Thursday, December 29, 2005


You are never going to believe what Darcy did tonight!!!!!!!!! She crawled out of her crib!!!!!!!!!! NO I'm not lying!!! It scared us to death!!!!!!! We had put her down earlier but she woke up and we brought her into the living room with us while we finished watching a movie... well matthew put her back into her bed and she was MAD! We've been trying not to run to her rescue everytime she cries so we were letting her 'cry it out' well all the sudden the cry sounds a bit closer... we both rush to her door and open it and there she is!!! Not a scratch on her! What do we do???? I'm so scared to put her back into the crib b/c of all the What If's??? She's only 13.5 months old!!!!!! Was this a fluke or what??? She's playing right now until she gets good and sleepy and then we'll put her back into her crib tonight while we figure out what to do. She's seems to little to already be in a toddler bed. What would you do?????


Jamie said...

Nyquil?? Just kidding! :)

Anonymous said...

ok - I'm no baby expert here.. but this is what my folks did... they had sis' crib between 2 dressers - sis learned how to get up and over the rails, onto the dresser and plunk herself down to the floor. She also learned how to knock the bookcases off the dressers (strong baby!) Her crib had setting so you could lower the mattress - so the rails then were higher up - and not as easy to climb over. Does your crib have that???

Vickie said...

I would not put her back in that baby-bed unless you get one of those mess tents that you can attach to the top to keep her from climbing out. Once they've figured out how to get out, they don't forget. Put her in a youth bed. If she's big enough to figure out how to climb out of the baby-bed, she's big enough to go to a youth bed.

native-nc said...

Justus still sleeps in his crib occasionally. Has she figured out how to get over the baby gate??? As long as her room is baby proof & she can be safely "contained "she should be OK. Sorry if others think this is bad advice but that's just my opinion.