Friday, December 02, 2005

Ho Ho Ho

Matt was off today and we were able to get some Christmas shopping done. We went to Toys R Us. I was shocked at the amount of people there... it was 1pm on a Friday. The store was packed and the check out line was back past the game center. After that we went to the Amen Corner to pick up a few more gifts.

Tonight I attended the ladies Christmas party at the church... Jessica went with me but she stayed in the nursey and helped. Matthew took Darcy with him. He and his dad went Christmas shopping.

Tomorrow is the Alabaster Chirstmas parade... we're supposed to meet up with Kelly and her crew. Afterwards will have some free time unit tomorrow night... which is the Calera Christmas parade. Our church has a office on mainstreet and we're all gathering there for drinks and snacks before the parade.

This may be matthew last friday and saturday off for a while... it looks as though they are going back to overtime next week... but will have sunday off. I guess its okay... we can use the money for Christmas presents.

night night

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