Monday, November 28, 2005


thats how i feel at the moment. I've been fighting off a cold most of Thanksgiving. I'm feeling better today... just a little weak... but seems like I've been weak this whole pregnancy. While I was pregnant with Darcy I hardly ever complained. My friends even made comments about how I never complained with all the junk that went on. This pregnancy has kicked my butt and I've got 4 more months to go! Pray for my hubby... poor guy is wonderful but i'm sure he's tired of my complaining. He's been so good to me. I couldn't have asked for a more wonderful husband... seriously!

Darcy has been a wild child... getting into everything! And then when you tell her "no" she just smiles and shakes her head No.... its hard not to laugh.

Let me tell ya what Jessica did... she's been taking care of me as well during my pregnancy... its hard for me to go up and down the stairs so she's my legs. Yesterday I asked her to bring me some coke (i should be drinking coke)... I took a big sip and it was FLAT!!!! I said "Jessica, did this coke fizz when you poured it cause it taste flat?" she said "yes m'am, I shook it real good first." LOL!!!!!!!! I couldn't stop laughing... bless her heart!


~Crystal~ said...

Man, if I had a car during the day I would come help you out some. If you need anything though, just give me a call.

Jamie said...

HOw funny!