Saturday, December 17, 2005

The good and the bad

over the last few months I've learned to appreciate the things I no longer have... like my own space! I'm going to list a few things I miss the most about having our own house.

privacy - even when we talk low while in the kitchen someone can always hear us and it never fails - they join in our conversation

my kitchen - i like to cook but i always have to have my kitchen spotless before i cook and i have things arranged in a certain way

my washing machine and dryer - yeah they have one here that we're free to use but most of the time you've gotta wait in line (and its upstairs so its a pain in the butt for me to take our dirty clothes up the stairs)

family dinners with family conversations (we ate downstairs the other night but we had to endure some silly comments b/c we didn't eat with them)

peace and quiet - the basement is pretty noisey... the floors squeak really bad and you can hear all the plumbing

space - space to move around without bumping into each other

my bedroom - thats a biggy... we sleep in one big open room... our girls both have their own room but matthew and i sleep on one side the big room... the other side is the living room

closets - we have no closets here... jessica has one in her room and darcy kinda has one but they're already full... all of our jackets are laying in the floor b/c we have no place to hang them

windows - our house had lots of windows... the whole front side of my living room was windows... down in the dungeon we only have one window in our living room and a door to the back yard (which you can only take about 5 steps b/c there's a gate thats nailed shut so you can't go into the back yard)

other things that annoy me

can you imagine living in a house with 3 other women (not including jessica or darcy)! Poor Darcy is being told NO by about 5 different people in one room constantly! or "watch her she's gonna ________ " fill in the blank with choke, fall, hurt herself or something along those lines. (like i'm closing my eyes and letting her get into stuff)

If she's eating then someone has to tell me that she doesn't like what i'm feeding her (only b/c they've decided to come into the kitchen and play with her so now she's playing instead of eating)

okay... so with the bad its only fair i list the good so here they are...

we have a once in a lifetime chance to payoff all of our debts and start over

I have inlaws that are willing to let us move into their basement FREE!!!!!!!

we don't have to pay for anything!!!!!!! including groceries or things for darcy

they are always willing to help us with anything we need (money or helping with the kids)

they like my cooking

they love their grandchildren and it shows

it has given us a chance to learn from each other (meaning everyone in the house) and respect each other a little more (it comes with heartache and frustration)

it has brought the 4 of us closer (matt, myself, jessica and darcy)... jessica no longer stays in her room 24/7 and the 4 of us stick together downstairs watching movies or playing with Darcy

there's less space to clean up

well thats enough... i gotta take a shower and get dressed... we're off to my grandparents house!


~Crystal~ said...

I tell ya, living with my in-laws was pure hell, but it did teach me to appreciate things so much more. And for that I'm grateful.

Jamie said...

It has to be rough... but it's always good to remind yourself of the good that comes with the not-so-good!