Friday, December 09, 2005

whooo hoooo

matthew takes his journeyman's test in the morning... a 3 hour test without any breaks! pray he passes!

I surfed the internet today and found some sites for freebies for twins or more... yippee... i'm going start contacting them on monday. There's all sorts of things from coupons to gift bags to cases of formula! one sight even offers quads or more free formula for a year!!!!! how cool is that!?!

Darcy's begun throwing temper tantrums... she refused to take a nap yesterday and then stayed up all night! Today I finally just let her scream her head off till she finally fell asleep... man that was hard! When we lived in our house it was easy to get away from her but here in the basement you can't get away from her crying!

tomorrow is the christmas party/dirty santa for some of the young couples at our church... we were going to leave Darcy with his parents but his dad is sick :( So it looks like we'll be taking her with us. pray this goes well... its hard for us to enjoy ourselves sometimes b/c we too worried about what she's getting into... or if she's bugging the other people. A couple of weeks ago our church had a thanksgiving meal and it was horrible... not the meal silly!!! but trying to hold darcy and feed her and then eat ourselves... we were ready to get outta there! not to mention by the time we got through the line there were no places left at the table so we ate from our laps.

well guess i'd better go. don't forget to say a prayer for my hubby :)

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