Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Oh what a day!


First of all, just a little to catch you up on - I paid an attorney back in January to help me get an increase in child support. Since january I have met with him once (the day i wrote him the check) and talked to him on the phone 2x (after leaving messages insisting he call me) and had one court apperance in the middle of Sept (he couldn't even call me by the right name!). He has done nothing for me but cause me severe mental anguish (not joking). I had court dates after court dates canceled... some of which I didn't even know I had until after they were canceled! I was supposed to be in court Friday... i got a call this morning telling me that once again the date has changed and they'll let me know when its rescheduled. (the call was from his secretary, who can answer no other questions for me and when i ask she repeats... I'm just the messanger!) I've left him several messages... almost on a every other day basis... but have a i heard from him... HECK NO! I've tried leaving nice messages... when that didn't get me anywhere i left ugly messages letting him know i was very disappointed in his communication skills and felt he owed me a phone call to explain what was going on with my case. This has been drug out for long enough! I'm seriously getting physically ill over the ordeal. I spent most of the afternoon throwing up... and b/c I couldn't stop throwing up I started having nose bleeds!!!!! My mom tried calling his office to find out anything/something but the lady told her she was hanging up b/c she couldn't help her and the conversation was pointless... urgggggggggg! My mom ended up calling the state bar association and they've given her instructions on how to file a formal complaint against him. She made another call to another attorney and was told to 'go after' the attorney. I spoke to Lisa, who know's all, and she suggested I file a grievance (sp) against him for mental anguish. So now we're going to move in that direction and change attorneys. Its not like he's done anything thus far that any other attorney cannot do.

After all this I had to calm down enough to visit the heart doctor... $50 bucks for him to ask me the same questions and get the same answers! I'm supposed to go back after I deliver for more evalution. there's really nothing he can do b/c of my pregnancy... i understand this... i'm not angry with him but i would have rather have saved my $50!

Okay... so tonight matthew and I talk over dinner about how to handle the zachery thing with my sister. We decided I really wasn't up to it, physically, mentally or emotionally, so I'd just better tell her no. I called my mom (who remind you has been on the phone with me most of the day as i'm delirous about the attorney deal)... I called her looking for support (I dunno why... I should have known what she would say). I called her and asked her she thought my sister would understand if I had to tell her know b/c i really didn't feel up to it. Of course, my mom flies off the handle which stirs my dad up in the back ground. They're both screaming at me how selfish I am, and how one day isn't going to kill me and why do i never seem to wanna help anyone else out but think everyone should bend over backwards for me... at this point i'm crying all over again! I end the conversation with i'm sorry i called you for support and she replies with some smart comment that i cannot recall at the moment. i hang up the phone and once again calm my nerves (matthew is livid at this point) and i'm pretty upset that i'd even think she'd understand! So i call my sister and simply say... I cannot keep zachery on thursday... i'm on speaker phone so she says CAN or CANNOT... so i repeat CANNOT (all while praying she doesn't fly off too!). she says okay... and that was the end. now she's not normally the one that would lash out at that moment. she may call my mom and together they may talk about how selfish i am... who knows. but i stuck to my guns and i'm not keeping him. Will see if my parents make any more comments about the situation... pray it just gets dropped!

oh... did i mention the other night about my parents needing me to do something for them???? okay... i'll try and make this quick since i've already written a novel.---- my parents went out of town this past weekend. They were supposed to have someone watch Oscar for them. Saturday night after leaving the christmas party around 10pm i've noticed that my parents have left several messages on my phone. So i call them back and in a very sweet voice my dad says....

dad: hey baby girl, where are you at??
me: I'm leaving the christmas party... is something wrong?
dad: no, i just need you to go by the house in let oscar out... nobody has been by there since yesterday afternoon... he's probably pooped and peed everywhere. do you mind going by there and checking on him?
me: nah, i'll take care of it
dad: okay thanks baby girl, i love you. bye

so matthew, darcy (whose getting restless) and me head to my parents house from Calera (jessica was with her dad's parents). We get there and sure enough he's locked in their room with poop everywhere. I take him out, feed him, water him, and clean up the mess then take him out again! When we get back into the car matthew says... you know they can be really nice when they need something... THIS SAYING TRIGGERED SOMETHING IN MY HEAD... thats the exact same thing they say to me all the time... you're nice when you need someone to help you out. So i call my dad and say in a lovely voice... you know dad you can be really nice when you need something... does that sound familiar... thats what you say to me all the time... he said... i learned it from you... and I said NO! you're the parent I learned it from YOU! night night!

thats the end of my novel.


Jamie said...

I don't wanna be mean, cause I realize that there are two sides to every story... but do your mom and sister have eyes?? Do they see that you have two daughters and two sons on the way? Did your mom recall that you have a heart condition aggrevated by your pregnancy? Does your sister take into account that you are staying at your in-laws house for the time being? I hope after they calm down, they realize what they are doing to you. I love you girl. And I am praying for you. I hope you find a decent lawyer... what a jerk!

Staci said...

Wow what a day...

native-nc said...

Oh my friend, I do not envy you! But I will pray for you & a little thing called sanity!