Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Happy Birthday Crystal!

Yeah, well I think I screwed up b/c I told her Happy Birthday yesterday. She made some comment on her blog about getting her b'day present already so I paniced and thought it was yesterday! I should have checked my calendar! But its today!!!!

If I had my box (or should I say boxes) of pictures here with me I'd post some really cool ones of her that i've collected over the years. Lets see... I've known crystal for about 11 years???? does that sound right? She was one of those goodies in the youth group that was always 'reaching out' to me. I'm sure I shot her down a bunch and she probably thought 'to heck with you' but she never gave up on me. She called my parents one night b/c I was at McDonald's with a drunk boyfriend... I wasn't drunk... just pregnant :) I was really upset with her for a looooong time but its friends like that who we need the most.

We used to visit Southside almost every stinkin night... it was our ministry... but sometimes the hoochie mamma (thanks vickie) would come out and i'd try and missionary date someone there. Leave it to crystal to set me straight! Whatever happend to Mark anyways??? lol!

One time on my way to pick up Crystal I spun out on the road in front of her house... I thought Danny was going to beat me :) apparantly in his spare time he smoothes out the rocks for a easier ride. LOL love ya danny!

Oh... i flew out to crystal's wedding in California... had a few drinks on the plane. Got a free bottle of champagne but she wouldn't drink it... so michael and i took care of it. Her mother had made her a wedding dress... not sure what (or who) she used for the measurments... it fit michael (where's that picture!) We had to rush to the mall and find an outfit... I think everything turned out super! i got to do her hair ;) Oh... wait.. on the way to the beach we got rearended... I was thinking oh great! but they just waved at each other and we kept going!

well thats enough about me... happy birthday crystal!


~Crystal~ said...

Awe...That made me laugh & cry!!! My favorite emotion...Laughter through tears. Thanks for the memories & thinking of me.

Vickie said...

LOL!! What a visual!! We did have fun on that trip to Cali. As Micheal says, I was rolling in the floor.