose getting restless) and me head to my parents house from Calera (jessica was with her dad's parents). We get there and sure enough he's locked in their room with poop everywhere. I take him out, feed him, water him, and clean up the mess then take him out again! When we get back into the car matthew says... you know they can be really nice when they need something... THIS SAYING TRIGGERED SOMETHING IN MY HEAD... thats the exact same thing they say to me all the time... you're nice when you need someone to help you out. So i call my dad and say in a lovely voice... you know dad you can be really nice when you need something... does that sound familiar... thats what you say to me all the time... he said... i learned it from you... and I said NO! you're the parent I learned it from YOU! night night!
thats the end of my novel.
First of all, just a little to catch you up on - I paid an attorney back in January to help me get an increase in child support. Since january I have met with him once (the day i wrote him the check) and talked to him on the phone 2x (after leaving messages insisting he call me) and had one court apperance in the middle of Sept (he couldn't even call me by the right name!). He has done nothing for me but cause me severe mental anguish (not joking). I had court dates after court dates canceled... some of which I didn't even know I had until after they were canceled! I was supposed to be in court Friday... i got a call this morning telling me that once again the date has changed and they'll let me know when its rescheduled. (the call was from his secretary, who can answer no other questions for me and when i ask she repeats... I'm just the messanger!) I've left him several messages... almost on a every other day basis... but have a i heard from him... HECK NO! I've tried leaving nice messages... when that didn't get me anywhere i left ugly messages letting him know i was very disappointed in his communication skills and felt he owed me a phone call to explain what was going on with my case. This has been drug out for long enough! I'm seriously getting physically ill over the ordeal. I spent most of the afternoon throwing up... and b/c I couldn't stop throwing up I started having nose bleeds!!!!! My mom tried calling his office to find out anything/something but the lady told her she was hanging up b/c she couldn't help her and the conversation was pointless... urgggggggggg! My mom ended up calling the state bar association and they've given her instructions on how to file a formal complaint against him. She made another call to another attorney and was told to 'go after' the attorney. I spoke to Lisa, who know's all, and she suggested I file a grievance (sp) against him for mental anguish. So now we're going to move in that direction and change attorneys. Its not like he's done anything thus far that any other attorney cannot do.
After all this I had to calm down enough to visit the heart doctor... $50 bucks for him to ask me the same questions and get the same answers! I'm supposed to go back after I deliver for more evalution. there's really nothing he can do b/c of my pregnancy... i understand this... i'm not angry with him but i would have rather have saved my $50!
Okay... so tonight matthew and I talk over dinner about how to handle the zachery thing with my sister. We decided I really wasn't up to it, physically, mentally or emotionally, so I'd just better tell her no. I called my mom (who remind you has been on the phone with me most of the day as i'm delirous about the attorney deal)... I called her looking for support (I dunno why... I should have known what she would say). I called her and asked her she thought my sister would understand if I had to tell her know b/c i really didn't feel up to it. Of course, my mom flies off the handle which stirs my dad up in the back ground. They're both screaming at me how selfish I am, and how one day isn't going to kill me and why do i never seem to wanna help anyone else out but think everyone should bend over backwards for me... at this point i'm crying all over again! I end the conversation with i'm sorry i called you for support and she replies with some smart comment that i cannot recall at the moment. i hang up the phone and once again calm my nerves (matthew is livid at this point) and i'm pretty upset that i'd even think she'd understand! So i call my sister and simply say... I cannot keep zachery on thursday... i'm on speaker phone so she says CAN or CANNOT... so i repeat CANNOT (all while praying she doesn't fly off too!). she says okay... and that was the end. now she's not normally the one that would lash out at that moment. she may call my mom and together they may talk about how selfish i am... who knows. but i stuck to my guns and i'm not keeping him. Will see if my parents make any more comments about the situation... pray it just gets dropped!
oh... did i mention the other night about my parents needing me to do something for them???? okay... i'll try and make this quick since i've already written a novel.---- my parents went out of town this past weekend. They were supposed to have someone watch Oscar for them. Saturday night after leaving the christmas party around 10pm i've noticed that my parents have left several messages on my phone. So i call them back and in a very sweet voice my dad says....
dad: hey baby girl, where are you at??
me: I'm leaving the christmas party... is something wrong?
dad: no, i just need you to go by the house in let oscar out... nobody has been by there since yesterday afternoon... he's probably pooped and peed everywhere. do you mind going by there and checking on him?
me: nah, i'll take care of it
dad: okay thanks baby girl, i love you. bye
so matthew, darcy (whose getting restless) and me head to my parents house from Calera (jessica was with her dad's parents). We get there and sure enough he's locked in their room with poop everywhere. I take him out, feed him, water him, and clean up the mess then take him out again! When we get back into the car matthew says... you know they can be really nice when they need something... THIS SAYING TRIGGERED SOMETHING IN MY HEAD... thats the exact same thing they say to me all the time... you're nice when you need someone to help you out. So i call my dad and say in a lovely voice... you know dad you can be really nice when you need something... does that sound familiar... thats what you say to me all the time... he said... i learned it from you... and I said NO! you're the parent I learned it from YOU! night night!
thats the end of my novel.
Happy Birthday Crystal!
Yeah, well I think I screwed up b/c I told her Happy Birthday yesterday. She made some comment on her blog about getting her b'day present already so I paniced and thought it was yesterday! I should have checked my calendar! But its today!!!!
If I had my box (or should I say boxes) of pictures here with me I'd post some really cool ones of her that i've collected over the years. Lets see... I've known crystal for about 11 years???? does that sound right? She was one of those goodies in the youth group that was always 'reaching out' to me. I'm sure I shot her down a bunch and she probably thought 'to heck with you' but she never gave up on me. She called my parents one night b/c I was at McDonald's with a drunk boyfriend... I wasn't drunk... just pregnant :) I was really upset with her for a looooong time but its friends like that who we need the most.
We used to visit Southside almost every stinkin night... it was our ministry... but sometimes the hoochie mamma (thanks vickie) would come out and i'd try and missionary date someone there. Leave it to crystal to set me straight! Whatever happend to Mark anyways??? lol!
One time on my way to pick up Crystal I spun out on the road in front of her house... I thought Danny was going to beat me :) apparantly in his spare time he smoothes out the rocks for a easier ride. LOL love ya danny!
Oh... i flew out to crystal's wedding in California... had a few drinks on the plane. Got a free bottle of champagne but she wouldn't drink it... so michael and i took care of it. Her mother had made her a wedding dress... not sure what (or who) she used for the measurments... it fit michael (where's that picture!) We had to rush to the mall and find an outfit... I think everything turned out super! i got to do her hair ;) Oh... wait.. on the way to the beach we got rearended... I was thinking oh great! but they just waved at each other and we kept going!
well thats enough about me... happy birthday crystal!
If I had my box (or should I say boxes) of pictures here with me I'd post some really cool ones of her that i've collected over the years. Lets see... I've known crystal for about 11 years???? does that sound right? She was one of those goodies in the youth group that was always 'reaching out' to me. I'm sure I shot her down a bunch and she probably thought 'to heck with you' but she never gave up on me. She called my parents one night b/c I was at McDonald's with a drunk boyfriend... I wasn't drunk... just pregnant :) I was really upset with her for a looooong time but its friends like that who we need the most.
We used to visit Southside almost every stinkin night... it was our ministry... but sometimes the hoochie mamma (thanks vickie) would come out and i'd try and missionary date someone there. Leave it to crystal to set me straight! Whatever happend to Mark anyways??? lol!
One time on my way to pick up Crystal I spun out on the road in front of her house... I thought Danny was going to beat me :) apparantly in his spare time he smoothes out the rocks for a easier ride. LOL love ya danny!
Oh... i flew out to crystal's wedding in California... had a few drinks on the plane. Got a free bottle of champagne but she wouldn't drink it... so michael and i took care of it. Her mother had made her a wedding dress... not sure what (or who) she used for the measurments... it fit michael (where's that picture!) We had to rush to the mall and find an outfit... I think everything turned out super! i got to do her hair ;) Oh... wait.. on the way to the beach we got rearended... I was thinking oh great! but they just waved at each other and we kept going!
well thats enough about me... happy birthday crystal!
Monday, December 12, 2005
feeling icky
i'm feeling a bit icky today... not the regular kind of icky but the out of breath, dizzy and faint kinda icky. I don't know what's wrong... I woke up around 8 and seemed fine until 11 or so. Darcy and I played but I just couldn't shake this feeling. I delayed going upstairs for lunch b/c I didn't think I could make it up the stairs. Finally when Darcy went down for a nap around 1pm I went down too. I'm up now and i'm still feeling a little off. I have a heart appointment tomorrow afternoon... not sure why i'm going seeing as how they can't do anything for me until after the twins are here. just say a prayer... i hate feeling like i can't keep up with the girls. Jessica gets out at noon the rest of the week... they're out the whole day on Friday and off until January 4th?.
one more thing... my sister called me this morning... here's how it went
me: hello
sister: hey! did you know Jessica and them get out half a day the rest of the week?
me: yeah
sister: well what are you going to do with Jessica?
me: i'm a stay at home mom... i'll be taking care of my child.
sister: weeeellll, do you think you can help out with Zac any?
me: i dunno
sister: well if you can that would really help us out even if its just one day or something... he can just suffer the rest.
me: i dunno, i'll call later
the end
i think the thing that the bothers me the most is that she has known that christmas break is coming up...why didn't she make arrangments????? does she really just assume i'll do it? I'm really not up to keeping him and i'm going to tell her! i have a doctor's appt tomorrow and i'm supposed to take Lisa shopping wednesday and who know's what i'll be doing on thursday... but from the way she put it she only needs help with him for this week... i may offer thursday... ONLY b/c she and tony kept the girls a few weeks back and if i don't repay the 'favor' then it will be thrown in my face.
one more thing... my sister called me this morning... here's how it went
me: hello
sister: hey! did you know Jessica and them get out half a day the rest of the week?
me: yeah
sister: well what are you going to do with Jessica?
me: i'm a stay at home mom... i'll be taking care of my child.
sister: weeeellll, do you think you can help out with Zac any?
me: i dunno
sister: well if you can that would really help us out even if its just one day or something... he can just suffer the rest.
me: i dunno, i'll call later
the end
i think the thing that the bothers me the most is that she has known that christmas break is coming up...why didn't she make arrangments????? does she really just assume i'll do it? I'm really not up to keeping him and i'm going to tell her! i have a doctor's appt tomorrow and i'm supposed to take Lisa shopping wednesday and who know's what i'll be doing on thursday... but from the way she put it she only needs help with him for this week... i may offer thursday... ONLY b/c she and tony kept the girls a few weeks back and if i don't repay the 'favor' then it will be thrown in my face.
Sunday, December 11, 2005
has anyone ever done something for you that was so small but to you it was HUGE. That happened to us today. we have a friend at church who's a photographer... she asked us last night at the party if we'd had Darcy's pictures made yet... i told he no and when her jaw dropped and she said why not? I told her the truth... we haven't been able to afford it. She said Oh, i understand. Later that night she can back up to me and said she really wanted us to be able to get her pictures made and asked if we would let her take them for us. of course i was overwhelmed by the offer and said sure. so today after church we went outside and darcy had her pictures made... it was such a beautiful day. i'll post some as soon as we get them back... she's going to give us the proofs and a CD so we can order some as soon as we get some $$$. I kept thanking her over and over and she was like... oh its not biggie... but to us it was huge!
I woke up this morning to a ringing phone... when i saw it was Crystal I knew what was going on. My heart breaks for Dan and Maria (and the entire family). I cannot imagine losing a child. I asked Matthew on the way to church if he thought he'd still be able to praise God if something like that happened to us... he said yes. me on the other hand... I'd like to think I would but honestly I just don't know... i think i'd be a little angry with God but maybe that anger would be and I'd find comfort in him. i'm just being honest.
about half way through praise and worship I fell apart... i'm not even his mom... can you imagine what she's going through. please pray for them... not just for today or for a week... they are going to need our prayers for a long time. in master's we had a thing... armour barriers... i can't remember exactly how it went but it was something along these lines... the armor weighted a lot and the soldiers would get so tired that they weren't able to hold their arms up so they had other men that would hold their arms up for them... okay so i hope i didn't blow it... but what i'm trying to say is... we have to be the ones to lift up Dan and Maria b/c they are weak in this time of need.
about half way through praise and worship I fell apart... i'm not even his mom... can you imagine what she's going through. please pray for them... not just for today or for a week... they are going to need our prayers for a long time. in master's we had a thing... armour barriers... i can't remember exactly how it went but it was something along these lines... the armor weighted a lot and the soldiers would get so tired that they weren't able to hold their arms up so they had other men that would hold their arms up for them... okay so i hope i didn't blow it... but what i'm trying to say is... we have to be the ones to lift up Dan and Maria b/c they are weak in this time of need.
Saturday, December 10, 2005
Matt's Test
He took the grueling 3 hour test this morning... it has 80 questions and the test is never the same. He said he was on question 30 when the lady announced there was only 30 minutes left... he worked a little bit more and made it to question 40 when she announced 15 minutes left... he spent the rest of the time filling in the circles... who knows... maybe he'll get lucky but we're not holding our breath on it. He said that nothing he'd been studying was on the test! Like I said each test is different... his plan is to keep studying like he has been and retake it in March. From what we've been told most people have to take it several times before finally passing it.
We did it!
Darcy went to bed last night and actually slept until 6:30 this morning!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks to Jamie for the reminder about noise... I plugged up a CD player in her room and she fell asleep listening to Love Songs from Ireland :) She even sang along for a little while. She took a nap today too!!!! Now all we need to do is make it through the Christmas Party this evening.
Friday, December 09, 2005
whooo hoooo
matthew takes his journeyman's test in the morning... a 3 hour test without any breaks! pray he passes!
I surfed the internet today and found some sites for freebies for twins or more... yippee... i'm going start contacting them on monday. There's all sorts of things from coupons to gift bags to cases of formula! one sight even offers quads or more free formula for a year!!!!! how cool is that!?!
Darcy's begun throwing temper tantrums... she refused to take a nap yesterday and then stayed up all night! Today I finally just let her scream her head off till she finally fell asleep... man that was hard! When we lived in our house it was easy to get away from her but here in the basement you can't get away from her crying!
tomorrow is the christmas party/dirty santa for some of the young couples at our church... we were going to leave Darcy with his parents but his dad is sick :( So it looks like we'll be taking her with us. pray this goes well... its hard for us to enjoy ourselves sometimes b/c we too worried about what she's getting into... or if she's bugging the other people. A couple of weeks ago our church had a thanksgiving meal and it was horrible... not the meal silly!!! but trying to hold darcy and feed her and then eat ourselves... we were ready to get outta there! not to mention by the time we got through the line there were no places left at the table so we ate from our laps.
well guess i'd better go. don't forget to say a prayer for my hubby :)
I surfed the internet today and found some sites for freebies for twins or more... yippee... i'm going start contacting them on monday. There's all sorts of things from coupons to gift bags to cases of formula! one sight even offers quads or more free formula for a year!!!!! how cool is that!?!
Darcy's begun throwing temper tantrums... she refused to take a nap yesterday and then stayed up all night! Today I finally just let her scream her head off till she finally fell asleep... man that was hard! When we lived in our house it was easy to get away from her but here in the basement you can't get away from her crying!
tomorrow is the christmas party/dirty santa for some of the young couples at our church... we were going to leave Darcy with his parents but his dad is sick :( So it looks like we'll be taking her with us. pray this goes well... its hard for us to enjoy ourselves sometimes b/c we too worried about what she's getting into... or if she's bugging the other people. A couple of weeks ago our church had a thanksgiving meal and it was horrible... not the meal silly!!! but trying to hold darcy and feed her and then eat ourselves... we were ready to get outta there! not to mention by the time we got through the line there were no places left at the table so we ate from our laps.
well guess i'd better go. don't forget to say a prayer for my hubby :)
Matt's home today... yippee!!! And i'm really glad he's here... its been an eventful day so far. This morning we were in Darcy's room playing and all of the sudden i felt a little leak... i was a little nervous b/c i can tell the difference between losing control of my bladder and this was not urine. I thought it was either one of two things... ambotic(sp) fluid or blood.. i was a little afraid to look... but i did... and it wasn't blood. I called the doctor and they wanted me to come in right away. We were there in less than 15 minutes. Everything checked out to be okay. Now for the gross part... sorry if this offends you... he said i was just having an increase in discharge... YUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Since then we've made TWO trips to the bank and one trip to the eye doctor to get Matthew's contacts. Now Darcy's sleeping and Matthew's studying for his big test. I guess i'd better find something to do so i don't bug him. see ya later gator!
Since then we've made TWO trips to the bank and one trip to the eye doctor to get Matthew's contacts. Now Darcy's sleeping and Matthew's studying for his big test. I guess i'd better find something to do so i don't bug him. see ya later gator!
Thursday, December 08, 2005
You are a Social Conservative (33% permissive) and an... Economic Liberal (36% permissive) You are best described as a: Link: The Politics Test on OkCupid Free Online Dating Also: The OkCupid Dating Persona Test |
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
Dear Rae and Anonymous
I don't mind if you read my blog (i don't even mind the comments). However when I created my blog I was lead to believe that the only people that would read my blog were those they I personally gave my address to. Since then i've realized that you can find other blogs by searching. I have not given my inlaws my blog address b/c I don't want them to read it. It was created as a place for me to keep in touch with friends that have moved off. So if my inlaws are reading my blog... which I'm sure they are since my MIL made a comment (YESTERDAY) to my husband that she would have only seen on my blog... then I feel as though they are invading my privacy seeing as how they haven't admitted in doing so... sounds a little sneaky if you ask me... but maybe thats the wrong attitude to have. I'm not happy with the relationship I have with my MIL... i've put forth an effort but maybe I should keep trying.
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Things that Grandmaw does that makes me laugh
Okay... for those of you who don't know... grandmaw (mr. b's mom) lives with us too. Whenever you ask her what she needs from the grocery store its always something low fat or sugar free... and if you bring something home thats not then she huffs and puffs. One time I bought her some chicken pot pies so that she would have something to eat for lunch. She said she couldn't eat them b/c they were high in cholesterol. Well I've noticed her eating habits... and let me tell ya... I don't know if she thinks the sugar free jello balances out the chocolate chip cookies or what but she eats like a PIG! Seriously... just about every time I walk upstairs she's eating junk food but she tries to hide it when you walk into the room. Just now I went upstairs to eat lunch and she's scooping out a bowl of ice cream!!!! LOL
Oh... last weekend we made some cookies to eat while watching a movie... grandmaw would sneak into the kitchen... shove a cookie into her mouth and come out with one in her hand and act like thats all she got!!! She didn't know I could see around the corner :)
gotta love the old lady... she's 83 years old but man she burps like a teenage boy!!!!!!!! While eating dinner at the table she probably burps after every other bite... one of those nasty burps too! Its so gross... I wonder how we're going to teach Darcy and her brothers manners if Grandmaw is letting them fly at the table!
Oh... and for some reason Grandmaw got the impression I was sick over the weekend... so everytime Matthew would go upstairs she'd ask him if I was feeling better.
And don't say anything if you don't want Grandmaw to hear it or comment about it. Man alive! We can be in one room and her in the other and she can hear what we're talking about... she'll come strolling in there and get all up in the conversation. She likes to state the obvious. One time... we were at the table (matthew was working late) and I was telling Mr. B that Matthew had gotten shocked at work today... Mrs. b said how'd he do that... and Grandmaw in this real matter of fact way says "WELL, I reckon he got ahold of some electrical wires!" It cracked me up!!! It made Mrs. B mad but I thought it was funny b/c Mrs. B treats grandmaw like crap 99% of the time.
Okay... well its time to pick up Jessica from school... hoped you enjoyed my stories :)
Oh... last weekend we made some cookies to eat while watching a movie... grandmaw would sneak into the kitchen... shove a cookie into her mouth and come out with one in her hand and act like thats all she got!!! She didn't know I could see around the corner :)
gotta love the old lady... she's 83 years old but man she burps like a teenage boy!!!!!!!! While eating dinner at the table she probably burps after every other bite... one of those nasty burps too! Its so gross... I wonder how we're going to teach Darcy and her brothers manners if Grandmaw is letting them fly at the table!
Oh... and for some reason Grandmaw got the impression I was sick over the weekend... so everytime Matthew would go upstairs she'd ask him if I was feeling better.
And don't say anything if you don't want Grandmaw to hear it or comment about it. Man alive! We can be in one room and her in the other and she can hear what we're talking about... she'll come strolling in there and get all up in the conversation. She likes to state the obvious. One time... we were at the table (matthew was working late) and I was telling Mr. B that Matthew had gotten shocked at work today... Mrs. b said how'd he do that... and Grandmaw in this real matter of fact way says "WELL, I reckon he got ahold of some electrical wires!" It cracked me up!!! It made Mrs. B mad but I thought it was funny b/c Mrs. B treats grandmaw like crap 99% of the time.
Okay... well its time to pick up Jessica from school... hoped you enjoyed my stories :)
The weather changes is killing me
not the weather outside either!!!! One minute the air conditioning is on and the next minute the heat is on... NO LIE! I don't understand it... its not hot outside... open a window if you get warm... its the perfect time of year to air out the house anyways... but please for heaven's sake don't turn on the AC! It gets even colder in the basement. The ac has been staying on all day then around 7pm or so the heat gets turned on. Its really messing with my stuffy head!
Monday, December 05, 2005
needy people who take advantage of nice people
it gets on my nerves!
my husband has a huge test coming up this weekend... he's been spending every free moment studying for this test. I wish everyone would leave him alone so he can study... he's very nervous about this test.... BUT NO!!!!! Forget that he's a nice person and would do anything for anyone without ever fussing... whether he has time or not... lets just be demanding... b/c by golly you need him to do something!!!!!! But the people who should be the most understand are the ones that wanna be all huffy puffy! SELFISH
my husband has a huge test coming up this weekend... he's been spending every free moment studying for this test. I wish everyone would leave him alone so he can study... he's very nervous about this test.... BUT NO!!!!! Forget that he's a nice person and would do anything for anyone without ever fussing... whether he has time or not... lets just be demanding... b/c by golly you need him to do something!!!!!! But the people who should be the most understand are the ones that wanna be all huffy puffy! SELFISH
Oops I did it again
now is that song in your head??? good!
I fell down the stairs AGAIN! This time i was holding Darcy but don't worry... she's fine! I'm a little sore! The basement stairs are steep and at the bottom there's a platform and then 2 more little stairs stepping down into our 'aparment'... well i fell down those stairs. Lucky for me I have a little extra padding on my bum! lol
yesterday our power was out for a little while so Matthew and I took Darcy for a ride (jessica was with Matt's dad). We rode all the way through Ballantree (the neighborhood behind weatherly) and ended up coming out on Hwy 26 (columbiana shortcut)... it was a beautiful drive! On the other side of ballantree (not a part of the neighborhood) there are HUGE houses on LOTS of land... and you're ontop of the mountian... its beautiful! We were speechless. We said we're gonna go back and take our camera.... not so much for houses but for the incrediable view from up there!
sometime this week or this weekend we're going to Portrait Innovations to have our family pictures done... I've heard nothing but great things about this place and they don't seem too expensive. www.portraitinnovations.com They have a package deal for 9.99 that comes with 10x11 (2) 8x10's some 5x7's 31/2 x 5's and 32 wallets... no sitting fee! and for a short time you get 6 holiday greeting cards! You leave with your pictures!!!!!!!! And i've been told they are really good with kids! and they encourage you to take a change of clothes... i'm very excited... i've been to JC Penny's and I feel really rushed while there... I'm looking forward to someone taking their time with us and making sure we really like what we're getting.
well darcy's down for a nap so i'd better eat lunch.
is anyone planning on going to scrooge this week???
I fell down the stairs AGAIN! This time i was holding Darcy but don't worry... she's fine! I'm a little sore! The basement stairs are steep and at the bottom there's a platform and then 2 more little stairs stepping down into our 'aparment'... well i fell down those stairs. Lucky for me I have a little extra padding on my bum! lol
yesterday our power was out for a little while so Matthew and I took Darcy for a ride (jessica was with Matt's dad). We rode all the way through Ballantree (the neighborhood behind weatherly) and ended up coming out on Hwy 26 (columbiana shortcut)... it was a beautiful drive! On the other side of ballantree (not a part of the neighborhood) there are HUGE houses on LOTS of land... and you're ontop of the mountian... its beautiful! We were speechless. We said we're gonna go back and take our camera.... not so much for houses but for the incrediable view from up there!
sometime this week or this weekend we're going to Portrait Innovations to have our family pictures done... I've heard nothing but great things about this place and they don't seem too expensive. www.portraitinnovations.com They have a package deal for 9.99 that comes with 10x11 (2) 8x10's some 5x7's 31/2 x 5's and 32 wallets... no sitting fee! and for a short time you get 6 holiday greeting cards! You leave with your pictures!!!!!!!! And i've been told they are really good with kids! and they encourage you to take a change of clothes... i'm very excited... i've been to JC Penny's and I feel really rushed while there... I'm looking forward to someone taking their time with us and making sure we really like what we're getting.
well darcy's down for a nap so i'd better eat lunch.
is anyone planning on going to scrooge this week???
Saturday, December 03, 2005
I'm gonna complain
so if you don't wanna hear it then don't read it!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i'm really getting frustrated (to say the least) with my mother. i ask my mom to do stuff with me (or my family) and she never wants to... now she'll call and ask if she can take Jessica somewhere but thats about it. I've asked her before if she wanted to go shopping but she said no... later I call her to find out she's shopping with my sister!!!!! my sister and her do everything together and seem to gang up on me about things.... such as my house is messy... but honestly my house (or basement aparment) might be strowed (at times) but my house is not dirty... my sisters house on the other hand is nasty... pet stains, dishes everywhere, just nasty stuff. But does my mother say anything... no she defends my sister... but everytime she walks in my door (NO LIE) she comments about something!!!!!
Okay... so getting on to my frustration with her TODAY... well this morning was the Alabaster Christmas Parade... I can't remember NOT going and I can't remember my mom NOT going with us. All week long she was back in forth on going... she called several times this morning doing the same thing.. then finally ended with NOT going... she said something about getting stuff done... well I asked her if my sister was going... she said no... I said is she not taking Zac??? She said no, he's gone hunting with his dad... then it was a like a light bulb went off in my head... oh... she's not going b/c my sister isn't going! So I said to my mom... whatever... if you can't spend an hour with us then do whatever you gotta do but I don't wanna hear any excuses and that was the end of our conversation. About 5 minutes later my sister calls and in a very demanding voice wants to know what I said to mom... I was like... what are you trying to start?? she said... mom said you were ugly to her and that you upset her... I was like OMG! you are hilarious... I'm busy getting ready... bye! THEY WENT SHOPPING DURING THE PARADE!
Okay... so after the parade my mom calls and says she had promised to take Jessica shopping with her... i was a little upset b/c i thought before she made promises with Jessica she should check with me incase we have something else to do... which we had plan on going to Calera parade tonight. I decided to let her go. After she left (with my sister and mom) matthew and I went to do a little shopping in Alabaster. My dad has been saying he needed a new briefcase so off we went to find one. Just as I was about to buy it I decided to call my mom and make sure she hadn't gotten him one yet... her reply was "well thats what your sister was going to buy him!" I said fine... i'll find something else.
Okay... its 9:30 and my mom just called me... her and my sister were at the mall and couldn't find a briefcase for under $200. They were calling to tell me i could go back and get the one i found... I was like UM NO! YOu ruined it for me!!! Then she went on to say... well what are you going to get him... i said i dunno! she said well your sister is just going to get him something else so just get the briefcase.
I don't wanna get the briefcase now... she totally ruined it for me. Am I being silly??? c'mon don't hold back. I'm so stinkin frustrated with those 2!
i'm really getting frustrated (to say the least) with my mother. i ask my mom to do stuff with me (or my family) and she never wants to... now she'll call and ask if she can take Jessica somewhere but thats about it. I've asked her before if she wanted to go shopping but she said no... later I call her to find out she's shopping with my sister!!!!! my sister and her do everything together and seem to gang up on me about things.... such as my house is messy... but honestly my house (or basement aparment) might be strowed (at times) but my house is not dirty... my sisters house on the other hand is nasty... pet stains, dishes everywhere, just nasty stuff. But does my mother say anything... no she defends my sister... but everytime she walks in my door (NO LIE) she comments about something!!!!!
Okay... so getting on to my frustration with her TODAY... well this morning was the Alabaster Christmas Parade... I can't remember NOT going and I can't remember my mom NOT going with us. All week long she was back in forth on going... she called several times this morning doing the same thing.. then finally ended with NOT going... she said something about getting stuff done... well I asked her if my sister was going... she said no... I said is she not taking Zac??? She said no, he's gone hunting with his dad... then it was a like a light bulb went off in my head... oh... she's not going b/c my sister isn't going! So I said to my mom... whatever... if you can't spend an hour with us then do whatever you gotta do but I don't wanna hear any excuses and that was the end of our conversation. About 5 minutes later my sister calls and in a very demanding voice wants to know what I said to mom... I was like... what are you trying to start?? she said... mom said you were ugly to her and that you upset her... I was like OMG! you are hilarious... I'm busy getting ready... bye! THEY WENT SHOPPING DURING THE PARADE!
Okay... so after the parade my mom calls and says she had promised to take Jessica shopping with her... i was a little upset b/c i thought before she made promises with Jessica she should check with me incase we have something else to do... which we had plan on going to Calera parade tonight. I decided to let her go. After she left (with my sister and mom) matthew and I went to do a little shopping in Alabaster. My dad has been saying he needed a new briefcase so off we went to find one. Just as I was about to buy it I decided to call my mom and make sure she hadn't gotten him one yet... her reply was "well thats what your sister was going to buy him!" I said fine... i'll find something else.
Okay... its 9:30 and my mom just called me... her and my sister were at the mall and couldn't find a briefcase for under $200. They were calling to tell me i could go back and get the one i found... I was like UM NO! YOu ruined it for me!!! Then she went on to say... well what are you going to get him... i said i dunno! she said well your sister is just going to get him something else so just get the briefcase.
I don't wanna get the briefcase now... she totally ruined it for me. Am I being silly??? c'mon don't hold back. I'm so stinkin frustrated with those 2!
Merry Christmas
Friday, December 02, 2005
Ho Ho Ho
Matt was off today and we were able to get some Christmas shopping done. We went to Toys R Us. I was shocked at the amount of people there... it was 1pm on a Friday. The store was packed and the check out line was back past the game center. After that we went to the Amen Corner to pick up a few more gifts.
Tonight I attended the ladies Christmas party at the church... Jessica went with me but she stayed in the nursey and helped. Matthew took Darcy with him. He and his dad went Christmas shopping.
Tomorrow is the Alabaster Chirstmas parade... we're supposed to meet up with Kelly and her crew. Afterwards will have some free time unit tomorrow night... which is the Calera Christmas parade. Our church has a office on mainstreet and we're all gathering there for drinks and snacks before the parade.
This may be matthew last friday and saturday off for a while... it looks as though they are going back to overtime next week... but will have sunday off. I guess its okay... we can use the money for Christmas presents.
night night
Tonight I attended the ladies Christmas party at the church... Jessica went with me but she stayed in the nursey and helped. Matthew took Darcy with him. He and his dad went Christmas shopping.
Tomorrow is the Alabaster Chirstmas parade... we're supposed to meet up with Kelly and her crew. Afterwards will have some free time unit tomorrow night... which is the Calera Christmas parade. Our church has a office on mainstreet and we're all gathering there for drinks and snacks before the parade.
This may be matthew last friday and saturday off for a while... it looks as though they are going back to overtime next week... but will have sunday off. I guess its okay... we can use the money for Christmas presents.
night night
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Doctor Appointment
Darcy had her one year check up today... complete with a shot in each leg :( Everything checked out to be okay. She is TALL... she's 31 inches long! she weights 20lbs and 7oz... which is normal but her height is in the 95%. Everything checked out alright. She goes back in February for her 15th month shots... then she's done with shots till 4!
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Goodie 2 shoes!
lol... so i'm up right... well i'm not exactly doing anything productive. I called my friend, aimee... she's got 2 kids... 2 months and 2 years (boys). I called her to see what she does this early. She laughed and said nothing... she'd already done it all. She's already washed the dishes, done a load of laundry, vacuumed and picked up the house... all before 9 am. Did I mention she's already gotten herself and her kids dressed!?! What a woman!
I'm awake and freezing my butt off!!!!! Most of you know that once Jessica leaves for school I go back to bed... well not this morning... I decided to get up and be productive... its just taking me a little while to get started :) I'm soooooo stinkin cold at the moment and I can't move! My menopausal (SP) MIL probably has the air on again! Last night she turned it on and I snuck upstairs and turned it off. Its not air conditioner weather... open a window if you get hot but don't turn on the stinkin ac.
I woke up hungry this morning... ate some wheat thins with cream cheese.... yummy!
Darcy slept until 12:30pm yesterday... I didn't let her take a nap the rest of the day... at 8:30pm she was out cold... but woke up again around 9:30... finally back down for the count at 10:30... she woke up this mornig at 7am long enough to drink some milk. I'm going to wake her up in a little bit... i really need to get her on a better schedule... I'm just glad she didn't wake up in the middle of the night. she's got 2 teeth coming in on the top... I'm sure that plays a part.
I woke up hungry this morning... ate some wheat thins with cream cheese.... yummy!
Darcy slept until 12:30pm yesterday... I didn't let her take a nap the rest of the day... at 8:30pm she was out cold... but woke up again around 9:30... finally back down for the count at 10:30... she woke up this mornig at 7am long enough to drink some milk. I'm going to wake her up in a little bit... i really need to get her on a better schedule... I'm just glad she didn't wake up in the middle of the night. she's got 2 teeth coming in on the top... I'm sure that plays a part.
Monday, November 28, 2005
thats how i feel at the moment. I've been fighting off a cold most of Thanksgiving. I'm feeling better today... just a little weak... but seems like I've been weak this whole pregnancy. While I was pregnant with Darcy I hardly ever complained. My friends even made comments about how I never complained with all the junk that went on. This pregnancy has kicked my butt and I've got 4 more months to go! Pray for my hubby... poor guy is wonderful but i'm sure he's tired of my complaining. He's been so good to me. I couldn't have asked for a more wonderful husband... seriously!
Darcy has been a wild child... getting into everything! And then when you tell her "no" she just smiles and shakes her head No.... its hard not to laugh.
Let me tell ya what Jessica did... she's been taking care of me as well during my pregnancy... its hard for me to go up and down the stairs so she's my legs. Yesterday I asked her to bring me some coke (i should be drinking coke)... I took a big sip and it was FLAT!!!! I said "Jessica, did this coke fizz when you poured it cause it taste flat?" she said "yes m'am, I shook it real good first." LOL!!!!!!!! I couldn't stop laughing... bless her heart!
Darcy has been a wild child... getting into everything! And then when you tell her "no" she just smiles and shakes her head No.... its hard not to laugh.
Let me tell ya what Jessica did... she's been taking care of me as well during my pregnancy... its hard for me to go up and down the stairs so she's my legs. Yesterday I asked her to bring me some coke (i should be drinking coke)... I took a big sip and it was FLAT!!!! I said "Jessica, did this coke fizz when you poured it cause it taste flat?" she said "yes m'am, I shook it real good first." LOL!!!!!!!! I couldn't stop laughing... bless her heart!
Saturday, November 26, 2005
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