Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Goodie 2 shoes!

lol... so i'm up right... well i'm not exactly doing anything productive. I called my friend, aimee... she's got 2 kids... 2 months and 2 years (boys). I called her to see what she does this early. She laughed and said nothing... she'd already done it all. She's already washed the dishes, done a load of laundry, vacuumed and picked up the house... all before 9 am. Did I mention she's already gotten herself and her kids dressed!?! What a woman!

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Goodness! That is a lot of stuff done before 9 am. I have found that I am most productive in the mornings too. I get up around 6:30 right now. By the way, there is a whole bunch of stuff on my blog now, so quit bugging me already!